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Now I Know Why Spark's Been Busy All Week

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  • Now I Know Why Spark's Been Busy All Week

    A friend on mine's Grandmother told me that there has been a dance contest all week long at the nursing home Spark lives in.

    Spark made the finals. Congrats buddy!!!

    Here's a picture of Spark and his partner in the dance-off...

    Spark In Action
    "Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
    is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"

  • #2
    Jimmy - His partner is fine ... I think I hit that ass once.


    • #3
      hahahahaha Real funny kiddo .. You are a regular riot ... hahaha

      Now i know what the Kapt is saying about AOTM ...


      • #4

        Originally posted by SPARK
        hahahahaha Real funny kiddo .. You are a regular riot ... hahaha

        Now i know what the Kapt is saying about AOTM ...
        I will be doing an all out campaign for LSU to get the AOTM award....Go back and look at his posts, and then see where he lies in the following disciplines..

        Courteous---yes--but are there motives......

        Sincere--fvk no....

        Heartless---you betcha--no ones immune

        Rotten---to and below the core...

        Merciless--takes no prisoners

        Concerned--fvk no

        Humouous---sometimes--most of the time---hell, all the time

        Thin Skinned---like an Armadilla or Knight going to war

        Respects ones Privacy--look what he did to me--with that picture...My privacy was invaded..

        Morals---he can't spell the word much less have any

        Invades Threads---like a Jewel Thie in the night---Bastage is there before you know it--strikes and goes away--

        Respects Elders---fvk no

        Sassiest on site---By Far

        Remember this fellows---he has no limits, and has plenty of time for that sick mind to come up with something...Dangerous I say...

        DO I LOVE HIM---hell yes---but I used to have a pet Alligator (8' long too) at one time, till that Bastage turned on me...Now have 4 belts, and 2 pair of boots...

        Guys---If he doesn't qualify for the AOTM (AssHole Of The Month), I'm missing something here...

        The Kaptain would like all his crew members, followers, friends, and even the one's who don't like me, to do a FAVOR for the Kapt...

        Lets vote for this person who will never have hemroids, cause he's a PERFECT asshole...What say yee mates---I thinks its a solid vote...deservingly so...

        LSU for AssHole of the Month
        Last edited by Kaptain; 06-18-2005, 08:48 PM.

        Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


        • #5
          Kapt, that is hysterical .. Great job ... Very true .. The guy is heartless .... He has been posting some nasty shyt about me also ...

          He is melancholy though ... head like a melon and a face like a Collie ... hahahaha


          • #6
            Kaptain ~ "The Bad Burrito"

            Originally posted by kmann
            The Kaptain would like all his crew members, followers, friends, and even the one's who don't like me, to do a FAVOR for the Kapt...

            Lets vote for this person who will never have hemroids, cause he's a PERFECT asshole...What say yee mates---I thinks its a solid vote...deservingly so...

            LSU for AssHole of the Month
            Nice try Pops, but I have too many good friends here at BC. They will never turn on me.

            And I'm not done with you either.
            "Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
            is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"


            • #7
              AOTM race is getting tough with Dime, Rwall, and LSU.......decisions, decisions, decisions...hummmmm
              "Sometimes it's not what you play, but what you don't play."


              • #8
                Originally posted by keawe
                AOTM race is getting tough with Dime, Rwall, and LSU.......decisions, decisions, decisions...hummmmm
                Vote for Rwall BUDDY!!!!!!!
                "Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
                is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"


                • #9
                  You know something LSU, with all those pics from those gay sites, I think Rwall is redefining the title "asshole of the month"!
                  "Sometimes it's not what you play, but what you don't play."


                  • #10
                    You see what i mean Mike1??? hahahaha


                    • #11
                      It's definatey going to be a very close and interesting race this time around.


                      • #12

                        Originally posted by SPARK
                        Kapt, that is hysterical .. Great job ... Very true .. The guy is heartless .... He has been posting some nasty shyt about me also ...

                        He is melancholy though ... head like a melon and a face like a Collie ... hahahaha
                        He also has teeth like pearls, and his face looks like the rest of the Oyster.......I'll get him...Bastage he is...

                        Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


                        • #13
                          LSU's Cocky Statement

                          Originally posted by Lsufan
                          Nice try Pops, but I have too many good friends here at BC. They will never turn on me.

                          And I'm not done with you either.

                          This is the epitome of arrogance....He thinks he has a lock---you know what we think of people who portray that BS....

                          He's going down....LSU for AOTM....He's earned/earning it even more on a daily basis...It's obvious fellows, remember three letters at voting time---L S U...kapt

                          Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


                          • #14

                            Originally posted by Mike1
                            It's definatey going to be a very close and interesting race this time around.
                            Shouldn't be close at all...10Dime has been behaving extremely well this Month (since Therapy started)...

                            rwall--has been working a lot, and has been keeping a low profile...

                            LSU on the other hand---has been posting over 20 posts a day, and 1/2 of em are shots at some one...He truly is the prime candidate for this award...

                            Vote for LSU...kapt
                            Last edited by Kaptain; 06-19-2005, 09:09 AM.

                            Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


                            • #15

                              Originally posted by Lsufan
                              Vote for Rwall BUDDY!!!!!!!
                              don't fall for that weak plea....he knows he's gonna win this time around...Keawe--look at the evidence around you my man---he is the AOTM---nothing can disguise that...

                              Keawe---vote for LSUat voting time---he's truly earned it...kapt

                              Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!

