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Casa D'Ice lounge in PA

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  • Casa D'Ice lounge in PA

    i got an e-mail from a friend about this place, and he showed me all the signs they put outside their rest/lounge... I think most were very funny but at same time controversial. The signs basically all have to do with the fact that this is U.S.A, and not other countries, i thought the members would get a good kick out of some of them but hesitant to post. I'll let you guys be the judge, you want to see some funnny signs outside a rest/lounge about this country, and what's going on in the world ?

    If your from PA and you have heard of Casa D'ice you know what i'm talking about.

    rumor is he started doing this a while back it's just that he has started up again, and people from all over come to this guys lounge in PA just because of his signs, i'm sure the food is good also .

  • #2
    Some of them have been posted in the past. Post some new ones if you got it I love them!!!


    • #3
      Go ahead and post em, somebody has posted a few in the past as I recall. There are some good ones !
      9-4 = +5.85


      • #5
        just noticed that they take you to the site with all the signs , sorry guys, i couldn't copy and paste for some reason, oh well it was worth a shot, i see most guys have seen the signs before so nothing new here.


        • #6
          HAHAHAHAHA!!! Those are freaking awesome!!!


          • #7
            Originally posted by MR Pain View Post
            just noticed that they take you to the site with all the signs , sorry guys, i couldn't copy and paste for some reason, oh well it was worth a shot, i see most guys have seen the signs before so nothing new here.
            I saw the new signs Pain. If you click on that first link, their is a little slideshow you can press the arrows and go to see different signs.


            • #8

              He who wears diaper knows his shit - Confucius


              • #9
                Originally posted by kbsooner21 View Post
                I saw the new signs Pain. If you click on that first link, their is a little slideshow you can press the arrows and go to see different signs.
                cool i saw that also now, glad they work, and glad you enjoy KB


                • #10
                  insidethe8 that is what i was trying to do was post the actual pictures, i'm pretty bad at this whole internet thing that has taken us by storm. LOL NO i just don't know how to do it, thanks for putting one up.


                  • #11
                    hey is that my long lost buddy longnex in this thread, hope all is well with you buddy....geez last time we talked was like 2-3 years ago... Wow i'm sure i still have your e-mail, i'll shoot you one this week bud.


                    • #12
                      Originally posted by MR Pain View Post
                      insidethe8 that is what i was trying to do was post the actual pictures, i'm pretty bad at this whole internet thing that has taken us by storm. LOL NO i just don't know how to do it, thanks for putting one up.
                      right click the picture

                      on the bottom of the list you will see 'properties', click on it

                      another box will pop up; in the middle you will see 'address', it will start with http:// just highlite the whole address by holding down the left button on the mouse and scroll over it; make sure the address is highlited all in blue

                      then hold the Ctrl button down and press the letter C at the same time

                      go to your post, click on the yellow picture with the pyramid

                      a box will pop up for you to put the 'address' of the pic into it

                      once it pops up, hold down the Ctrl button and the letter V at the same time; click OK; this will put that pic into your post

                      give it a try; its alot easier than what reads here
                      He who wears diaper knows his shit - Confucius


                      • #13

                        Aint this one always the truth..
                        Last edited by Chado1; 09-23-2009, 12:06 AM.
                        SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!


                        • #14
                          The david letterman one was the best. What a chump!!!

                          No thrills, frills, spills or write-ups. Just givin ya the winners everyday.

