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Its Time For a New Poll

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  • Its Time For a New Poll

    We haven't had one for a while, and this one I think is interesting and is open minded.
    The question is again very hypothetical, but I still think it is a good one.
    The question is how much money would it take if offered to you today for you to give up ALL sports gambling of any kind for a period of 5 years(locals, Offshores, Las Vegas, horseracing tracks etc.). We will allow trips to the casino for other forms of gambling as long as no sports bets are placed.
    This makes a broad assumption that it could be verified if you cheated and/o if you were having someone make the bets for you.
    Lets make it a little more emphatic-if you accepted the money but were caught betting or somehow cheating during the 5 years, your life would immediately end.
    After the five years were up, you could go back to gambling as you did before.
    The question again is what would be the price for you to quit sports gambling for five years?
    ps the money you would receive would be tax free.
    Last edited by savage1; 11-03-2009, 11:57 AM.

  • #2
    One other stripulation:
    If you accept the money whatever amount it is and then cheat within five years and thus die, whatever amount of money remains goes not to your family but is returned to the benefactor.


    • #3
      Give me somewhere between 5 and 10 grand. I'll walk away for 5 years.
      "CFB YTD: 5-8-1 -16.2"


      • #4
        Give me a grand

        Can i still play fantasy football??
        Questions, comments, complaints:
        [email protected]


        • #5
          You guys are cheap


          • #6


            • #7
              This is what I was afraid of-a fair number of folks read the thread by only three answered it as honestly as they could.
              It was intended to be a difficult question, and I can understand why for a variety of answers most so far have chosen not to answer it.
              It is difficult question for me to answer also, but I will give the most honest answer I can tomorrow with reasons.
              I am curious though why some of you chose not to answer.
              Do you consider the question too personal, to tough to answer or perhaps you are just plain not interested for whatever reason?
              Anyways, thanks for all who at least read the question posed and especially to those who answered it in the best way they could.


              • #8
                i'm not as big of a game taker as most of the guys on here, but i can honestly say 20- 25 G's and i would not touch a thing for 5 years. i don't even hit the casino savage, so i guess i would need 25 G's then.

                I go real small on just about everything but MMA, that i go BIG on, and in your explanation there is nothing against "friendly wagers" so i could just invite people over and still pick my fights or would that not be allowed ? As long as i could watch the fights that's all i would need.

                either way if you have the 25 G's let's set this up...LOL I would really do this, and the main reason is...............I currently live with a condition that can end my life at anytime.... and nobody offered me any $ when i got it. Even better i got it from a reaction to a medicine that was prescribed by my dr. why would i be afraid of gambling ending my life ????? you have to be careful with people that have nothing to lose savage..... to me this seems rather easy, but i know some guys it would be VERY difficult


                • #9
                  this kind of sounds like that new movie with cameron diaz, where she can take the $, but someone she knows will die if she that where you got the idea ? looks like a good movie


                  • #10
                    Mr. Pain-you make some good and valid points-I certainly hope and pray whatever ails you disppears.
                    As promised I will answer my own question.
                    This is as honest as I can be.
                    First of all, let me say that over time, I don't do especially well gambling, and am lucky over any extended period of time to breask even;the reasons for this are many but not the topic.
                    I gamble because of the entertainment value, and actually my average bets are quite small both in an absolute sense and in a relative sense regarding how much I could bet if I wanted to.
                    I can't lie-it is kind of an addiction even if I do bet small, and I have done it for many years; at my age it would be very difficult to stop like any habit especially in this case if I can afford to do it.
                    With that in my mind my answer to get me to stop gambling for 5 years(ie what it is worth to me to be able to bet a few games a day, watch the results come in, etc.)I would put at around 100K 0r 20K a year.
                    Don't ask for the logic behind this is as there is none; I am obviously not going to make 20K a year gambling(and as stated am lucky if I break even); for sure if I didn't bet
                    for 5 years, I would have the 100K and the money saved by not gambling for that time(I am sure I would be behind gambling after 5 years)
                    As we all know, this isn't a perfect world, and sometimes logic doesn't prevail as is the case here.

