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  • #16
    we have brown recluse spiders here in north carolina

    that picture is blown up huge

    they are almost microscopic very small

    when they bite you the poison kills your tissue and from what i have heard you have to cut out the area that is affected or it keeps spreading

    i worked with a guy that got bit that had to have his arm amputated

    we got black widows to they are nothing you want to fuck with either they will kill ya
    we can share the women, we can share the wine
    we can share what we got of yours cause we done shared all of mine.


    • #17
      This is what bit the Kapt's son and put him in the hospital ... He also has to go for surgery cause it left a whole in his hand ... Horrible


      • #18
        Steen my son was bit on the Underarm....Starting from his arm pit towards his elbow, he has a 2" x 6" hole that looks like picture 10.....They finally stopped it from spreading, using steroids (of all things)....He was in the hospital 2 days after it bit him, stayed 11 days, and still has a hole covered by bandages, cahnged 3-4 times a day, cleaned out with Saline solution, he takes a shot a day, and some skin is growing back....Probably will have plastic surgery after the skin grows in....Brown Recluses are predominant in Okla and Texas....No cure or instant antibiotic as of yet for their bites...The Dr here may have pioneered a good thing by using steroids to counteract it....Once they put him on roids, the erosion stopped immediately, and started improving.........There are cases of smaller (5 yr old) who died from these bites..A very painful thing....

        Steen is ok---a pretty damn good scar is inevitable---we figured the spider bit him while he was sleeping....They hang around wood piles, are very tiny, and can get in a house through a very small (Minute) crack........I immediately went to my wood pile after Steen got bit, and found some there----I just threw away all the Firewood, and sprayed pretty damn good.....kapt

        Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


        • #19
          So glad he is doing better Kapt .. Hope you did not mind me saying what I did in my post ... Just wanted to educate some on this damn thing ... Have a great day Kapt .. We love ya man ...


          • #20
            Glad to hear that your son's going to be ok. Hopefully it's just a scar and there's no damage to his arm.
            Hope all goes well with the recovery, and like Spark said, we all love you buddy!!!....Take care!!!
            "Sometimes it's not what you play, but what you don't play."


            • #21
              thats incredible kmann. amazing what something so small can do. im sorry that happened, thank God your son is doing better
              Questions, comments, complaints:
              [email protected]


              • #22
                my friend got bit was in the hospital for 3 months had a staff infection go to his heart, died twice on the table< open heart sugery> on top of that brain infection had surgery through his skull scar about 12 inches some other side infections really don't know but had surgery on them he's 27 out now "no insurance" 1.2 million dollar bill
                didn't even know he got bit it was in one of two houses he was in (ne. central PA) and he got bit twice..................his reply towards the spider Quote: I hope I rolled over the fucker and killed him. IT'S TRUE
                A Quote' By Warren Buffet...'worlds richest Man'
                "When you get to my age, you'll measure your success in life by how many of the people you want to have love you actually do love you.That's the ultimate test of how you've lived your life."


                • #23


                  • #24


                    • #25
                      those things are no joke/////
                      MY MEAT IN THE HOT DESERT.......

