Originally posted by jcindaville
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She told me(although I knew it before) that a lot of the men in the Philippines cheat on their wifes, are unreliable in many ways and sometimes drink a lot-American met are considered a step up(although I am sure a lot of American wives would argue).
Obviously as the case with just about any woman in a foreign country, the chance to marry an American man represents a better chance for a happier life both for themselves and for any childen they might have.
For the most part most of the Philippine folks(not all) are poor at least when visited there back in the 90's-I am sure that the standard of living is higher in say Colombia than it is in the Philippines. My first wife lived in a house which has plenty ofm insects and lizzards living it besides her family if you catch my drift, and her family wasn't considered poor-more like above average.
The worst thing about going there is the travel(it can take a day or longer to get there depending on where you are going, and the 12 or 13 hour time difference(or less depending on what time zone you live in is brutal-this is jet lag to the max).
That being said, there are some lovely, sincere and wonderful ladies who reside there(obviously there are some gold diggers also), and many of my ex-wife's friends are happily married to American men.
For someone who is worried about the language barrier, I would highly recommend Philippine women if that person is intererested in meeting and marrying a foriegn woman.
ps Some of the women are religious, and some are not-my first wife was and is semi-religious.