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I will have access to over 100 football services.

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  • #61
    Northcoast Sports is the way to go

    That's the one everybody wants, even seasoned veterans like myself LOL
    Please don't question my record or I will leave!!!!


    • #62
      instead of posting 100 services want to post services that are worth it

      thats all


      • #63
        That's a good idea Tony

        Thanks for thinking ahead
        Please don't question my record or I will leave!!!!


        • #64
          you missed...Pyschic Sports(wiseguy pro, and college majors), and Sports Adv isors(Delaney, Benton, Adams, Darden, Rivers)


          • #65
            How about Gary Sanders sports, anybody ever hear of him. His free comp line is 800-950-3388. His comp picks are pretty good, but don't know about his service. Help from anyone


            • #66
              Tony Caruso

              Hope it works out, Tony, generous of you to offer to share far as services go I like to check my work against Dr Bob, OCD, the Professor at Fixerwins, & sometimes Texas Sports Wire ...let's all keep cool heads & pool our info for a winning season ...

              edit: also look at Northcoast, as someone else mentioned

              glta, nonigoji
              Last edited by caper; 08-07-2004, 01:14 PM.

              Burnin' Media To The Max!


              • #67
                GARY SANDERS



                • #68
                  Thanks Tony

                  For the help. With whatever respect is due Frankb, and Homer, there are those of us who ARE interested in the picks of some of the services in your consensus. As for only the newbies being interested, I've been at this football business for over thirty years and I'm not so arrogant as hate on all services just because they charge for their plays. Admittedly, 90%+ are scammers but there are a few who have consistent winning records over many, many years. IMHO, BC has two distinct groups of posters. One group will continually talk about the fact that ALL services are scams and that they (or other BC cappers) are the only help you'll need in beating the man. And, in fact, there are some very good cappers in the Forum. By and large though, just as 90% of the services are scammers, 90% of the cappers in this, and every other Forum are also losers over the long run. And I DO respect those of them who consistently post winners and monitor their results. As you will see throughout the upcoming season, though, alot of the talking heads out here will talk up their success when they hit a hot few weeks, but, you will not hear alot from them when they go cold (as most inevitably will). My theory is that a great number of the members who hate the services are simply arrogant. For some reason, "if I don't handicap my own winners, it's not worth PLAYING the winners"

                  Anyway, there are a large number of others out here who DO WANT to get some of the service plays. As I said earlier, I've been at this a very long time. When I was younger, I too, thought that I could cap 'em just as well as anybody else...paid or not. Hell, I played college football so I know as much about the game as some guy in a dark room with a puter and a database..WRONG!!! And, unfortunately, that little lesson cost me around $17,000 over a number of years. Look, I still have losing seasons ocassionally. Over the last eight years, I've had two losing seasons (one really bad one and one not too bad), one breakeven season (after juice) and five winning seasons with two of them being REALLY good. Do I follow "hot" services like a lemming? Hell no. Like alot of the guys out here, I have an inherent distrust of virtually every paid capper. Having gotten consensus services for more years than I can remember, I am firmly convinced that with few exceptions, most of the time when a nobody gets hot...its just blind luck. As a specific example, Wayne Root started last year 12-2 in the pros....AWESOME. But I've gotten his plays for years, and the fact is that I know he isn't worth a crap. So I wasn't swayed by his "white hot" start. By the end of the year, he had gone from 10 games over .500 to twelve games below. And there are always a few services each year that mirror such a performance.

                  If you can cap 'em and beat 'em on your own, congratulations and I wish you continued success. But...if you are looking for some help look to EXECUTIVE, NORTHCOAST (though you will find a helluva lot of people that swear Steele is a huckster), and the ORIGINAL UNDERDOG (there are at least two "imposters" here though) The original "Dog will have no more than ONE play per day and has only two play strengths. No "stars', No "units' No "percentages"....He has singles and an ocassional double...THAT's ALL.

                  I know virtually every service in your list and, yeah, from time to time most of them will find lightning in a bottle, but I've monitored most of them personally (screw the Sports Monitor) and with very few exceptions you can count on any particular service to lose money over the course of the season.

                  Lastly, I'm not trying to start the war that always heats up out here (every year) between the service players and the service haters. When it brews up, frankly I find myself caught in the middle. Since I think the vast majority are thieves, scammers, or criminals (the "syndicates" like Feists' NSS degenerates, the Lawrences, Senior, Junior (aka Cinncinnatti Kid), and their cohorts, and on and on), for the most part I agree with the haters. That being said, though, I won't go into a season without the three services I've listed above. I AM NOT A PAID SHILL...I HAVE NO FINANCIAL INTEREST IN ANY SERVICE OF ANY KIND. GLTA


                  • #69
                    Re: Thanks Tony

                    Originally posted by BiloxiUMreb
                    For the help. With whatever respect is due Frankb, and Homer, there are those of us who ARE interested in the picks of some of the services in your consensus.

                    I hit the bigtime on BC and I have never said I hate SERVICES

                    To Funny
                    1 of 1 Morons


                    • #70


                      • #71
                        What about ASA (Amercian Sports Analysts)

                        They claim ASA was +33.9 Net Stars Last September and +113.2 Net stars the last 4 Septembers Combined (Juice Included)

                        I realize thay lost money last year in Football, But September at least has been good!

                        Would appreciate your posting ASA 3* and higher plays at least for September.


                        • #72
                          Glen McGrew plays if possible.
                          Thank you.


                          • #73
                            Biloxi-I for one appreciated your long but very well thought out and informative post.
                            I myself have been following these guys since services regan to flourish sometime in mid to late 70's.
                            What you said is so true, and as much as I kid about NorthCoast and Phil's long winde ads, in my mind if you are patient, there is no better service for a 5* than theirs.
                            Last edited by savage1; 08-14-2004, 11:44 AM.


                            • #74
                              For Football - The Origional " Underdog" is an absolute must.

                              And MMM is correct - there are impostors out there .



                              • #75
                                For what it is worth

                                While I read a lot of posts and try and consider who is betting on what team it really boils down to a few cappers that I consider worth betting for more than shxts and grins $$

                                Alpha order
                                Allstar Sports (Ron Hamilton) TOP plays only (3 stars 2 stars are ok)
                                Bankers Sports(Bobby Banker in Hawaii)
                                Blazer (Gordon Michaels)
                                NorthCoast (Phil Steele) pretty much his entire card in pro's and his top college plays
                                Psychic Wiseguy (I don't know a blessed thing about him/them except I won with his top plays last year and I know some folks that swear by them)
                                Sycamore (John Carrington) Baskets
                                Note: Wiseguy sports (nothing to do with psychic wiseguy) won't cost you money in the long run but is prone to going ice cold for spells.
                                Last edited by LLWM; 08-14-2004, 12:59 PM.

