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Spark Please Help!!!

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  • Spark Please Help!!!

    I'm not sure how to message you.........I tried contact us but it wouldn't let me.........I want to personally say I'm sorry to you for the thread that was going on and got Jordamrules23 banned..............I truly do mean I'm sorry......Things got out of hand and I will take alot of the blame......I'm the same person I've always been, you will probably find no one with a bigger heart than mine..........I come to these sites to post ball games because I know most people lose and I HATE seeing people give their hard earned money away.......I know I sound cocky sometimes but I believe in what I do........This is a hard game to win at and I've managed to make more money than I lose.........I never thought I was better than anyone and I also believe no one is any better.......I've always treated everyone the same and have never said anything bad about anyone on here........Maybe the last thread but I feel I was forced into it.........I've never bragged about Duke on here and never called them a great team this year........Duke cannot help who they played but they did what they had to do to get to the final 4............A basket here or there and they would be sitting home.......You've got to be good and you've got to have some luck also to make it to the final 4.........The only reason I said anything about Kaz is he said that anyone who didn't think Duke had a cakewalk didn't know anything about basketball....Something like that anyway, I didn't go back and read it.......The only thing I regret saying is, I knew more than Kaz about basketball and that was stupid on my part.......I could go on and on but my fingers are getting tired that smile was for whoever said I like the smiley faces......I smile alot and tend to put the smiley faces up when I'm typing because I'm smiling........Anyway sorry for anything I said.......You are a class act in my book and I feel like I let you down.......Please don't respond to any of this, I don't want to cause anymore trouble for anyone......Even though baseball is coming up and it's proven to be my best sport the past few year..................I ask you to ban me from the site........I would also like to have the ban removed when Jordan can come back also.................I don't even know Jordan but he wouldn't have been banned if it wasn't for me.............If he is banned for life then I should be also........I do have a couple of people who follow me and will not try and post the sites I will be at........I did try last night but that was out of anger.......If anyone does try to contact you, I think you know one of the sites I will be at...........If you could let them know I would Appreciate it......I may leave another thread saying I'm leaving..........I think most of them know the other sites anyway.............Thank you for your time Spark, I truly Appreciate it!!! Woody!

    Oh one more thing................I will keep Monte in my prayers and please let him know he still has a great site......Thanks Spark!!!

  • #2
    i dont say alot on here but im on every day, jordan gets in alot of peoples kitchen over differnt stuff and im sure that sparks decession to ban him was on several issues. Next there are alot of people that follow this site daily that you never here from and appreciate all the work that you and others put in. Most know who the good cappers r, (that arnt in it to go service) "lewis and dd", anyways, thanks for posting and i hope that you continue, we lost Coverboy last year bc kb had to pop off. Keep up the good work and hope u stay aroud.


    its 420 somewhere right?

    Last edited by 9+81+82+24+28=6; 03-31-2010, 05:00 PM.


    • #3
      It was not me that banned jordan ...


      • #4
        Originally posted by 9+81+82+24+28=6 View Post
        we lost Coverboy last year bc kb had to pop off.

        its 420 somewhere right?

        Good seeing you back posting but don't just single KB out.I was just as guilty as KB and Coverboy was just as guilty as us.3 people cracking heads and 2 stayed and 1 left.Coverboy might be missed but one guy leaves and another takes his place IMO.Some of these new guys along with the old bring just as much to the table. Don't be a stranger


        • #5
          Originally posted by vols fan View Post
          good seeing you back posting but don't just single kb out.i was just as guilty as kb and coverboy was just as guilty as us.3 people cracking heads and 2 stayed and 1 left.coverboy might be missed but one guy leaves and another takes his place imo.some of these new guys along with the old bring just as much to the table. Don't be a stranger
          ur right my bad, no need to single ayone out, i just remembered reading his post last year the day cb checked out, and he really didnt say anything worth leaving over. There is alot of cappers on here i respect and just dont want to loose one.


          oh and sloth is always lurking just not much to say


          • #6
            Originally posted by vols fan View Post
            Good seeing you back posting but don't just single KB out.I was just as guilty as KB and Coverboy was just as guilty as us.3 people cracking heads and 2 stayed and 1 left.Coverboy might be missed but one guy leaves and another takes his place IMO.Some of these new guys along with the old bring just as much to the table. Don't be a stranger
            I certainly would not leave sleep over it ...

            You said BOO to cb and he would go off on you and then run away from the forum ...


            • #7
              Originally posted by Spark View Post
              I certainly would not leave sleep over it ...

              You said BOO to cb and he would go off on you and then run away from the forum ...
              Reminds me of someone else too. Starts with a k and ends with a n.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Spark View Post
                I certainly would not leave sleep over it ...

                You said BOO to cb and he would go off on you and then run away from the forum ...

                Damn,it didn't work.Your still here


                • #9
                  JIMMY IS IN THE HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by vols fan View Post
                    JIMMY IS IN THE HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                    I just saw LSUFAN viewing the thread.Damn glad to see you back.Hope your doing good


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by vols fan View Post
                      JIMMY IS IN THE HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                      I miss Jimmy!

