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need help computer problem

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  • need help computer problem

    my daughter's computer is on the blink! when turned on the screen says windows error recovery then in the middle of the screen it says launch start-up repair, below that it says start windows normally. it is suppose to do whats high lighted in 30 seconds, but it always goes back to the same screen, "windows error recovery" any help i think i have to take it in to a computer geek!:

  • #2
    If "start windows normally" is highlighted, just hit the enter key, if it is not use the arrow keys to highlight it and then hit enter. Windows should start right up.
    "Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
    is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"


    • #3
      Hopefully jimmy's Suggestion helps you out...since I looked it up I thought I may just add this..this is from like they have online help if Jimmy's or this don't help you

      (Msg. 4) Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 8:06 pm
      Post subject: Re: windows error recovery [Login to view extended thread Info.]
      Archived from groups: per prev. post (more info?)
      > "adam juden" wrote in message
      > news:[email protected]...
      > when i turn on my laptop it says windows error recovery and gives 2
      > options one is to launch startup repair but brings you back to same
      > page and the 2ed is to start up windows normally and yhat restarts the
      > computer and brings you back to this page again????????????????
      > plleeaseeeeee heelllp
      > --
      > adam juden

      Hi Adam,

      After the POST (Power On Self Test) begins, but before Windows begins to
      load, repeatedly press and release your F8 key to get into Windows Advanced
      Options Menu. Use your arrow keys to select "Disable automatic restart on
      system failure" and press Enter. You should then get an "operating system to
      start" menu, but press F8 to return to the previous menu, and select "Last
      Known Good Configuration" and press Enter. Then select your operating system
      and press Enter to start loading Windows. You can also try Safe Mode from
      the Advanced menu also.

      During that part of startup before Windows begins loading, you can press
      your PAUSE/BREAK key to pause the display of any messages so you can write
      down complete messages, including error codes, and then press CTRL+Pause to
      resume the action. After Windows begins to load, you can also Pause the
      display, but press Enter to resume.

      What is your complete Windows XP version, including Service Pack?
      (Home Edition, Professional Edition, Media Center Edition)
      (Service Pack 1a, SP2, SP3)

      What make and model of laptop? (how old?)
      (Running on A/C or battery?)

      What was the last thing you were doing before the problem appeared?

      What other past problems have you had with your computer?

      Do you have a Windows installation CD or OEM recovery partition?

      Be advised that some "repair" options may result in loss of data. You need
      to consider the possibility that it may be necessary to remove the drive
      from the computer and hook it up to another computer as a slave drive to
      copy your Valued Data before attempting recovery. If so, make sure that
      System Restore on the other computer is set to NOT monitor your drive. The
      other computer needs to have maximum anti-virus and anti-malware protection


      • #4
        thanks for repyling i hit the "start windows" key and the "launch" key but the same thing happens. it starts the same page over and over again.


        • #5
          thanks for the help!!! pressed f8 got the screen scrolled down to "disable" hit enter but it didn't go to "operating system to start" menu. it went back to the same thing "launch and start"


          • #6
            Sorry buddy that is the best I can do or would of done myself.
            Hopefully someone here can get you going!

            You may need the geek squad!


            • #7
              thanks for all the help!!! geek squad here i come$$$$$$


              • #8
                [QUOTE=slimpickin;1826421]thanks for all the help!!! geek squad here i

                Let us know what happened!


