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Are We a Lazy Society?

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  • Are We a Lazy Society?

    I am sure you have all seen instances of what I am going to say and perhaps thought of the same thing, but I think it makes for good conversation.
    Anyways, today at about 1:30 I was driving around and wanted something quick to eat for lunch.
    Well I drove into Burger King and noticed that there was a huge and very slow moving line(10-12 cars or perhaps even more) in the drive through lane.
    Personally I only go through drive through lanes in general late at night when the restaurant is closed inside.
    Well, I went inside Burger King, and there was virtually no one inside-I ordered and got my double cheeseburg to go in about a minute or so.
    When I got back in my car, the line had hardly budged.
    Now keep in mind at this particular time where I live it was fairly sunny and warm out, and thus no reason for anyone to stay in the car to get their food because of inclememt weather.
    For the life of me I can't understand why anyone would want to wait in a car for probably 15-20 minutes to get their food when they could have got of their car, walked less than a minute and got their food just as quickly.
    Is it just me, or is this just one other indication as to how lazy some folks have become?
    What do you folks think, and also, if you agree with me, describe some incident you have seen which goes along with what I am saying.

  • #2
    How about the fact that only in the United States is being a fat, lard ass considered "handicapped"?!
    5* 0-0
    4* 0-0
    3* 1-0
    2* 1-0
    1* 0-1

    God Bless America

    To win :1* unit = $100


    • #3


      • #4
        I will say that you do bring up a good question.

        For alot of working people the car is like the office.I can sit in a drive thru for 10 minutes and get a whole lot more done than if I try to carry all my stuff in and sit down in a fast food place. Your right though alot of people are lazy and don't want to walk or get out of the car but thats my excuse I guess


        • #5
          How about another example.Me and my wife and kids go to Walmart every Friday night.I go wth her to keep her under control cause she will bankrupt me if I don't. But I don't like being in WAL-mart for an hour either. So every friday night I take 3 beers with me and sit in the car while she is shopping and by the time I get in there she only has a few items left and I can set aside the stupid shit that we don't need.Well let me tell you that while I'm sitting there I will see the same cars drive up and down the aisles for 10 minutes to try and get an upfront parking space when they could have gotten a little extra walking in and walked from the back or middle of the parking lot.I see it every Friday night.


          • #6
            Our American workforce has the attitude of the most amount
            of money for the least amount of work...

            TOUCHDOWN FAT BOY!

            I was Born my Pappy's Son,
            When I hit the ground, I was on the Run!
            Jon E. Checkers


            • #7
              when u said u go out to walmart on fridays it reminded me of the movie old school and I started laughing.

              The parking lot thing I see all the time also and I dont understand it unless u r picking something up big.

              The drive thru thing you can talk on the phone,listen to radio or just dont have to go into some of those places with a lot of weirdos including the workers.

              Also when there is 12 cars in the parking lot u r not expecting no one to be in line so u go to drive thru but I get what u r saying.

              How about lazy when u collect unemployment and someone asks u if u want to do some work and they say no because it will screw up there unemployment I know a few of those people.fuckers


              • #8
                Originally posted by vols fan View Post
                How about another example.Me and my wife and kids go to Walmart every Friday night.I go wth her to keep her under control cause she will bankrupt me if I don't. But I don't like being in WAL-mart for an hour either. So every friday night I take 3 beers with me and sit in the car while she is shopping and by the time I get in there she only has a few items left and I can set aside the stupid shit that we don't need.Well let me tell you that while I'm sitting there I will see the same cars drive up and down the aisles for 10 minutes to try and get an upfront parking space when they could have gotten a little extra walking in and walked from the back or middle of the parking lot.I see it every Friday night.
                Great example with parking Vols.
                You are actually lucky with your wife as opposed to my wife.
                A shopping trip to a shopping ma ll with my wife is a minimum of three hours with many of those minutes spent in lady's clothing stores-yuck!
                Above is one of the big reasons I invested in a IPhone, namely to be able to go to the different forums and other places and keep myself busy and/or from falling asleep. lol


                • #9
                  Christ , just walk around a shopping **** . You will see more cheese carried around on peoples asses and bellies , than you can find in the state of Wisconsin !!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by ChitownZ View Post
                    Christ , just walk around a shopping **** . You will see more cheese carried around on peoples asses and bellies , than you can find in the state of Wisconsin !!
                    You're not lying about that either.
                    Try going to the Golden Corral Buffet some night if you want to see some real overweight hogs, some of whom really need to seats to park their fat asses!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by savage1 View Post
                      You're not lying about that either.
                      Try going to the Golden Corral Buffet some night if you want to see some real overweight hogs, some of whom really need to seats to park their fat asses!
                      I guess some of the fat asses I was talking about read these posts and wanted to become living proof that what I said about some folks who go are aren't "exactly" trim.
                      We went to our local Golden Corral for the first time in a long while, got our food and sat down.
                      Wouldn't you know it that two tables down facing us there were two of the fattest elephant women(and I use the word loosely) I have ever seen.
                      One of the hogs who was directly facing me barely fit in the seat-she had to weight between 350 and 400 lbs and when I looked up she had just replenished her dessert plate with a sample(actually a full portion of everything offered) at the buffet.
                      The other monstrosity, who was slighty trimmer(between 300 and 350) and who was facing in the other direction also had a full plate of food although I couldn't see exactly what was on it.
                      Thank God the two "ladies" had small children who showed no signs yet of obesity.
                      Yeah I know none of us are perfect including me and that it can be argued that some of us again including me may have an addicition to hanging around sports forums too much.
                      At the very least though I can relax knowing that the chances are that if I die prematurely, it won't be because I had a body which my heart couldn't support such as is the case with these grotesque mamas.
                      ps My wife and I had great meals and were quite full and content when we left, but we both knew when it was time to stop eating.
                      Last edited by savage1; 06-07-2010, 11:38 AM.


                      • #12
                        Id reply to this but im too lazy.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by longnex View Post
                          Id reply to this but im too lazy.
                          What was the ? I was too lazy to read it.


                          • #14


                            • #15
                              sorry I took so long responding, i've been laying down for the last 2 weeks.
                              jc Wishes He Can Get A Goat

