i want sean michaels. hes pretty good in football both pro and college. and good in college hoops. dont bother with his baseball and nba. hes not a consensus service guy so i would imagine he would be tough to come by. i have a connect that gets stu feiner up until like november. ill post his picks if needed
BOB Balfe
ATS(higher version)
OC Dooley
hell get em all...after we monitor em a while, we'll narrow it down....Thanks for offering...kmann---aka---kaptain TOF
I only heard of this service late last year,but from what I saw they were damn good.
Randy White's Cowboy Club.
I think that's the name but I'm not sure.Only two or three plays per Saturday,but like I said,from what I saw they were pretty good.Maybe someone else has some info on these guys.
That is the former Cowboy Randay White. He is in with Roots boys. I really made some money from his Cowboy Club. He only has a few picks a day. I like Roots Millionare playes and the best ones the No Limit plays
I cannot believe you guys are requesting plays from the likes of Stu Feiner, Wayne Root, Kevin Duffy, Jeff Allen, Trace Adams, 3G Sports, Jim Friggin Feist, Marc Lawrence, The Animal, Sean Michaels, etc.
All of these guys SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And that's putting it mildly!! Wow, didn't relaize this many people on here enjoy PAYING their bookie/offshore account. What a way to lose...my 3-year old niece can pick better than these con men.