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Satellite TV question

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  • Satellite TV question

    hey guys.. I was talkin to this friend of mine, and he said his uncle gets satellite tv for a lifetime for a flat rate of 800 dollars.. he called a satellite company and asked them if it was all legal, and they said it was.. but the only problem with those things is that they don't have customer support like the kinds the satellite company offers.. If this is true, does anybody have any more info on it? name, company, and what not. I also want to know wether they have enough channels so that i can justify getting it or not. Thanks

  • #2
    I would ask your friend for that info as i've never heard of getting everything for $800 besides it being Legal.


    • #3
      I would also like to know as $800 for a lifetime seems very hard to believe.
      Am I the longest tenured BC member?


      • #4
        It might be one of those big ass yard dishes. My family had one of those 20 years ago. We lived out in the country and didn't have cable so my dad bought one. It was great for a year or so then they scrambled the satellite signal and we couldn't get anything unless we bought descrambling equitment. If I remember right my dad just bought the big ass dish and the receivers and that was that but like I say that was 20 years ago and I havn't seen one of those dishes in someone's yard in years.


        • #5
          What happens if the company goes under in 3 months? There goes the $800


          • #6
            Originally posted by frankb03
            What happens if the company goes under in 3 months? There goes the $800
            that applies to everything....
            Remember, its not WHAT you know, its WHO you know!

