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INSIDE STORY: Corey Haim's Slide from Lost Boy to Truly Lost

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  • INSIDE STORY: Corey Haim's Slide from Lost Boy to Truly Lost

    By Tom Gliatto

    Corey Haim's movie career probably reached its highpoint with one well-regarded, well-remembered vampire movie, 1987's The Lost Boys. That title became the sadly ironic tag that followed his descent from success to his tragic end, another premature Hollywood death in a shockingly short span.

    The cute kid with the tangled hair and the curling upper lip that hinted at hip self-awareness – well, he was sidelined. He was replaced by a spaced-out stranger who often looked bloated – he claimed at one point to have weighed 285 pounds after spending almost a decade as a shut-in, depressed and in bed.

    For a long time, he seemed to stumble around, no longer able to clearly articulate a sad, complicated life story of drugs and sexual abuse. He truly was a lost boy.

    "Corey had a tremendous saboteur inside of him. And that saboteur he surrendered to," says Dr. Nicki J. Monte, Haim’s on-screen therapist for the reality show The Two Coreys. "He was living under the spell of his addiction and he was never able to break that spell."

    Possible Drug Overdose

    The 38-year-old actor collapsed at his mother's apartment Wednesday morning and was later pronounced dead, possibly of a ************ drug overdose, according to the LAPD.

    In the last few years of his life, Haim was probably best known for teaming up with Corey Feldman, his Lost Boys costar, in The Two Coreys. The show, which had been intended as a campily enjoyable train wreck, turned into clammy psychodrama when Haim revealed that, like Feldman, he had been sexually abused as a child.

    Shortly after that he suffered a relapse and Feldman, himself a recovering drug addict, refused to continue to promote the show alongside Haim. "I am not going to watch him destroy himself," Feldman said.

    "Moments of Clarity"

    Speaking to PEOPLE months after this debacle, Haim said he was sobering up: "It feels like raw bacon getting stripped out of every cell of my body. But you have great moments of clarity: I'm talking colors, I'm talking sounds, I'm talking, you know, my friend's laugh, I'm talking everything. Now I'm talking about my future, and coming back, and having the opportunity to do just what I love doing, which is acting."

    He took out an ad in Variety, apologizing for bad behavior and asking for work.

    Another Comeback?

    Since then, Haim patched things up with the other Corey and began what appeared to be yet another comeback. American Sunset, a thriller shot in Canada in 2009, will have a release this year, and those on the set last summer said he seemed upbeat, despite the stress of dealing with his mother's breast cancer battle.

    "He was just in high spirits," says his costar Angela Cullins, "so positive about everything and proud of his role. He was an inspiration on the set."

    Then last month, he wrapped another movie called Decisions, still seemingly happy, while still distracted by his mother's health crisis.

    "He seemed great, alive and vibrant and ready to go," says director Jensen LeFlore.

    Those who knew him, however, remained skeptical that the New Corey would last. "He got a million second chances in life," says a longtime friend. "He was always changing managers, changing agents." And changing women. He never married, although he once announced an engagement to a horror-film actress. "He got engaged and broke off engagements more times than he could count," says the friend. "He actually told me he could not remember how many times he'd been engaged."

    Plagued by Drugs

    The drugs, though, they were a constant. "It was always ************ drugs," says the friend. "He didn't drink, didn't do meth, not coke – ************ drugs, all the way. Tons of them."

    Haim was a TV star in his native Canada by age 12 with a show called The Edison Twins. Not long before he'd made his first movie, Firstborn, starring two other kid icons of the era, Sarah Jessica Parker and Robert Downey Jr. His breakthrough movie role was Lucas in 1986.

    He moved to Los Angeles with his mother (his parents divorced) and, he later said, quickly lost himself. The friend says he was introduced to drugs while shooting The Lost Boys.

    "That to him was one of the best times of his life – but it was also the last time he was truly himself," says the friend.

    He was only 16 when he made his first public admission that he'd struggled with drugs – although he claimed to have kicked the habit on his own, "just stopped," he said. But the addiction continued for years – he later described it in terms of lasting 20 or more years.

    As an adult, he didn't rule out that substance abuse may have been a response to the trauma of sexual abuse: That began, he said, when he was only 14 or 15 and his abuser (whose identity he never revealed) was in his 40s.

    "I was ashamed, so I shut my mouth, and I just rolled with the punches, man," he told PEOPLE.

    But clearly he didn't.

    "Stuff happens when you are a kid," he said. "It scars you inside for life. That is just how I look at it.


    INSIDE STORY: Corey Haim's Slide from Lost Boy to Truly Lost - Corey Haim :

  • #2
    Agent Doubts Overdose Killed Corey Haim
    By Champ Clark and Marla Lehner

    Corey Haim's sudden death at age 38 comes a shock to the man who has spent the last year-and-a half working with the former child star: His agent Mark Heaslip.

    "I really don't think it was an overdose," Heaslip says. "He was doing really well. He did struggle with substance abuse, but I've repped him for a year-and-a-half and part of my agreement with him was that he had to be clean. That was the number one priority."

    In the hours leading up to Haim's death, the Lost Boys star was suffering from a fever and flu-like symptoms. "It was 99 degrees and it jumped up to 101. We had his doctor come over and take his temperature. She said he actually looked very good."

    Haim stayed in bed all day and through the evening. At one point "he woke up his mom and said, 'Mom, can you please come and lie next to me, I'm not feeling very good,' " Heaslip says. "He woke up again [later] and said he was having problems breathing. But it wasn't very severe problems breathing. She thought he was sick. From there they both fell asleep."

    Around midnight Haim's mother woke up and saw her son walking around and then collapse. "She called for an ambulance immediately," says Heaslip. "Before he came to the hospital he was pronounced dead."

    Doing Well, Helping His Mom

    The LAPD has attributed his death to a possible drug overdose. The coroner confirms that four ************ medication bottles in his name were found at the scene, but his death has been ruled inconclusive pending toxicology tests. No illegal drugs were found.

    Haim, who had battled drug addiction for many years, had been working with an addiction specialist and was doing well, his agent says. "He was still on a little medication, but not like the old days. They'd pretty much weaned him off it… He seemed very coherent and normal [on Tuesday]. He did to both his mother and his doctor as well. The doctor just thought he had a cold or bug or flu."

    The actor had started working again and was there for his mother through her battle with cancer. "She has been going through chemo and radiation," says Heaslip. "Corey had been attending every doctor's appointment with his mom. It was amazing how well he supported her."

    To fans Heaslip says, "I want people to know that Corey was doing so well. I've been so proud of him. It's so sad. Yesterday was the first time I didn't hear from him in a long time. He was in bed. It's the weirdest thing to all of us."

    Agent Doubts Overdose Killed Corey Haim - Corey Haim :


    • #3
      RIP Corey


      • #4
        Substance addiction is a very serious problem and disease in our country that doesnt get enough attention. It destroys many families and you can look at any paper any day in our country and read a tragic story like this.

        I wish there was more education provided precisely for these type of addictions............


        • #5
          Originally posted by musclemann View Post
          Substance addiction is a very serious problem and disease in our country that doesnt get enough attention. It destroys many families and you can look at any paper any day in our country and read a tragic story like this.

          I wish there was more education provided precisely for these type of addictions............

          No doubt it is a problem and exactly why you cant legalize it.

          Here is all the education the country needs - "JUST SAY NO"!!!

          Some people want to do harm to themselves and all the education in the world wont stop them.

          Sad but true.
          NBA is a joke


          • #6
            This is just another sad movie star ending. We all follow them, thinking wow what a life, but we really don't know what takes part behind the scenes.

            RIP Corey

