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The Pope has Passed Away

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  • The Pope has Passed Away

    Very Ashame Good Man Good Hearted

  • #2
    Too bad. He was a great Pope.


    • #3
      I will now

      say a prayer for someone who deserves one from everyone on this planet...


      • #4
        666,Hit on the Pa night Lottery Yesterday. Pretty weird coinsidence!


        • #5
          One of the great human beings God put on this Earth. For me personally and as a Catholic, it is a very sad day. God bless him and all he has done for man kind. He will be sorely missed.


          • #6
            Being a catholic he was an amazing human being...may he rest in peace
            Quitters Never Win, Winners Will NEVER Quit


            • #7
              May he rest in peace ... he brought Catholicism/Christianity to MILLIONS and HAD The GREATEST WORK ETHIC I HAVE EVER WITNESSED !! Served right UP 'till the END ! In short he Walked the Walk ...

              RIP JOHN PAUL II


              • #8
                Originally posted by chuck lazar
                666,Hit on the Pa night Lottery Yesterday. Pretty weird coinsidence!
                Thanks for sharing Chuck !!

                PS no corelation....


                • #9
                  Amen Ldawg.
                  Dan, I didn't know you were Catholic. Makes me feel even worse. Again, sincerely sorry.

                  Today is a sad day for all.


                  • #10
                    When I origionally posted that analogy, there's no way I could have known what you revealed. Otherwise, I would have never posted that. I still felt bad about it and have twice apologized to you. You are Catholic, you should know better. One of the basic principles of that religion is forgiveness. I was man enough to apologize, twice.... if you can't be man enough to accept my apology and call it water under the bridge, well fuck ya. Ya can kiss my ass!


                    • #11
                      What....!!! fuck me... I honestly had forgetton all about it i accept your apology didnt see the other apology and first time seeing this one...Just for the future try to use analogies not involving family you might find out something you shouldnt ya know..
                      GL bud in the future
                      Quitters Never Win, Winners Will NEVER Quit


                      • #12
                        Your full of shit Dan! The first time I replied and apologized you were on this sight for hours after that. You expect me to believe you didn't once click back on that thread when you saw I had reposted. Bullshit! Your pissed cause I hit the nail on the head, just used a bad analogy. For all I know, your lying about that too. Your full of shit! And yes, go fuck yourself and the monopoly money you play with. I'll say it again, 2+2=5, doesn't add up. Play all those units and can't send Wayne $50 via pay pal cause the funds aren't in your account. Anybody who plays all those plays and units has a local and offshore accounts and would always have funds available in their Paypal account. Your full of shit!


                        • #13
                          paypal won't work with offshore accounts


                          • #14
                            use neteller. fast and easy to use!!! No problems and most if not all offshores are using them now instead of paypal.
                            Get the best line possible....or you can just gamble!


                            • #15
                              Whatever, he's still full of shit. A teenager playin' w/ monopoly money living vicariously through others on the site. Do I think he's a decent capper? Yes, I do. Do his picks help others on the board? Yes. But he's full of shit! I was man enough to apologize, assuming he was telling the truth about that, a true Catholic as well as any stand up man would accept a sincere apology and call it water under the bridge. I made a mistake, but at least I'm an honest and stand up guy. He's full of shit and kiss my ass. Nuff said!

