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Laci's Mom Lashes Out at Peterson

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  • Laci's Mom Lashes Out at Peterson

    Penalty Phase Begins for Murders

    REDWOOD CITY, Calif. (Dec. 1) - Scott Peterson simply watched as his former mother-in-law rose out of the witness chair and screamed at him for killing his pregnant wife, Laci.

    Sharon Rocha, wearing a gold heart-shaped pendent with a picture of her daughter in it, took the stand Tuesday in the penalty phase of Peterson's murder trial. She wrapped up the state's case the same day it began, giving the most emotional testimony of four family members called to the stand. Laci's older brother, younger sister and stepfather also spoke.

    "She wanted to be a mother. That was taken away from her,'' Rocha said to Peterson, who was convicted Nov. 12 for the 2002 murders of his wife and the 8-month-old fetus she was carrying.

    Rocha went on, her voice cracking.

    "Divorce was always an option - not murder,'' Rocha said in a voice so loud that some jurors jumped.

    At one point, Peterson dabbed his eyes with a tissue. Jurors will recommend whether the 32-year-old former fertilizer salesman should be executed or get life in prison without the possibility of parole for the 2002 murders.

    Throughout the testimony, prosecutors displayed photographs of Laci, including one from Mother's Day 2002. Taken a week after Laci's 27th birthday, the picture showed Laci, her mother and her grandmother.

    Mother's Day, Rocha told the jury, would never be the same.

    "The first Mother's Day (after her death) I laid on the floor and I cried most of the day because she should have been there,'' she sobbed, her chest heaving.

    "I can hear her giggling,'' Rocha said, gazing at a larger-than-life image of her daughter displayed on a white wall screen. "She didn't just smile, she would giggle. She would kind of bend over when she would laugh.''

    Earlier, prosecutor Dave Harris said Laci's death left a hole in her family's hearts "that can never be repaired.''

    "When the defendant dumped the bodies of his wife and unborn son into the bay, those ripples spread out and they touched many, many lives,'' Harris told jurors.

    The only appropriate punishment, he said, is death.

    Prosecutors had argued at trial that Peterson strangled or smothered his wife in their Modesto home on or around Christmas Eve 2002, then dumped her body into San Francisco Bay. The remains were discovered four months later a few miles from where Scott Peterson claims to have been fishing the day his wife vanished.

    "It was just the worst thing you could think about, like a nightmare,'' Amy Rocha, Laci's younger sister, said, describing how she felt as she helped search for her sister.

    Brent Rocha, Laci's older brother, said he tries to remember the good times they shared, but those memories are "overshadowed all the time by how she died ... and maybe her knowing who did it.''

    "I don't think I've ever heard her be more excited than the day she called me up to tell me she was pregnant,'' he said. "She was going to be a great mother.''

    The defense was expected to begin presenting its case Wednesday. Witnesses testifying on Peterson's behalf can speak about anything that might show him in a favorable light as his attorneys try to convince jurors his life is worth sparing.

    12/01/04 05:29 EST

    11-30-04 1707EST

  • #2
    This is so tragic .. My heart goes out to this family ... I really do not know what I would do if that was to happen to my daughter .. seriously, I most likely would be in a cell .. I know that would not help anything but how could you possibly control yourself if this was to happen to your flesh and blood?? ... How could you sit in a court room just a few feet away from someone that did this to your daughter?? I feel sorry for his parents also .. They certainly didn't deserve this .. Horrible ...


    • #3
      spark I agree with you 100%. If that was my daughter that got murdered scott would already be dead. I have an eye for an eye mentallity. I have zero faith in our justice system as well. Anything less than Scott peterson in a casket is simply unacceptable in my mind. This scumbag doesnt deserve to breath the same air we do. It makes me sick that Scott peterson actually plead not guilty. Talk about insulting.
      2013 NCAA POD Record

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      • #4
        I hope he does get put to death, even though lethal injection, or however they do it in CA, would be too easy on him. Like 10dime said an eye for an eye, however he killed her, i don't actually know, should be the same way he has to die. Scott Peterson burn in hell :angryfire


        • #5
          Even better

          I hope he gets life so he can rot away in a cell and so his prettyboy ass can become some jailmates bitch. Death is just too easy, he deserves to rot.


          • #6
            Originally posted by SPARK
            This is so tragic .. My heart goes out to this family ... I really do not know what I would do if that was to happen to my daughter .. seriously, I most likely would be in a cell .. I know that would not help anything but how could you possibly control yourself if this was to happen to your flesh and blood?? ... How could you sit in a court room just a few feet away from someone that did this to your daughter?? I feel sorry for his parents also .. They certainly didn't deserve this .. Horrible ...
            Spark, I agree! I'm the father of 3 beautiful girls. They are my whole world. If anything ever happened to any of them I don't know how I'd cope.

