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as promised from the other thread...

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  • as promised from the other thread...

    These links are outdated as to the info they publish as far as "going to happen" they are more along the lines of
    "already happened."

    http: //www . glycommunity . com/ iahf/

    http :// www . lef . org / click on "consumer alerts"

    back in the early 90's, when the FDA threatened your right to choose, congress received more letters on that issue alone than all others combined. this goes beyond the FDA.

    Wallstreet, take notice, this is a great time to look into nutraceuticals as well as pharmaceuticals

  • #2
    20 supplements the eu may soon ban

    20 Vitamins the EU Will Soon Ban ; (And Where You Can Find Them

    Daily Mail

    02 Feb 2005

    FROM August, 5,000 food supplements are likely to disappear from UK
    shelves. This follows an EU directive demanding that only ingredients
    on a restricted EU 'approved list' be sold. Here, ANGELA EPSTEIN
    highlights the most popular vitamins and minerals which will be

    BORON Product facing ban: Biocare Osteoplex.

    TRACE mineral needed for absorption of calcium. Deficiency has been
    linked to osteoporosis and arthritis. Boron is also believed to
    stimulate electrical activity in the brain, increasing mental

    Natural sources: Grapes, nuts, pears, beer.

    VITAMIN E Facing ban: Biocare Tocotrienol Plus.

    AN antioxidant which protects against damage by the free radicals
    associated with degenerative diseases. Vitamin E consists of a number
    of related compounds called tocopherols and tocotrienols. Naturally
    occurring versions of these compounds are to be banned.

    Natural sources:Wheat germ oil, sunflower seeds, hazelnuts, peanuts.

    CALCIUM Facing ban: Solgar Advanced Calcium Complex capsules.

    CALCIUM works with vitamin D and is needed to build bones and teeth,
    and for cell function. Helps regulate heartbeat.

    Those listed to be banned include many bio available forms, which
    means they are more easily absorbed by the body.

    Natural sources: Dairy products, broccoli, watercress, tofu, sardines,

    ORGANIC CHROMIUM Facing ban: Viridian GTF Chromium Complex capsules.

    VITAL for balancing blood sugar levels by boosting the effectiveness
    of insulin. Widely used by diabetics.

    Natural sources: Meat, cheese, brewer's yeast.

    POTASSIUM Facing ban: Nature's Plus Dyno Mins Potassium capsules.

    WORKS with sodium to regulate fluid balance, heart rhythm, nerve
    impulses and muscle contractions.

    When potassium levels rise, sodium levels dip, so potassium can help
    offset the effects of excessive sodium (such as fluid retention and
    high blood pressure).

    Natural sources: Fish, lentils, kidney beans, tomato juice.

    IRON Facing ban: Health Aid Iron Bisglycinate capsules.

    ESSENTIAL for the production of haemoglobin - the pigment in red blood
    cells that transports oxygen around the body. Many of the organic forms
    of iron that are more easily absorbed by the body will be banned.

    Natural sources: Liver, chicken, wholegrains, spinach.

    SILICA Facing ban: Bioforce Silicea.

    ALSO known as silicon, this works in conjunction with boron, calcium
    and other minerals to support bones, arteries, connective tissue, hair,
    skin and nails.

    Natural sources: Oats, alfalfa, onions, root vegetables.

    ORGANIC SELENIUM Facing ban: Pharma Nord Bio-Selenium Zinc tablets.

    CONTRIBUTES to healthy immune response and helps regulate the thyroid

    Selenium is also involved in healthy sperm production.

    Natural sources: Brazil nuts, wheat, barley, rice.

    VANADIUM Facing ban: Higher Nature True Food All Man capsules.

    TRACE mineral necessary for bone and tooth development. Too little may
    result in high cholesterol, poor sugar control, as well as
    cardiovascular disease.

    Natural sources: Corn, sunflower and olive oils, parsley, oats, rice.

    COPPER Facing ban: Solgar Chelated Copper Tablets.

    USED by every cell to process oxygen. Stimulates collagen and needed
    to build bones and cartilage.

    Vital to the nervous system.

    Natural sources: Offal, cocoa, lobster, crab, spinach, whole grains.

    MANGANESE Facing ban: Biocare Nutrisorb Manganese Ascorbate.

    NEEDED for healthy joints and to help build bones and connective

    Plays an essential role in allowing body to produce energy.

    Natural sources: Pulses, brown rice, nuts, avocados.

    PHOSPHOROUS Facing ban: Nature's Plus Ultra-Mins Amino Acid Chelated.

    VITAL for energy and for building bones and teeth. Facilitates
    absorption of many nutrients.

    Natural sources: Dairy products, meat and poultry.

    ZINC Facing ban: Allergy Research Group Zinc Picolinate tablets.

    CRITICAL for normal growth and reproduction. Needed for a healthy
    immune system, night vision and our ability to taste and smell.

    Natural sources: Red meat, sunflower seeds, oysters, peanuts.

    PRO-VITAMIN A Facing ban: Biocare Microcell Lycopene Plus capsules.

    PROTECTIVE against infections.

    The forms that will be banned include many of the natural carotenoids
    which are found in vegetables, and which, when eaten, make vitamin A in
    the body.

    Natural sources: Orange-fleshed and dark green vegetables.

    VITAMIN B1 Facing ban: Nutri Multi Liver Formula capsules.

    KNOWN as thiamine. Essential in the release of energy from
    carbohydrates and for healthy skin.

    Natural sources: Lean meat, fish, pulses, fortified breakfast cereals.

    SULPHUR Facing ban: Higher Nature MSM Sulphur tablets.

    BAN includes all forms of sulphur including Methyl Sulphur Methane,
    used for arthritis, carpel tunnel syndrome and back pain.

    Natural sources: Protein from animal and vegetable foods.

    MOLYBDENUM Facing ban: Thorne Research Molybdenum Picolinate.

    A TRACE mineral and essential component of enzymes involved in the
    production of DNA. May also reduce tooth decay.

    Natural sources: Offal (particularly liver), yeast and green leafy veg.

    METHYLCOBALAMIN (a form of Vitamin B12) Facing ban: Life Extension
    Foundation Methylcobalamin.

    NEEDED for growth, the formation of healthy red blood cells and a
    healthy nervous system.

    Natural sources: Meat, poultry, fish.

    VITAMIN C Facing ban: GG Vitamins Magnesium Ascorbate.

    VITAL for growth, collagen formation and healing wounds. Will be
    banned in a variety of forms, including magnesium ascorbate, a form of
    the vitamin that's less acidic than the usual ascorbic acid.

    Natural sources: Kiwi fruit, peppers.

    MAGNESIUM Facing ban: Butyric Acid Complex AN essential component of
    bones and teeth. Helps ensure smooth functioning of nerves and muscles.

    Natural sources: Leafy green vegetables, wheatgerm, nuts

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