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  • Stress


    The confusion created
    when one's mind
    overrides the body's
    basic desire to choke the
    the living shit out of some
    asshole who desperately
    deserves it.

  • #2
    That may be 1 form of stress, but my dog was sick on a Sunday and the vet was closed until Monday and she was dry hiving(sp) and it sounded like she was going to die a few times it STRESSED me out.

    I took her that Monday and she had sever kidney failure. I let them keep her a week and give her meds and something that made her not throw up. She didnt make it back home. RIP to my dog Rudy. I so miss her. She was 14 years old. Also I had to pay 440 dollars and still owe them 600. Id have paid whatever I just think I shouldn't have let them do that for a week, she was miserable in there.


    • #3
      Also a few more nights while she was at the vet I couldn't sleep = stress.


      • #4
        Very sorry to hear the news about ur dog
        Questions, comments, complaints:
        [email protected]


        • #5
          Originally posted by jcindaville View Post
          Very sorry to hear the news about ur dog
          thx man. Yeah it is just something that is inevitable. Its sad. The dog was so sweet. A beagle for half of my life is a tough loss.


          • #6
            LWA, Sorry to hear about your pup. I made the mistake about 20 years ago when mine developed cancer at the age of 15. I also tried to save him with treatments and meds. I was so selfish I did not want to lose him. All it did was prolong his agony. He lasted about a month. Never again.

            Like you said, it is a tough loss. They are with us for such a brief time.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Letswinalot View Post
              That may be 1 form of stress, but my dog was sick on a Sunday and the vet was closed until Monday and she was dry hiving(sp) and it sounded like she was going to die a few times it STRESSED me out.

              I took her that Monday and she had sever kidney failure. I let them keep her a week and give her meds and something that made her not throw up. She didnt make it back home. RIP to my dog Rudy. I so miss her. She was 14 years old. Also I had to pay 440 dollars and still owe them 600. Id have paid whatever I just think I shouldn't have let them do that for a week, she was miserable in there.
              Had a similar situation twice on 2 of my dogs in the past. Gambit was my female Akita that started having seizures and there was only 1 overnight clinic in this shit hole area. Took her there and basically said she would have to take epilepsy medication from now on. Put her in the car where she proceeded to defecate on the floor and fell down behind the seats. Went back in and they took her in over night to keep an eye out on her. Picked her up the next day and she slept downstairs with me. I left my room for 10-15 minutes and my mother called to me and told me she had passed. Went in there and sure enough she was gone within less than 24 hours. She was only 4 1/2 years old. Regular Vet said she probably had a blood clot that went to the brain, but I wasn't about to have them cut her up to find out. What was odd about this is she started having these seizures right after I was diagnosed with myoclonic jerks which I had to take a seizure medication for. After her passing I came off the medication and have never been back on it.

              March 2010 my male Jack Russell Kosmo wandered behind some trees and I could tell something was wrong. Was growling at me etc. Eventually got him and now we had 3 overnight places in this shit hole. They did x-rays and said something was stuck in his stomach. I mentioned giving him some chicken bones about a week earlier and for the first time ever I had a vet tell me the way that they eat/swallow chicken bones is the way they come out. I had no idea! He was dehydrated as well and they tried getting everything out. Said it appeared to be small hard pellets. We then took him to the regular vet which said he had to do surgery or he would need to be put down. They did the surgery removing 18 inches of his intestine. The vet told me he thought he had cancer in the area that they removed so I asked him about the rest of his stomach which they did a search and didn't find anything else. I called in the next morning and he was sleeping as he was tired from the surgery. Needless to say my parents showed up at my house and I asked them is Kosmo dead? And they told me yes that the vets office just called and let them know. His intestine that they took out was sent out to a lab to see if it was cancer or not. Some asshole at the vets office proceeded to call in and cancel the lab biopsy without even asking me. I had my parents go to pick him up as I couldn't because I would have beat the shit out of every male in that place as they had him under too long (based on the above heart problem) and cancelling the biopsy without my consent was bullshit!

              The Vet said he had a cremation place that he could recommend and they would come pick him up etc. So that's what we did. The Vet never said it was $190 for a damn referral to a cremation place. Needless to say they didn't get a dime from me and won't see a damn dime from me. So they turned it over to a collection agency who keeps calling and calling the assholes. If I get my other computer fixed I've got a link to the FTC I believe that you fill that out and mail it to the collection agency which then has 30 days to sue me. If they don't do anything in those 30 day's then it goes back to the Vets office and they have to try too collect.

              However, my dog had a Heart problem that showed up in late 2009 and I was having to give him 2 pills a day as it helped his heart pump blood out better to his body. He actually had 2 spots on his heart that were hardened from lack of blood flow. Needless to say he went back to see them and he hadn't gained any weight. Was down from 25lbs to 17lbs. The suggestion was made by me about trying prednisone to get his appetite back up. Vet prescribed that and next time he went in he had only gained 0.3 ounces of weight. What bothered me was the fact that in my opinion they should have been wondering why he wasn't gaining weight while on a steroid. Of course this was after the fact when he died. He passed on March 23rd 2011 exactly 1 day before a year when I had my defibrillator put in on March 24th 2010. He was 14 years old and his female mate is still with me.

              The Vet sucked as my parents had the male father to my Kosmo and he had a small red spot on his testicle. I asked the Vet about it and he said it was just a burst blood vessell. When the next year came for his shots I again asked him about it and he said it needed to be removed. So they did surgery on him and removed it. The biopsy place stated that it was cancer and it appeared that he got the root. He said that if he didn't get the root that the cancer was such a bad one that he would have to be put down in 2 months, because of the pain. So he had to be neutered. I told my parents he could have died from the first misdiagnosed symptom and we would have never known.

              Also this dog developed cataracts on each eye that were really small. The vet said that he would out live those cataracts and they didn't need to be removed. Well they proceeded quickly making him blind. He was 12 at this point and he stated that doing cataract surgery on him wasn't a good idea, because of his age and he had cushing syndrome which could make his problems worse. I tried to get my parents to take him to Memphis as that's the closest place that does it around here. They didn't do it so he remained blind. Eventually he had to be put down as the cushing syndrome got worse and he was suffering he was almost 17 years old. Had it not been from him being blind I think he would have lived much longer as he had a great desire and fought hard to stay around.


              • #8
                I'm sorry to hear about your losses. The Vet just had optimism everytime I talked to her and I'm now really pissed off at her for making my dog suffer. So yeah they rip you off and that 190 dollar referral is ridic. I was with Rudy while they were putting her down, she went really peaceful, then the vet says "she was ready". I took her to my parents back yard to bury her. I had 2 dogs get hit by cars in middle school so there is a little cemetary back there already.

                Im still not over my dog. I get sad every few days about it.

