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Flooding in Pennsylvania (Monday's "Possible" Headline)

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  • Flooding in Pennsylvania (Monday's "Possible" Headline)

    Associated Press

    Pennsylvania - There are many reports of flooding in several towns and cities throughout the State. The Governor has called a State of Emergency. Rivers can't handle the flow and people are heading for higher ground. President Bush has denied all requests from the State after getting word that it has not rained or snowed in days. The cause seems to coincide with the Steelers and Eagles losing Sunday night. State Police have noted that everyone seen has been crying horribly. One Woman when asked what the problam was said, "My Steelers Lost", another man in Eastern Penn. stated "4 YEARS IN A ROW, DID YOU HERE me,4 YEARS" he then sadly jumped off a bridge, luckily Jerome Bettis was floating by under the bridge from Western Penn. and ended up saving his life by working like a trampoline to save him, Jerome and the unknown man managed to swim to land and find a Bus to bring them to safety.

    The Governor has asked for all terrible towels to be bagged up and used as sand bags to stop the flow of flooding. The Mayor of Pittsburgh has reported Quote: "By Tuesday we expect to have a 4th river outside of Heinz field". He went on to say, "It should boost the economy and give fans another option on getting to the stadium".

  • #2


    • #3
      I'm not sure you can get anymore gay than this.


      • #4
        Originally posted by fishniz58
        I'm not sure you can get anymore gay than this.
        Are you a Pitt. or Philly fan? Hey man go release and relax a little bit. Learn to have a little fun once in awhile!


        • #5
          pretty good wayne. this will be an exciting weekend no matter what happens.

          i for one will be devastated to lose this game. so, IF new england wins......take it easy on Monday. and i'll do the same.


          • #6
            Originally posted by wayne1218
            Are you a Pitt. or Philly fan? Hey man go release and relax a little bit. Learn to have a little fun once in awhile!
            You got that right, It's a fun week, and that's all it is supposed to be, alot of whoffing and jagging.


            • #7
              RJ,chuck, I'm 50/50 on who i think is winning this game! I do enjoy the one week before hand though to mess with people on the games! It's sports and without them i don't know what i would be doing so enjoy it while we can. It could be worse, we could be a fan of one of those 28 teams already eliminated. Trust me when i tell you i've been abused by NY Yankees fans for YEARS.I still have not quit shitting on Yankee fans up here and i won't until the new season starts. I OWE THEM FOR ALL THOSE YEARS!

              I will take easy Monday either way because in the big picture this game means nothing if they lose the SB, and that goes for both teams (IMO)!

              Good Luck Brother!


              • #8
                Yep its all in good fun, I dont hate the steelers. AH wait a minute who the fuck am i kidding yes i do. LOL j/k.

                PATS 31
                Steelers 10

                I'll be $50 richer come monday. Thanks in advance for being a standup guy Chuck and paying me!!!! Thank you my friend.
                2013 NCAA POD Record

                8-3ATS +3.80 units

                2013 NFL POD Record

                1-2 ATS -4.50 units

