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Whoever knows Bryce please read.

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  • #46
    sorry to hear that.. stay strong my man and my prayers are with you and your family...


    • #47

      I just saw this and wish I had seen it earlier. My prayers are with you and your family through these tough times.
      Know she is in a better place.
      Quitters Never Win, Winners Will NEVER Quit


      • #48

        It is time to close this thread and move forward. Please just give me a few more minutes. I said good bye to my mother today in one of the best ceremonies or funerals that I could possibly ever see if there is such a thing. My mother was the bingo lady, a member of the adoration society and just down right church this and church that. She had an awesome sense of humor and truthfully I found out how much I really never knew my mother. Yeah I knew her when I saw her but I never knew how many lives she touched until last night. I could not believe the people we had at eberleins funeral home in carnegie Pa last night. I kept asking my sister and aunt who is this and who is that and so many people came to me to say what a wonderful woman my mom was. It was incredible the support my mother received. I was so proud and so happy that my
        mom had so many friends. I took a job in Columbus Ohio years ago after my dad died in 2000 only to return 8 years later due
        to an accident. I almost feel god brought me back to my momfor these past 2 years so I could be with her in her time of
        need. When I was in Ohio I went home 3 x a year but
        telephoned my mom everyday. yep I am 44 now and still a
        mamas boy and fkng proud of it.

        My mother died last wednesday at 628 in the evening. I have learned more about her in this past week than I thought was possible. Bottom line guys I think more of my mother now than I did before. I was devasted last Wednesday when she passed but now after spending several hours with my family my priest my friends I feel my mother is at peace and I am at peace with that. As I said my mom was the church lady. She went to all funerals and served the meals. She did not like incense and after several attempts of father trying to light the incense father looked up and said ok "Dee" I get your message You don't want the incense. Many people in church were amazed that father couldn't get it lit. If I wasn't in the front pew myself I would of doubted it myself but the man tried for at least 5 minutes.. I saw it myself. It rained all day in the burgh today and many Catholics believe when someone dies and it rains that is a good sign. I don't know all about that but that incense thing got me all messed up!

        In closing my mom is gone but never forgotten! My rock, my friend, my favorite cook, my listener and at times my caregiver. When I was in the hospital for three straight months 2 years ago my kom was promptly there at 630 every morning. My aunt told me today she would grill me a steak a 530 in the morning so it was "fresh" when she came inti the hospital. How lucky was I

        How lucky are you men.. Past and present living or dead say a prayer or reach out to your parents today. You never know my friends as of today both my parents are gone and I have very little family left. Please cherish.. And hey trust me I am not the most religious per so or even near that.. But I have been blessed and my mothers passing has touched me more than you could ever imagine. Will I quit gambling. Hell no...

        Will I go to church more and pray doubt

        Thank you once again for all the kind words... Thanks for being a friend when I needed them the most-- I mean that from the bottom of my heart. If anyone read this whole thing god bless ya...


        • #49
          Bryce, I hate all this for you, thoughts and prays to you and your family.


          • #50
            May god bless and give you peace!


            • #51
              Originally posted by bryce View Post
              If anyone read this whole thing god bless ya...

              Yes, I read the entire thing ... every word ...

              God Bless you too Mark ... We love ya kid!!!


              • #52
                I read it all this morning, responded on my phone and it didnt post so I will do it again.

                If you want to know how someone lived their life go to their viewing once they have died. You will know real quick what type of human being they were and what they have done with the life given them. Sounds to me that your mom did a lot with her life, its obvious that she touched a lot of people from what you described in your thread.

                I am a firm believer in Christ and in heaven and hell, I have no doubt that your mom is in heaven and in very awesome company. We morn the loss when in reality if you believe in Christ we should rejoice, we morn for our loss, but your mom gained an awful lot by moving on to her heavenly father.

                I know you are not a big fan of the spiritual tone threads, and I will not say another word about it. I respect you, and even though I never met your mother, I wish I could have, no doubt she would touch my life in a positive way if I could have.

                God bless you Mark, be happy you had such an Angel in your life for as long as you did, we only miss the special ones buddy.

                Email me if you need anything

                I will forward you my number as well
                Questions, comments, complaints:
                [email protected]


                • #53
                  Bryce-you are a class guy and obviously you mom was also.
                  My sincere condolences for your loss-you and your mom will continue to be in my prayers.


                  • #54
                    Bryce, sorry to hear the news. I'll say a prayer for you and your family tonight. Considering how close I am to my mom, I can't imagine what you're going through. Keep your head up and God Bless!


                    • #55
                      Bryce, Im sorry to hear of your loss

