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  • #16
    Originally posted by THICK 1
    are the partner sites listed on the top right corner of this page
    i assume you own this site bettorschat, do you also own those sites?
    Sportsbooks at top

    I own the partner sites


    • #17
      yes that is what i meant and also that is what i thought.
      you are in this or running and owning all these sits to make money arent you?
      i know im goingt o be the asshole here thru this discussion but on one of your sites you are selling consensus plays of the services and that is the main hit on this site also and i mean evidentally you are doing very well because i think when i forst signed up you only had 2 or 3 web sites .
      and the people that post service plays here alot of them pay their money for them and im sure there is money to be made for someone that coudl monitor the posted plays here and then resale them ..
      i mean you yourself immed me and emailed me and asked me about the consensus reports that i get and post here for free but althogu i paid for them out of my own money.
      i am quite sue that out of all the money you make from the various sites and the advertisers or sponsors on these sites , somehow im sure you coudl scrape up and afford another server or a kick ass one. im sure the sponsors woudl not like the site if it was always locked up either. yes im sure they woudl love if everyone here would sign up to their service or their books also, but a hell of alot of people spend alot of money on plays and spend a hell of alot of time and come to this site and post them for free also.
      and in most other companies you also have to put money back into it to make it bigger and better , and i know i dont know alot about servers or all of your bussiness and how much you make from these sites either but i woudl assume you are not losing money since you have expanded and you are getting bigger also fromt he looks of the sites so im pretty sure their is money in it for you at some point, im also prety sure if there was not much or not any money onto these sites that they woudl not be here also they woudl go belly up.
      so anyways thats all i have to say for now
      but i woudl also hate to see this site when u have over 35,000 hits in a day on the service thread always be to busy for people to post, and to get information,
      but if it is up to us the posters to pay for the server then id ont want to hear that this site is here for peopel to post because that will definately mean that there is only one reasonf or this site and that is to make money and that woudl be the bottom line cause right now the people that post and are here for the information are the ones getting hurt by all the traffic and not being able to get online.
      and again i say what comes to my head when i am tyoing and thinking so i type it.
      so this isnt in any order or anything else .
      and i have alot more and could go on along time about this but i know i will get some kind of smart remarks or i bore people or some bull liek that so i wont bother .
      but it is getting to be tiresome to have to try and get on here when i am giving my consensus away for free
      when on your opther site you are selling consensus plays for 25 a week and some other deals i saw on there.
      and i dont know where you get ur consensus from but i sorta doubt that you went out and purchased each individual service that you sell on the other site so i woudl assume some of those plays and services come from what is posted on this site .

      THICK 1


      • #18

        I took networking courses, and I can tell you the only problem I think is there is to many connections at once that is causing the server to overload. I don't think their is much to do about it except upgrade the processor and memory in the server.


        • #19
          A little dose of reality

          The biggest losers when people can't access this site is and its sister sites. The rest of us are here and getting stuff for free---that's why it's a great site. I'm a veteran gambler and an astute web user and the material at this site is the best there is and the worst there is. In other words, because this site is so popular you get a lot of really good stuff---excellent free handicappers, good service play sharing, provocative opinions, along with a lot of bs---babies whining about losses, posting inane comments, fake services using shills to hype their no account services, etc. Patience please. I'm sure the owner doesn't want to mess up a good thing. I don't mean to offend those who have complained because I also have had trouble getting on, but I think we all need to realize it is not in's interest to make it hard to access the site.

          Let's all remember we are getting a whole lot of something here and paying a whole lot of nothing. Good luck to all.


          • #20

            Your last sentence said it perfectly!

            You are 100% correct!

            Nice points....
            Three reasons for teaching:

            June, July and August


            • #21
              THICK 1,

              I'm not sure what you're problem really is at all. You accused me in the service thread of not going to do anything regarding the problem which is false as i've stated by this thread. Can you comprehend that I can't run out and just do something before finding out exactly what the problem is then finding the best solution to the problem??

              And i'm quite familiar with business 101 and how a business grows etc. Do you think my business grew without me doing anything at all?

              And you think i'm making money off service plays because of the service thread? I allow people like yourself to post the services for free on here. How many accounts could I be losing, because of that? I sell the report that I put out because its much more detailed with records, newsletter plays etc.

              And no I don't use your consensus report as mine are updated before you even post.

              As for asking users to sign up to the sportsbooks I don't think that's asking too much.

              The sportsbooks that I have on the site are good books, good bonsuses, low juice and reliable/pay. What more can you ask for?

              My feeling is if you come to the site and use the free services etc, and enjoy then help support it by using the site sponsors. Maybe you would prefer some other sites that have had numerous crap books that went belly up with their posters accounts. I don't take just any book on this site. Would you prefer that I take any book?


              • #22
                Re: Network

                Originally posted by TheMako
                I took networking courses, and I can tell you the only problem I think is there is to many connections at once that is causing the server to overload. I don't think their is much to do about it except upgrade the processor and memory in the server.
                The overload problem is a mySQL problem as its a resource hog. The processors that I have now are dual 2.4 xeons with hyperthreading and 2 Gig Ram with dual SCSI raid drives. Uping the ram isn't going to help as I will have to get another server. It's figuring out how to configure the 2 servers is the problem.


                • #23
                  well the people who say everything on this site is free is full of it also.
                  yeah i fyou do not ever buy anything and do not post anythign here it is totally free for you but those of us that pay for the services plays and post them for the people to see this site is not totally free for those people that post the plays do not always get them free . i know people that have paid for out of their own pockets 5 different services that cost over 500-1000 dollars a year for fottball and those are the services that people usually do not show on consensus reports also but they come on here and post plays , so saying this is a free site, well it might be free to people that just come on here and do not have any input and get free plays on here , then to those it is free but for those who have paid for the info they put here it is not free but they post as i do also and we do not have to do that either , we do or i can speak for myself is that i wanted to contribute to the site because i do think it is the best site also and it is maybe a bad thing cause it is so good cause now it is hurting itself to be that good. and i never said you personally use my report to get ur plays from , i said the plays that we all post im sure you get some form them, maybe im wrong but i dont think so since u urself immed me and emailed me and wanted to know if i was going to get it, but anyways i dont really care it goes on if not with u it will with someone,
                  but if everyone woudl stop paying for those free services that everyone thinks is so free and you dont get anythign posted in the service section u can go to other sites and see how dead a site is without a good service thread, and you can see wha ti am talkign about cause i go to a couple of them and they are dead compared to this one but i also see alot of people wondering to other sites also because of this problem also because they cant get on here during some of the most crucial times of the weekend. so just give it time maybe eventually you bettors chat will not have people like me on ur site to bitch and raise hell and cause you headache and trouble and stir shit up. or whatever peopel think of me , but to me this site is not totally free as i work a full time job and enjoy handicapping and gambling and i spend alot of time on this site as well as others and i have spent my own money on plays and some services for myself and also but i also share with you the peopel on this site for nothign and that i dont have to do , it is not part of the requirment to be here or when i pay for my plays.
                  so for me it is not free, maybe u should make it a pay site and since you have all the services plays before you say i do and assume everyone else does then make sure someoen that gets on this site make them sign up to a service or aone of ur ad books before they cant get on here then and that will cut ur membership down to about 100 and i am sure nothing or any upgrades will ever need to be done again.
                  yes i know you are working on it,
                  but 3 weeks to find the problem and thats just to find it, cmon ur going to tell me that if a business computer system was messed up for this long u dont think there woudl be someone fired or replaced? and no way it woudl go on for this long but since this is just a free service and we do not pay to be here maybe its not a big deal. but i wonder what or how long it would take if all the advertisers here said get it fixed this week or we all are going to pull out , then i wonder how long it would take to get it fixed.
                  and as far as the sight downtime, i dont really care anymore , yes i do get info off of here and a hell of alot of good info but u know what i get my plays emailed to me and have a phone for contacts to get the rest if needed. so let it go down i dont have to get on here and post what i have i am not the one that will be missing the plays i ask for a very few number of plays i see alot of people asking me for what i have far more than i ask others.
                  so get mad with me if you want and say what you want but all that will do in the long run is make my day easier and give me more time, so hell maybe its a good thing.
                  do what you want to bettorschat then keep it going down , then.

                  and yes i do think you are making money off of the service thread. and thats not saying just my report but to answer your question i absolutely think you are making money from some of the plays listed there .
                  have a good day
                  THICK 1


                  • #24
                    THICK 1,

                    You know what if you don't like me that much then move on to another site. As i'm not going to continue to argue with you over stupid shit. I'm tired of your attitude as it sucks.

                    Yes I did ask you about service plays through IM and you lied to me and stated you didn't have any.

                    If you spending less time at this site is great for you then by all means do that as I don't care anymore. I've tried being reasonable with you and you do nothing but bash me. Taking pokes at me here and there about how i'm not doing this or that when you don't know jack shit about what i'm doing or not doing.

                    By the way the main reason this thread was started was, because of your bullshit post yesterday stating that I wasn't doing anything regarding the problem.

