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Palmeiro Suspended 10 Days for Steroid Policy Violation

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  • Palmeiro Suspended 10 Days for Steroid Policy Violation

    Slugger Accepts Punishment, Says He Ingested Banned Substance Accidentally

    NEW YORK (Aug. 1) - Rafael Palmeiro jabbed his finger in the air for emphasis and raised his voice with all the indignation of a man falsely accused.

    "I have never used steroids. Period," he told a congressional panel in March.

    On Monday, nearly five months later, the Baltimore Orioles slugger became baseball's highest-profile player to be suspended 10 days for using steroids.

    While he didn't deny testing positive for the drugs, he insisted that ingesting them was an accident.

    "When I testified in front of Congress, I know that I was testifying under oath and I told the truth," he said during a telephone conference call Monday. "Today I am telling the truth again that I did not do this intentionally or knowingly."

    The 40-year-old Palmeiro became the seventh player to fail a test under the toughened major league policy that took effect in March, rules criticized by Congress as not being stringent enough.

    On July 15, Palmeiro joined Hank Aaron, Willie Mays and Eddie Murray as the only players with 3,000 hits and 500 homers. Baseball would not say when the positive test occurred.

    Without giving specifics, the four-time All-Star left the impression that the banned substance was contained in a supplement that was not prescribed. He said it was an "embarrassing situation" and still did not know what caused the positive test.

    "Why would I do this in a year when I went in front of Congress and I testified and I told the truth?" he said. "Why would I do this during a season where I was going to get to 3,000 hits? It just makes no sense... I'm not a crazy person."

    Palmeiro, who is currently in 9th place on the all-time home runs list with 569, wouldn't predict whether his chances of being elected to the Hall of Fame were damaged.

    "Really, that's not for me to determine," he said. "I hope that people look at my whole career and appreciate that I've given everything that I've got... I respect the Hall of Fame, and if they think that I'm worthy enough, I would be very honored. And if they don't, I gave it all that I had to this game."

    Appearing with Mark McGwire, Sammy Sosa and other baseball stars before a congressional committee on March 17, Palmeiro made an opening statement in which he said, pointing his finger for emphasis: "Let me start by telling you this: I have never used steroids. Period. I don't know how to say it any more clearly than that. Never."

    Palmeiro also expressed indignation over accusations made by former slugger Jose Canseco, who cited Palmeiro as a steroid user in his tell-all book. In an interview on the CBS television show '60 Minutes,' Canseco - who also testified before Congress - said he had injected Palmeiro with steroids.

    Besides condemning steroid use during his appearance before Congress, Palmeiro also took part via conference call in a round-table discussion last month about how to rid sports of steroids with members of Congress and representatives from the NFL, NBA, NHL and Major League Baseball.

    "He ended up being the most outspoken against steroid use and even this guy is in a situation where he's been suspended," said Christopher Shays of Connecticut, the No. 2 Republican on the committee that investigated steroids in baseball. "It just blows me away. Obviously, it calls into question every accomplishment he's had."

    It wasn't clear whether Palmeiro's test was taken before or after he spoke to the congressional panel. Anyone who lies under oath could be potentially subject to criminal perjury charges; Congress has the option of referring the case to the Justice Department, which would decide whether it's worth pursuing.

    Under baseball's drug policy, every player is tested at least once between the start of spring training and the end of the regular season. Some players are randomly selected by a computer for additional tests. All tests are unannounced.

    Baltimore manager Lee Mazzilli said his players were "a little disappointed" but wanted to support their teammate, who began serving his suspension Monday as the Orioles lost 6-3 to the White Sox. Palmeiro would be eligible to return for an Aug. 11 home game against Tampa Bay.

    "The timing obviously is not good," said Mazzilli, whose team has been steadily slipping out of the playff picture, having lost 12 of the last 13 games. "We're going to have to make do right now. We're going to have to band together as a team and fight through it."

    The players' association challenged the positive test in secret proceedings, and the penalty was held in abeyance until arbitrator Shyam Das decided Monday not to overturn it.

    Palmeiro will lose $163,934 of his $3 million salary during the suspension. Because the penalty was delayed, it meant at least one member of baseball's management-union medical panel initially found there was a "reasonable basis" for Palmeiro's challenge.

    The arbitration panel headed by Das, in a statement released by the union, said Palmeiro could not prove the positive test "was not due to his fault or negligence." It also concluded, however, that Palmeiro's testimony was "quite compelling," and it did not find reason to believe he was lying.

    President Bush - who owned the Texas Rangers while Palmeiro played for the team - called Palmeiro a "friend" in a round-table interview with reporters from several Texas newspapers. "He's testified in public, and I believe him," Bush added.

    Palmeiro sounded contrite on the conference call, saying he hoped there was something to be gained from his suspension by educating players to be more careful about what they put in their bodies.

    "I made a mistake and I'm facing it," he said. "I hope that people learn from my mistake and I hope that the fans forgive me."

    Union head Donald Fehr said the suspension "should serve to dispel doubts about our determination to rid baseball of illegal steroids, or the strength or effectiveness of our testing program."

    Associated Press sports writers David Ginsburg in Baltimore and Howard Fendrich in Washington contributed to this story.

    08/01/05 23:36 EDT

  • #2
    Palmeiro Will Be Remembered as Cheat, Liar
    Slugger's Feeble Alibi for Positive Steroid Test Doesn't Cut It

    Rafael Palmeiro has his place in baseball history. And it's not 500 home runs and 3,000 hits.

    Nor is it playing 150 games a season. That's sad. He showed up for work everyday and did his job about as well as anyone who ever played baseball.

    He was immensely popular among teammates, too. He played the game right. He cared. I've known him casually for a decade and can't say one bad thing about him.

    Sadly, he's not going to be remembered for any of those things.

    He's going to be remembered for something else. A cheater for one thing. A liar for another.

    Whenever you think of his magnificent career, you can begin with this: He was the first prominent player to test positive for steroids.

    Barry Bonds, Mark McGwire, Sammy Sosa and many others have been connected to steroids in various ways. All have denied using them. And there's no real proof (yet) that any of them used steroids.

    Palmeiro is different.

    He got caught. He was slapped with a 10-day suspension. He offered only a weak alibi, saying something about his not taking the stuff intentionally.

    Come on, Raffy, you can do better than that.

    Why don't you say aliens forced you to take them?

    Your defense is that you're stupid. Your defense is that you didn't know what you were taking. That's ridiculous.

    Players have been warned since the beginning of steroid testing to be careful what they put in their bodies. Be careful of steroids and other performance-enhancing chemicals. Be careful of supplements.

    I don't know if you're stupid or arrogant or simply dishonest. It doesn't matter, either.

    Your career, the one you'd worked so long and hard on, is never going to be looked at the same way.

    The Hall of Fame? That's up in the air, too. Frank Robinson said last week that if a player is known to have used steroids he shouldn't get in the Hall.

    I agree with Frank.

    Palmeiro isn't getting my vote.

    Maybe I'll feel differently by the time he gets on the ballot. Voters on baseball's Hall of Fame are specifically instructed to consider character issues. And using steroids is a character issue.

    They were added to baseball's list of banned substances in 1991. Even though testing didn't begin for another 12 years, players knew that taking them was cheating.

    It's even worse for players like Raffy Palmeiro because he didn't need them. He was an accomplished player before steroids. He simply was greedy. He wanted more home runs, more millions.

    Because he took them, some young players may have been compelled to take them as well. And maybe some high school boys and girls, too.

    Palmeiro seemed so convincing last spring when he told a Congressional committee looking into steroid use that he'd never used them. He still says he was telling the truth. He says he took something unintentionally. He can't possible think anyone will believe him.

    He hit one home run in his first 99 at-bats this season. He had 17 in his next 235 at-bats. What happened? Did he start so slowly that he needed a little pick-me-up?

    I'm guessing Bud Selig isn't completely unhappy. He has been urging the Major League Players Association to agree to dramatically stiffer penalties for steroid users. Where Palmeiro will get a 10-game suspension, Selig wants first-time offenders to be suspended for 50 games. He wants a second-time offender suspended 100 games. And a third-timer would be suspended for life.

    The union is doing what it usually does. Nothing. It's not saying yes. Not saying no. It's simply giving Selig no answer.

    He wants amphetamines banned, too. The union says it's thinking about it.

    If the players really want steroids out of the game, they can tell their union to agree to the tougher punishment.

    Otherwise, simply say you don't care much one way or the other.

    But then again, it's too late to undo a lot of the damage. Because the union fought testing, almost every player the last decade plays under the suspicion of steroids.

    Only Palmeiro got caught. So far.

    Here's the best part. It's unclear how much steroids really helped. Even with testing, home run totals have declined only slightly.

    Numbers gurus like Bill James said steroids didn't have the impact on home run totals some people thought.

    But there's little question some players took steroids and hit more home runs than they'd ever hit before. Those guys are the cheats.

    Palmeiro today is the most prominent player in that class.

    Congratulations, Raffy.

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