hey phonepole
i sold drugs to fuck a little fat boy in a polka dot bikini-i was choking him while driving it home which was causing him to really tighten up his muscles-well i got carried away and his little rectum really locked down on me-poor guy was DOA-guess that counts as NECRO//p.s. buddy you havent had good sex till you do a fainting goat or a tipping cow-MOOOOOOOOOOO!! p.s.-ide rather here a little fat boy fart than the angels sing..hello satan-ITS BEEN A LONG TIME-CONTRY GUITAR DERDERDERDER!!
i sold drugs to fuck a little fat boy in a polka dot bikini-i was choking him while driving it home which was causing him to really tighten up his muscles-well i got carried away and his little rectum really locked down on me-poor guy was DOA-guess that counts as NECRO//p.s. buddy you havent had good sex till you do a fainting goat or a tipping cow-MOOOOOOOOOOO!! p.s.-ide rather here a little fat boy fart than the angels sing..hello satan-ITS BEEN A LONG TIME-CONTRY GUITAR DERDERDERDER!!