seems like a total crock of BS to me. I mean i'm glad the boy is safe but i find it difficult to believe that no one called out his name throughout the house several times over and searched the entire house even attic. Why wouldnt he answer? Makes zero sense to me. Seems like a publicity stunt in my eyes.
Crazy when you think about it. A kid releases some big balloon and runs & hides. CNN is covering the event live for 4 hours, the National Guard and all search Helicopters are on the scene and they are interviewing everyone in the world and disecting pictures ... and the kid is just sitting up in the attic. Seriously crazy!!!
if it turns out as a hoax the parents should get the bill. They wont though the taxpayer will just pick it up like usual
if it turns out as a hoax the parents should get the bill. They wont though the taxpayer will just pick it up like usual
Don't you, ya' know, check the attic and all surrounding areas BEFORE getting the National Guard involved. About 4-5 hours of searching had gone by. Nobody at home was searching "Everything"? Just seems very odd to me and the father was a lover of being on TV. He was on wife swap and cnn "Eye" reporter a few times and something else they said. Hope he wasn't looking for fame because i find this hard to believe to be honest!
Just seems very odd to me and the father was a lover of being on TV. He was on wife swap and cnn "Eye" reporter a few times and something else they said. Hope he wasn't looking for fame because i find this hard to believe to be honest!
Bingo ... That is why I said what I did to you earlier ... To me, the handwriting was on the wall ... did not make sense to me ...
Just saw world news report and I'm guessing the kids pulled a hoax. I guess the apple doesn't fall to far from the tree and the kids were looking for some excitement.
i watched the whole thing for 2 hrs at work..They kept saying maybe he's home hiding but he let his dads balloon get lost and he was scared of an ass whoopin so he went hiding..Sheperad on FOX kept saying they should check under his bed