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How Hot is this Blonde???

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Homer
    Totally agree Frank. Once the sex gets old with her. Where to you go from there.chuckie cheese where else its the only place where a kid can be a kid ?????????

    wow homer u r showing your age big time buddy
    give her a toss salad and work on that yo yo
    plus she is not goodlooking in the face probably needs a cock and balls to hide it girl on the right that is a take home special
    and probably more down to earth girl on left has a attitude from hell writen all over her face lol
    rjeremy for my accounts manager/i love how he keeps numbers


    • #47
      i dunno bout a 10 buddy ive seen plent better , girls face on the right is better...shes a butter face to me.........everything good on her butter face


      • #48
        They are Both 10 in my opinion


        • #49
          So every hot chick bitches a lot? I thought it was just a general thing with all women.


          • #50
            she would be alot hotter with no clothes on!!!!!!!!!!!!!Nothing wrong with fake tits I love um MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!
            NFL RECORD 16-14-0 + 1UNITS

            College Basketball 8-3-0 + 5 Units

            College Football 6-6-1 -4 Units

            NBA Basketball 11-12-0 -3 Units

            NHL 1-1-0 + 0 Units


            • #51
              THe Natural Girl on the right! " I would drag my dick over a mile of broken glass, just to hear her fart over a walkie talkie"!!!!!!!!!!!
              "3 Stacks of High Society."


              • #52
                Originally posted by DZNUTZ
                THe Natural Girl on the right! " I would drag my dick over a mile of broken glass, just to hear her fart over a walkie talkie"!!!!!!!!!!!
                LOL, That is something i didn't want to read twice but i laughed my ass off!

                Traditions, you just guaranteed me driving around Tenn. if i'm ever in that neck of the woods! :D


                • #53
                  The girl on the right seems to be the clear cut winner here!


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by BettorsChat
                    So every hot chick bitches a lot? I thought it was just a general thing with all women.
                    1 of 1 Morons


                    • #55
                      1 moondoggie fart


                      • #56
                        Hey Rj...

                        Is she another ex????? And how does she get that skirt to defy gravity and stay up?? by the way exactly my style! love the look! If she's looking for a bartenders job in south florida tell her to call me!!! murph


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by RJeremy
                          I am the 1st to say that I LOVE fakes, and PREFER them 100 to 1 over real!! They look way better in outfits and bikinis.
                          I couldn't agree with you more!!! The last ex had fakes and I couldn't get enough of those things! They literally look good from every angle imaginable! :christmas

                          P.S. RJ don't get mad if I stare when your girl comes out to Vegas.


                          • #58
                            Instead of talking about those tits we should be talking about them pants! Her god damn kooch is almost showing!!!!


                            • #59
                              Blonde = 8.5
                              Brunette = 9.5


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by BigMike
                                I couldn't agree with you more!!! The last ex had fakes and I couldn't get enough of those things! They literally look good from every angle imaginable! :christmas

                                P.S. RJ don't get mad if I stare when your girl comes out to Vegas.

                                nah, i don't get mad.....

