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yes sireee !!!!!!!!!!

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  • yes sireee !!!!!!!!!!

    i tried to forget what kind of a man he can truely be.

    its easy to get good players.. gett'n em to play together thats the hard part.. casey stengel

  • #2

    its easy to get good players.. gett'n em to play together thats the hard part.. casey stengel


    • #3
      why dont you seriously give it a rest and quit bein a bitch by trying to cause problems?
      ....CUZ I'M RICK JAMES BBYYAATTTCCCHHH!!! Show Charlie Murphy ya titties!!


      • #4
        Originally posted by SweetLou
        why dont you seriously give it a rest and quit bein a bitch by trying to cause problems?
        I couldn't agree more.


        • #5
          Being Adults :

          We all have to agree that any sort of trouble here is not good .

          But Gentlemen , why dont you try going to the souce when trying to stop it instead of the tail-end . We all know whats on the tail and its not the brains of any creature Im aware of .

          But then again that would require you to do something it appears your not quite up to , and refrain from getting ugly here thats not our purpose . Our purpose is to be informed and if you are such , you have to know this was a reply to a certain assualt and we all have taken notice you didnt go there


          PS - To prove a point that must have slipped under our radar , just take a look at all the Pad-Locked threads on this site .

          I wonder whos name happens to all ways be there ...... without even opening them you cant miss whats evidently the truth unless of course its by design ?
          Last edited by MemphisMafia; 08-17-2004, 10:03 AM.
          " The Wind Does Not Wait For The Tree To Bend "


          • #6
            For further info...........

            I know what this post was in reply to. What happened between you and a certain other is your business and his. None of certain others. I am not here to get to the source, that is your beef. Just can't stand the run-off.


            • #7
              Tony :

              We both agree two wrongs dont make a right , but how can you overlook the perpetrator but then not fail to overlook the defender . Looks a little fishy to me


              PS - no doubt that its caused run-off , but no one goes to the source of that river around here and I have said for 7 weeks you have to stop the water to avoid the erosion
              " The Wind Does Not Wait For The Tree To Bend "


              • #8
                No doubt it takes two but his threads are locked as soon as he posts.................but others that bash back aren't. So if you wanna talk fishy start with those. Much like this one. Makes you wonder doesn't it.


                • #9
                  Not at All :

                  Tony , nothing fishy about this .

                  But you yourself bring up a valid point , why are they locked my man ?
                  " The Wind Does Not Wait For The Tree To Bend "


                  • #10
                    it seems to me that you guys are the ones that are trying to keep this thing stirred up
                    ....CUZ I'M RICK JAMES BBYYAATTTCCCHHH!!! Show Charlie Murphy ya titties!!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by SweetLou
                      it seems to me that you guys are the ones that are trying to keep this thing stirred up
                      I agree again.

                      MM, I can't figure out why they are locked and why this isn't. Is it b/c of his vulguar language? I notice your defenders use the same. If it smells bad, chances are it is bad.


                      • #12
                        Sweet Lou :

                        I beg to differ , but you are entiltled to your opinion .

                        Tony and you both have failed to address my questions here .

                        Why ?

                        And I entend to keep this civil , if at all possible

                        You both say in this tread I might add , that Luv2 is stirring the pot . When in "FACT" he was defending himself from a slanderous assualt and I cant help but notice neither of you have addressed that issue ......... not once !

                        I also must add that come to think of it you have never once made a remark about his causing this thread to even be here in the 1st place .

                        Please read the above again and if you can address any of my questions , then I will reply . If not then I will consider this to be a mute point and my point was made !

                        And lets not fool ourselves boyz , you cant have a fire unless someone strikes a match ...... but that seems to be overlooked ?

                        " The Wind Does Not Wait For The Tree To Bend "


                        • #13
                          To be civil is correct. I for one know who you are refering to as the problem. My point is that when he creates a thread or post in a thread to defend himself, I know it is always in a vulgar way, and that thread gets locked. Now I ask you "WHY"? I have repeated over and over that I don't know "WHY".


                          • #14
                            Tony :

                            Originally posted by Tony Vegas
                            I agree again.

                            MM, I can't figure out why they are locked and why this isn't. Is it b/c of his vulguar language? I notice your defenders use the same. If it smells bad, chances are it is bad.
                            Luz2 , did use the word ( #*#*) which is very common place around here for lack of ability to express oneself adequately . And I am not fond of its use , but thats another issue all together .

                            Other than that evidently acceptable word , he just answered the assualt . No if , No buts ...... just answered it !

                            And my contention is you and Sweet Lou managed to single him out and not the source ...... thats exactly what happened !

                            Granted I feel that your being selfish for a very good reason and that is we all want this to stop ( a no brainer ) . But I feel as though no ones got the balls to go where THEY NEED TO and get this done !

                            And everything being discussed here has shown me that this is a fact Tony . Its all about the tail and not about the cause and in my opinion you will fail to get anything done till you cut the head off this issue .

                            Thanks again for I can tell you why this isnt closed Tony ...... adults are talking here and that was never the case in those other threads . Remember Private Messaging around here ?

                            I do and I can remember also how this entire forum lost that privilage ........ Good Day

                            G.L. To Ya As Always
                            " The Wind Does Not Wait For The Tree To Bend "


                            • #15
                              There are two things you are very wrong about here. One is about this thread not being locked b/c adults are talking here. This thread started like all others that were locked and by myself and you being civil now doesn't change the fact. If you look at the thread created yesterday, it was locked RIGHT AWAY. Secondly, myself not having the balls to say something to Wiz is just plain iggonrant on your part. I can't get into Wiz's thread b/c by the time I see them they are closed. That is the part that bothers me. I see plenty of other people go around acting the same way but their threads are not closed RIGHT AWAY. I am done with this subject b/c it has run its course. There is something very strange here and I think you are right about the rat in the woodpile. I just don't think people notice who it really is yet. GL!

