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Are Small Weenies Now a Thing of the Past?

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  • #31
    Originally posted by jcindaville View Post
    thats what i heard too, they speak great english and are Christians predominately.

    I dont know much else about that country, why are there so many women there wanting out, doesnt appear to be that poor of a nation??

    you were married to one, why was she wanting to get out of that country??
    For a number of reasons:
    She told me(although I knew it before) that a lot of the men in the Philippines cheat on their wifes, are unreliable in many ways and sometimes drink a lot-American met are considered a step up(although I am sure a lot of American wives would argue).
    Obviously as the case with just about any woman in a foreign country, the chance to marry an American man represents a better chance for a happier life both for themselves and for any childen they might have.
    For the most part most of the Philippine folks(not all) are poor at least when visited there back in the 90's-I am sure that the standard of living is higher in say Colombia than it is in the Philippines. My first wife lived in a house which has plenty ofm insects and lizzards living it besides her family if you catch my drift, and her family wasn't considered poor-more like above average.
    The worst thing about going there is the travel(it can take a day or longer to get there depending on where you are going, and the 12 or 13 hour time difference(or less depending on what time zone you live in is brutal-this is jet lag to the max).
    That being said, there are some lovely, sincere and wonderful ladies who reside there(obviously there are some gold diggers also), and many of my ex-wife's friends are happily married to American men.
    For someone who is worried about the language barrier, I would highly recommend Philippine women if that person is intererested in meeting and marrying a foriegn woman.
    ps Some of the women are religious, and some are not-my first wife was and is semi-religious.
    Last edited by savage1; 11-03-2009, 05:11 PM.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Meg29 View Post
      Savage have you ever had a serious relationship with someone whom you did not meet through a magazine add or online add that lived in a different country?...just curious..
      Meg-Do you mean a relationship with a foreign woman who I met just by chance or do you mean an American woman on my own? I think you mean foreign woman but am not quite sure.


      • #33
        Originally posted by savage1 View Post
        Meg-Do you mean a relationship with a foreign woman who I met just by chance or do you mean an American woman on my own? I think you mean foreign woman but am not quite sure.
        I think she is asking have you ever had a serious relationship with an American woman.
        Questions, comments, complaints:
        [email protected]


        • #34
          Plenty of American men cheat on there wives, dont know the statistic, but I cant imagine it being any higher than in the philippines.

          I mean they do get an assload of typhoons, been slammed with like 4 or 5 of them in the last few months. My bosses son just got back from there on business with UPS. He said its like 100 % humidity and like in the 90's. Said that the people there had a high regard for Americans, both men and women. He said the bugs were awful, freaking everything is wet.
          Questions, comments, complaints:
          [email protected]


          • #35
            Originally posted by jcindaville View Post
            Plenty of American men cheat on there wives, dont know the statistic, but I cant imagine it being any higher than in the philippines.

            I mean they do get an assload of typhoons, been slammed with like 4 or 5 of them in the last few months. My bosses son just got back from there on business with UPS. He said its like 100 % humidity and like in the 90's. Said that the people there had a high regard for Americans, both men and women. He said the bugs were awful, freaking everything is wet.
            Everything you say is 100% true.


            • #36
              Originally posted by jcindaville View Post
              I think she is asking have you ever had a serious relationship with an American woman.


              • #37
                Originally posted by Meg29 View Post
                I learned that on my I phone

                It helps me cypher what people mean
                Questions, comments, complaints:
                [email protected]


                • #38
                  Originally posted by jcindaville View Post
                  I learned that on my I phone

                  It helps me cypher what people mean
                  ..good go translate WayneChungs posts for me now...


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Meg29 View Post
                    ..good go translate WayneChungs posts for me now...
                    I upgraded to the 3GS just to figure out Chunganese, i am hoping an app comes out soon to help me speak his language
                    Questions, comments, complaints:
                    [email protected]


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Meg29 View Post
                      ..good go translate WayneChungs posts for me now...

                      jc Wishes He Can Get A Goat


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Meg29 View Post
                        Meg-the answer is yes on several occasions with the pontential for more serious relationships.
                        I will go into detail later as I need to collect my thoughts and I have to watch the baby, as my wife is attending class.
                        ps the most serious relationship I had was with a Jewish woman(I am also Jewish) and it lasted for several years(this was when I was about 30)-in retrospect it would not have worked because she like many Jewish women turned out to be too demanding and too bossy(that sounds harsh but that is the truth at least as far as it applies to me), and that is something I couldn't and can't deal with-live and let live is my motto.
                        I will answer your question more directly later.


                        • #42
                          Meg-just a few more words regarding my last post.
                          I don't want to bore you and others with my various relationships with American women, most of which ended up being casual and relatively short lived.
                          I think that in a nutshell why I didn't find an American woman to marry is that my standards were quite high and a bit unrealistic.
                          I wanted a woman who was at least 5 -10 years younger, who was very attractive, intelligent, warm personality, etc.
                          There were plenty of women who met most of the qualifications except by my standards, they weren't particularly attractive(yeah I know looks are only skin deep, etc.)-however that is theoretical and doesn't apply to all.
                          Many of the above women were attracted to me(nice ladies but not especially attractive).
                          On the other hand, for a variety of reasons in most cases the type of woman I was seeking for a variety of reasons wasn't that interested in me-in short, I priced myself out of the market.
                          In addition and very importantly ,don't forget that during my dating years, there was no internet and thus no dating sites-most of the women I met was through personal ads, at bars, etc.
                          I think if I was in my 20's, 30's or 40's today, I would have a much easier time finding the kind of American woman I was looking for simply because of the zillion dating sites and the zillion women out there-the more choices you have the better the odds.
                          Actually the reason I took my search outside of the US is because back in 1990 through my job I met a wonderful loving Korean lady-she treated me like a king, and was entirely different from any American woman I had ever met.
                          I had to end the relationship though because she had two small children, and I knew that having been single all of my lie, I would be biting off more than I could chew.
                          In short, the Korean lady experience led me to believe that there must be many other women out there in world without kids who would treat me the same as she did.
                          Anyways, I could go on, but I think that gives you an idea where I am coming from.
                          Last edited by savage1; 11-03-2009, 11:33 PM.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Meg29 View Post
                            ..good go translate WayneChungs posts for me now...
                            i still dont even come close to understanding them


                            • #44
                              It looks like Dr. Maxman has some competition-either that or it is the same guy selling from another site: lol
                              Effective, Safe and Guaranteed Enlargement Supplement : MaxGentleman
                              Last edited by savage1; 11-16-2009, 07:20 PM.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by savage1 View Post
                                It looks like Dr. Maxman has some competition-either that or it is the same guy selling from another site: lol
                                Effective, Safe and Guaranteed Enlargement Supplement : MaxGentleman
                                You must be getting some complaints in this department.

