Holy mackerel!
Holy catfish, rather. This 15-stone, 4-pound catfish (that's 214 pounds to Yanks like you and me) broke records recently when a woman wrestled the leviathan from a Spanish river while on vacation, reports the (U.K.) Daily Mail. As if that feat wasn't impressive enough, the accomplished angler in question happens to be a mere 5'3" in stature, a grandmother, and legally blind. The superwoman, Shiela Penfold, 56, took 30 minutes to bag the beast.
The monstrous catfish, dragged from the depths of the River Ebro near Barcelona, measured a terrifying 8 feet, 2 inches in length. Penfold used halibut pellets as bait to supplement what we presume is her superhuman strength.
"I was exhausted but elated afterward," Penfold told the Daily Mail. "I'm still walking around with a smile on my face. But it goes to show that just because you are blind it doesn't stop you breaking records like this."
After snapping a few photographs of the catfish that will give you nightmares for the rest of your life, Penfold released her vanquished opponent back into its freshwater home.
Blind Angler Catches Record-Breaking Catfish - Paw Nation