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Rest In Peace Ken "The Shrink" Weitzner

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  • Rest In Peace Ken "The Shrink" Weitzner

    It appears Ken Weitzner passed today. Ken was one of the pioneers of the industry creating websites for players. Ken started out making usergroups 10 years ago and then created _ _ _ _ , one of the first bettors' forums. He is the owner of _ _ _. Ken Weitzner was the creator and mastermind of the formula behind the chat room’s success.

    (Left it blank- dont want to mention other websites without Monte's consent)

    Another site reporting it was a explosion in his building / home they were in

    Reading around it looks like he was either loved or hated

    Either way R.I.P to one of pioneers of the sports gambling forums that we love.

  • #2
    very very strange man.Heard he was informant for the fbi that is how they got the 38 indictments.Wonder if this is an fbi cover up or what.But if you fleece enough people eventually one comes back pissed.Either way very sad
    MLB 2012***100-98 +$215 OR +2.15 UNITS
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    AS of 6/3/12


    • #3

      Speculation was running rampant late Saturday that the founder of *****.com and later, ***, had been killed (mysteriously). Nobody has been able to confirm the fate of Kenneth Weitzner, a former psychiatrist turned sports betting portal owner, however. Much of the industry was discussing this bizarre story Saturday night. Weitzner ran one of the first successful sports betting portals and once referred to himself as an industry "watchdog" even though he often withheld information from readers regarding failing sportsbooks he had been trying to get his own money out of.

      Stories began surfacing that both Weitzner and his wife were killed in a car accident. Others suggested their home had exploded. Another story claimed a car he had been driving was blown up. Most of the major posting forums related to sports betting were reporting on the story without any hard core facts.

      Through an exhaustive investigation Saturday night, Gambling911 was unable to confirm any of the rumors.

      "He had a $500,000 bet on an NCAA game and lost (at Matchbook, one of his sponsors) on Monday night," claimed one of our most reliable sources, who suggested he killed himself. That wouldn't explain how his wife would have died, however.

      "If Weitzner and his wife had died as depicted by these rumors we would know all the vivid details by now," said one source close to Gambling911.

      What is known is that this past week the Queens District Attorney's office indicted an individual associated with Jazz Sportsbook out of Costa Rica. Jazz had a financial interest in ***. Almost immediately, Gambling911 began receiving comments that "Weitzner was an informant for the US Government". It should be noted that there is no confirmation that this is the case either.

      Just a few weeks ago, Gambling911 received an inquiry from Jazz Sports asking us to participate in a "link exchange with their (Jazz Sportsbook) website ***.

      From **********, one poster had this to say:

      "This all seems really fishy. He makes an announcement that he's going on vacation and now he's dead? I'm sorry if this is in poor taste, but he even went out of his way to say in that last post ‘I'm not and agent, runner or bookie.' With all the busts going down lately, this all seems way too convenient."

      Weitzner, who resides in Chesapeake, Virginia, has not been the subject of any news reports out of that region as of Saturday night. No reports of a house being blown up or car accident killing both he and his wife.

      Weitzner's site was once taken offline after he violated a court order. A slander case had been filed against the former psychiatrist by the owner of an offshore sports betting company, English Sports Betting and its owner Dennis Atiyeh.


      • #4
        like i said before very strange,man hope nothing happened to his wife because of the things he did in life.thats the worst thing you fear being a husband
        MLB 2012***100-98 +$215 OR +2.15 UNITS
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        AS of 6/3/12


        • #5
          It is confirmed by his stepson tony montana is the posters name did you read this greek very sad again
          MLB 2012***100-98 +$215 OR +2.15 UNITS
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          GOY 33-12 ALL SPORTS

          AS of 6/3/12


          • #6
            now been confirmed they took their own lives. (sleeping pills, carbon monoxide)

            Carbon Monoxide poisoning was the cause of death. Here is how it went down. He wrote his last post knowing he was going to commit suicide. Ken and his wife took sleeping pills and left the car running in the garage Wednesday. Bodies were discovered Friday or Saturday not sure on which day.

            Weird as this was his last post on his forum:

            My wife and I will be going away for a trip. While we are gone, I have asked mofome to be in charge of the day to day operations of OG....

            I know it's the start of the slow season for many, including Yours Truly...

            I won't be posting while we are gone...

            It seems like EG keeps getting better each day with so many new posters adding to the wealth of information that we already have from our old-timers..

            It's nice to know I can leave with people like Blondie, Ballwonder, Jimmy Hoffa, and diogee, amongst others to help out...

            I feel like this place has always been a second home for me because of ALL OF YOU...

            Thanks from the bottom of my heart....

            I am grateful to be a part of this Family and for all the support,
            Last edited by GOLDENGREEK; 04-11-2010, 05:17 PM.


            • #7
              Originally posted by goldengreek View Post
              now been confirmed they took their own lives. (sleeping pills, carbon monoxide)

              carbon monoxide poisoning was the cause of death. Here is how it went down. He wrote his last post knowing he was going to commit suicide. Ken and his wife took sleeping pills and left the car running in the garage wednesday. Bodies were discovered friday or saturday not sure on which day.

              Weird as this was his last post on his forum:

              My wife and i will be going away for a trip. While we are gone, i have asked mofome to be in charge of the day to day operations of og....

              I know it's the start of the slow season for many, including yours truly...

              I won't be posting while we are gone...

              It seems like eg keeps getting better each day with so many new posters adding to the wealth of information that we already have from our old-timers..

              It's nice to know i can leave with people like blondie, ballwonder, jimmy hoffa, and diogee, amongst others to help out...

              I feel like this place has always been a second home for me because of all of you...

              Thanks from the bottom of my heart....

              I am grateful to be a part of this family and for all the support,

              that was not his last post that was the last thread he started.he posted somewhere in the thread about the 38 indictments someone asked if someone was offered a deal to give someone up or go to jail for 10 years he posted no he would not.with that being his last post at 11:36 on the 7th.that is what is strange to me but who knows
              MLB 2012***100-98 +$215 OR +2.15 UNITS
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              NFL 2011-2012** 6-10
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              NCAA FBL 2011-2012**** 26-23

              4-1 TOP PLAYS

              GOY 33-12 ALL SPORTS

              AS of 6/3/12


              • #8
                Wonder if there will be a body at the funeral.alot of rumors saying he could be in witness local news story's are reporting on this story quite strange
                MLB 2012***100-98 +$215 OR +2.15 UNITS
                HUGE PLAYS 2-1

                NFL 2011-2012** 6-10
                0-0TOP PLAYS

                NCAA FBL 2011-2012**** 26-23

                4-1 TOP PLAYS

                GOY 33-12 ALL SPORTS

                AS of 6/3/12


                • #9
                  Originally posted by tech fan View Post
                  Wonder if there will be a body at the funeral.alot of rumors saying he could be in witness local news story's are reporting on this story quite strange
                  Agree something doesn't seem right here. That's not a big town that he lives in and there's no local reporting of anything. Could be he went into witness protection. I can't imagine that him and his wife would have both killed themselves. Especially over a supposed $500k wager which he could have handled. Now if its in regards to an indictment I could see that vs. facing 25 years in jail.

