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  • Wayne?

    I am not even sure what you mean about "Check again, it has been edited." The fact is, I knew that it would be edited and I also knew you would cave due to your lack of backbone. That was also why you closed that thread. I am thrilled that you have seen the light and will let SP stay and I am glad that my actions caused that..............

    Carry On................

  • #2
    I closed the thread because it is the only way to stop you from re-editing your post.


    I'm a jerk for not letting him post in "All Sports" where he has never been a problem (unlike you in some service threads).

    And now i'm a jerk for trying to work with him a little :confused:

    I guess it's my night to get abused cause it's been happening for about 4 hours now. It's o.k., i can take it.

    It's easy to judge in your seat but mine is a little different. No matter what i do there will always be 2 sides to every story and there isn't much i can do about that.

    Thanks for making my friday night such an enjoyable one. I only wish you could have found something better to do with yours.



    • #3
      no hard feelings wayne, i think that everyone is just havin a bad night, ill still use the forum but im just gonna be low key, and not post anymore service plays or anything... time for a corona
      ....CUZ I'M RICK JAMES BBYYAATTTCCCHHH!!! Show Charlie Murphy ya titties!!


      • #4
        Hell Wayne, I know that I am a jerk! I just did not realize that you could be one too.......Maybe you should relinquish that seat you have.............To me!!

        This place would rock!!!! I can take plenty of abuse and I usually do.......You are just too nice of a guy for this position and I do really mean that....


        • #5
          Lou, i make my living selling Corona. Thanks for the support!

          I have zero ill feelings towards anyone tonight except POWER106. No matter what i do at times half the members will disagree. You have seen it many times before. People post service talk or picks in "All Sports" discussion and people jump on them to keep it in the services forum. There will always be unhappy members at different times. It kills me to say that but it is true. It's human nature to disagree. I'm sorry tonight it was your turn. I certainly didn't mean for that to happen.


          • #6

            I'm not here to make friends......... but i certainly see no need to live life with your attitude either!


            • #7
              Wayne it takes all kinds of living beings in this world to make it go around. Sometimes it takes someone like me to get things accomplished. There are lions, sheep, and men who like sheep. I am a lion. I am not sure which category you fit into but dammit I do like you!!

              Carry On............


              • #8
                Originally posted by wayne1218
                Lou, i make my living selling Corona. Thanks for the support!

                Wayne you a bartender?


                • #9
                  nope. I work for a beer distributor selling


                  • #10
                    Oh cool, could probably use a couple after tonight, huh? At least the Phils are trying to get it done for you. Hope they hold on!!


                    • #11
                      I'm watching the football game on but i have the MLB scoreboard up. They finally scored some frigin' runs! :D I can't believe Bowa is still there.


                      • #12
                        Wish they would fire him and Ed Wade! I think they pretty much threw the towel in and will wait for the off season. Very disappointing year!!!

