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Season over for me!!!

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  • Season over for me!!!

    Just wanted to say Thanks to all the Guys who supported me during the season and all the well wishes.........I'm not betting the game tonight and just pulling for Duke........First time I've never bet the championship game.......I Wish Everyone the Best tonight whoever you played........I finished the ncaab season plus Right around $10,000.....I don't have my books in front of me right now but it's right around there......Baseball starts a new year for me, so here is how I finished the year....

    Baseball plus right at $4,000!!!
    College football plus right at $4,000!!!
    NFL plus right at $4,000!!!
    NBA right now, plus close to $4,000!!!

    I hope this coming year treats me as well............Thanks again Everyone and enjoy the Game GO DUKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wood!
    Last edited by knockonwood; 04-05-2010, 09:14 PM.

  • #2
    That is solid capping. Congrats on a great year.


    • #3



      • #4
        nice work good luck in the upcoming season


        • #5
          Mark and Porkie, I truly Appreciate that G don't leave yet, I've got a message!!!


          • #6
            G, I will no longer be posting at this site for a while......I will be going back to my other two sites and posting baseball and NBA.......I will probably start today, hate to leave here after baseball yesterday but I hate to get started on another sport here for now.......I always start off bad in baseball so yesterday doesn't bother me one bit.......I'll check in here every now and then in case a couple of others would like to follow.......Thanks for those who supported me while I was here.......I always said I would leave until Jordan came back, I'm good for my word.........Monte if you see this, I am so Happy to see you back It's no fun having medical problems and I've had mine the past couple of years but we're getting through it..........I still Pray that you get Better each and every day........You still have a Great site and I would like to come back one day.......It's just time for me to move on for a while......Stay strong Monte and Believe Partner.......Take Care All, We'll see you on the next go round..............As always, I Wish Everyone the Best in Life Wood!
            Last edited by knockonwood; 04-06-2010, 09:59 AM.


            • #7
              Maybe I will start posting tomorrow G........I have Physical Therapy at 11:00 and may not have time for the afternoon baseball but I will post NBA tonight if I can find any games......Thanks Buddy!!! Hope that Baby Boy is doing alright Knock!


              • #8
                Knock thanks for the heads up I'm pretty sure I know where to find you. Good luck this season and lets make that cash!


                • #9
                  So where does one find you? What other sites do you use? I'll probably get my ass slapped for asking in here - but wtf...

                  Oh, this is the worst-looking hat I ever saw. What, when you buy a hat like this I bet you get a free bowl of soup, huh? Oh, it looks good on you though.


                  • #10
                    What the hell woody? If you have so much respect for Monte and like this site so much then why leave?

                    I played some of your plays but I aint going nowhere else to get them but here. BC has as good a group a guys as any place out there.It's your decision though.Take care.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by vols fan View Post
                      What the hell woody? If you have so much respect for Monte and like this site so much then why leave?

                      I played some of your plays but I aint going nowhere else to get them but here. BC has as good a group a guys as any place out there.It's your decision though.Take care.
                      Exactly vols ...

                      On one side of his mouth he says how much he cares about Monte and on the other he tells everyone he is leaving and then he posts the websites ...


                      • #12
                        knock is nowhere near the guy he used to be. Not even close and he said that in his own words. Used to be one of my favorite, most respected, members here and he has totally changed for the worse. He has done things i have never seen him do, including in this thread.


                        • #13
                          All I know is that his winnings for the year sure have exploded lately. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm?


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by diesel View Post
                            All I know is that his winnings for the year sure have exploded lately. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm?
                            Same thing I was going to say. Has to be a reason why he left a forum after posting there for years.


                            • #15
                              this is a sports forum that people post info and plays i mean is it thats serious??? that goes for everyone involved members/mods cmon fellas its like a sitcom at this place constantly....everyone needs to relax people gettin sick like monte or GGs sis are real life's problems not who roots for the better team or has better record in games posted here....geez
                              edification will take place pull up the reins and get outta the race.

