Early one morning, LSUFan was walking along the bank of Bayou Que de Tortue behind his house. All of a sudden, he noticed that the family outhouse, located right on the bank, was tilting dangerously toward the bayou; the heavy downpour from the previous night had serious eroded the bank where the outhouse was located. Being a boy (and a pretty canaille one at that) and reasoning that the outhouse was beyond salvage, LSUFan picked up a big stick and whacked the outhouse - really peléed it - and watched as the outhouse toppled over, fell into the bayou, and quickly sank under the muddy waters. A few hours later, LSUFans father, KMann came up to him and with anger in his voice asked, "LSUFan, did you knock that outhouse into the bayou?" "Papa," the boy answered, "like George Washington, I cannot tell a lie. I did it." "Mais, LSUFan, come with me maintenant to the woodshed. You are going to get the whipping of your life!" LSUFan was shocked by this turn of events and said, "Papa, when George Washington told his papa that he had chopped down the cherry tree, his papa didn't give him a whipping." "Mais no, LSUFan," said his father The Kaptain, "but George Washington's papa wasn't in that cherry tree when he cut it down, either."
No announcement yet.
Right back @ you Kapt
Alittle Bayou accent to give us some realism......
KMann was driving trew Breaux Bridge late one night and da police pulled him over and went and tap on his window and he roll down da window and da policeman say, "Could I see your driver license?" so he show him his driver license. He said, "Kapt. Karl, you were speeding" and The Kapt. said, "No sir , I wasn't." He said, "Kaptain, you were speeding. Da speed limit trew town is 25 and you was doing 75". He said, "No sir, I wasn't speeding," he say, "And I got me a witness". He said, "What do you mean, you got a witness?" He said, "I got my wife, she's in da car wit me." So he walk around to da other side of da car, he tap on da window and Ms. Kaptain roll down da window. He say, "Ms. Kaptain, was the Kaptain speeding?" She say, "Well, I don't know." She say, "I never pay no tention to him when he's drunk!"Remember the three R's:
Respect for self; Respect for others; and Responsibility for all your actions.
Den dare was da time dat LSU boy went to da lumberyard, Fred Mills lumber yard and he said he wanted to buy some 4 by 2's and Mr. Fred say, "Well, we don't have any 4 by 2's", he say, "We have some 2 by 4's." And da LSU boy say, "Well, my Popa, the Kaptain, is kinda particular, I better go check wit him." So he come back about an hour later and Mr. Fred say, "You figured out what you want?", "Yeah," Guidry said, "My Kapatin said since you outta dem 4 by 2's, he tink he can make dem 2 by 4's fit." "Well, okay," Mr. Fred say, "How long do you want them?" "Oh", LSUFan say "He gonna need 'em awhile, he plan on building a boat!"Remember the three R's:
Respect for self; Respect for others; and Responsibility for all your actions.
Spark was driving his pickumup truck down the levee pretty fast one day. A Louisiana State Trooper spotted Spark, and took off after him, but Spark just kept going faster and faster. The trooper turned his lights and siren on, but Spark just kept going. After about twenty miles, Spark ran out of gas, and had to stop. The trooper jumped out of his car yelling at Spark, "Why didn't you stop ? I know you saw me !" Spark replies, "Well, officer, I'm truly sorry for dat. But you see, a few years ago my wife, Marie, she ran off wid a state trooper, and when I saw you, I thought you was him tryin' to bring her back. So I was tryin' to get away fast.Remember the three R's:
Respect for self; Respect for others; and Responsibility for all your actions.
A baby crawfish and its mother were walking along a ditch when the baby crawfish who had gone ahead, comes flying back down the ditch. The mother followed and asked, "What is the matter?" The baby crawfish answers, "Look that big thing right there." The mother says "Don't worry about that; it is just a cow." So they keep walking. Then the baby crawfish comes flying down again. The mother asked again, "What is the matter?" The baby says look at that thing right there. The mother says "That is just a dog; it will not hurt you," so they kept walking. Then suddenly the mother goes flying by the baby crawfish. The baby crawfish asked its mother what's wrong, and the mother said, "Run! That's a Cajun and they eat anything."Remember the three R's:
Respect for self; Respect for others; and Responsibility for all your actions.
Rwall, you are a riot!!!Glad to see that you can pop in from time to time to give us a laugh.
Hope all is well with you and your work.
"Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"
rwall---well done--loved the lil Cajun accent and slang way of talking---particularly loved the word "canaille one"...you had to pick that one up from some french/bayou person....That was my nickname by my grandmother when I was younger..."Canaille" being the Cajun Slang for Caniving/shrewd one....I loved it...kapt
Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!