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Need a recipe

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  • Need a recipe

    Was wondering if anyone had any chilli or soup recipes that they really enjoy, and would like to share. I have some basic chilli recipes and just a few soup recipes, and was gonna make one or the other tonight. If anyone has one that they really like please post here. Gonna try and make my wife think, I actually know what im doing in the kitchen..LOL

    FB Coach

  • #2
    Bump for coach

    Checkers has Pecan Pie

    KB stole Col. Sanders recipe many years ago
    Dimer has Pizza Huts recipes including how they stuff the crusts (you don't want to know)
    Wayne specializes in baked Lobster and growing assorted plants.

    Vols has his own stil (you don't want to drink it)

    JC well he's kind of a Bundt cake guy (again you don't wanna know)

    Monte, well you really don't want to know what he specializes in.

    Spark has just become know for the Bread and Wine he shared with Jesus and his disciples.

    Club, Well I have a great recipe for ice cubes

    Hope this helps, and Happy Thanksgiving.


    • #3
      Why don't you just Google Chili Recipes and make the one that soundss the best


      • #4
        Originally posted by ToDaClub View Post
        Checkers has Pecan Pie

        KB stole Col. Sanders recipe many years ago
        Dimer has Pizza Huts recipes including how they stuff the crusts (you don't want to know)
        Wayne specializes in baked Lobster and growing assorted plants.

        Vols has his own stil (you don't want to drink it)

        JC well he's kind of a Bundt cake guy (again you don't wanna know)

        Monte, well you really don't want to know what he specializes in.

        Spark has just become know for the Bread and Wine he shared with Jesus and his disciples.

        Club, Well I have a great recipe for ice cubes

        Hope this helps, and Happy Thanksgiving.
        He who wears diaper knows his shit - Confucius


        • #5
          Originally posted by FB Coach13 View Post
          Was wondering if anyone had any chilli or soup recipes that they really enjoy, and would like to share. I have some basic chilli recipes and just a few soup recipes, and was gonna make one or the other tonight. If anyone has one that they really like please post here. Gonna try and make my wife think, I actually know what im doing in the kitchen..LOL

          FB Coach
          My wife makes a killer chili with hamburger, venison and pork sausage. Uses the diced Rotel brand tomatoes, and (don't know if it's available nation wide,) Williams brand Chili Mix.


          I was Born my Pappy's Son,
          When I hit the ground, I was on the Run!
          Jon E. Checkers

