A man has been in business for many, many years and the business is going down the drain. He doesn't know what to do and is seriously contemplating suicide. He goes to his Minister to seek his advice. He tells the Minister about all of his problems in the business and asks the Minister what he should do.
The Minister says, "Take a beach chair and a Bible and put them in your car and drive down to the edge of the ocean. Go to the water's edge. Take the beach chair out of the car, sit on it and take the Bible out and open it up. The wind will rifle the pages for a while and eventually the Bible will stay open at a particular page. Read the Bible and it will tell you what to do."
The man does as he is told. He places a beach chair and a Bible in his car and drives down to the beach. He sits on the chair at the water's edge and opens the Bible. The wind rifles the pages of the Bible and then stops at a particular page. He looks down at the Bible and sees what he has to do.
Three months later the man and his family come back to see the Minister. The man is wearing a very expensive Italian suit. The wife is all decked out with a full-length mink coat and the child is dressed in beautiful silk. The man hands the Minister a thick envelope full of money and tells him that he wants to donate this money in order to thank the Minister for his wonderful advice. The Minister is delighted. He recognizes the man and asks him what advice in the Bible brought this good fortune to him.
The man replies: "Chapter 11."
The Minister says, "Take a beach chair and a Bible and put them in your car and drive down to the edge of the ocean. Go to the water's edge. Take the beach chair out of the car, sit on it and take the Bible out and open it up. The wind will rifle the pages for a while and eventually the Bible will stay open at a particular page. Read the Bible and it will tell you what to do."
The man does as he is told. He places a beach chair and a Bible in his car and drives down to the beach. He sits on the chair at the water's edge and opens the Bible. The wind rifles the pages of the Bible and then stops at a particular page. He looks down at the Bible and sees what he has to do.
Three months later the man and his family come back to see the Minister. The man is wearing a very expensive Italian suit. The wife is all decked out with a full-length mink coat and the child is dressed in beautiful silk. The man hands the Minister a thick envelope full of money and tells him that he wants to donate this money in order to thank the Minister for his wonderful advice. The Minister is delighted. He recognizes the man and asks him what advice in the Bible brought this good fortune to him.
The man replies: "Chapter 11."