Clemency Call For Kaptain
by: Tigger and LSUfan
Gather all the men,
And meet up on deck;
I have a confession to make,
That may cost me the neck.
It’ll be a tale of pride.,
Even contain a lil’ glory;
Grab ye a pint men,
It’ll make one hell of a story.
For generations they will ask,
If the tale is really true;
If you’re ready, I will start,
The epic of Tigger and LSU:
A young sailor at last,
Swabbing the deck was he;
LSU was a loyal man,
Mutiny there would never be.
For he valued his friend Kmann,
And held him in high esteem;
LSU wanted more to his purpose,
He knew it was but a dream.
The feelings built inside,
And one day the Kaptain jest;
LSU said it was wrong,
He wanted to be the best
So Tigger came to his side,
And gathered up his clan;
He convince LSU to strive,
To be the best he can.
So they plotted all night,
The ship into LSU’s hand;
We leave the Kaptain behind,
Laying in the sand.
But when time came about,
And the ship’s wheel we did till;
We knew it would never work,
For the Kaptain’s shoes; we could NOT fill.
So I come to you, ole Kaptain,
Begging this here plea;
If you consider nothing else,
Let LSU and I ride with thee.
For we live by the knife,
And die by the sword;
But of all the things LSU deserves,
It’s not the AOTM award.
We will sit at your side,
And become as your friend;
We will fight for your name,
And be loyal to the end.
We will share all we have,
Even our last keg;
Please Kaptain just consider,
It’s your forgiveness that we beg.
by: Tigger and LSUfan
Gather all the men,
And meet up on deck;
I have a confession to make,
That may cost me the neck.
It’ll be a tale of pride.,
Even contain a lil’ glory;
Grab ye a pint men,
It’ll make one hell of a story.
For generations they will ask,
If the tale is really true;
If you’re ready, I will start,
The epic of Tigger and LSU:
A young sailor at last,
Swabbing the deck was he;
LSU was a loyal man,
Mutiny there would never be.
For he valued his friend Kmann,
And held him in high esteem;
LSU wanted more to his purpose,
He knew it was but a dream.
The feelings built inside,
And one day the Kaptain jest;
LSU said it was wrong,
He wanted to be the best
So Tigger came to his side,
And gathered up his clan;
He convince LSU to strive,
To be the best he can.
So they plotted all night,
The ship into LSU’s hand;
We leave the Kaptain behind,
Laying in the sand.
But when time came about,
And the ship’s wheel we did till;
We knew it would never work,
For the Kaptain’s shoes; we could NOT fill.
So I come to you, ole Kaptain,
Begging this here plea;
If you consider nothing else,
Let LSU and I ride with thee.
For we live by the knife,
And die by the sword;
But of all the things LSU deserves,
It’s not the AOTM award.
We will sit at your side,
And become as your friend;
We will fight for your name,
And be loyal to the end.
We will share all we have,
Even our last keg;
Please Kaptain just consider,
It’s your forgiveness that we beg.