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Kayne West is an ass

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  • #46
    Originally posted by KazDog View Post
    I agree with what you're saying, but I don't think I take his posts too sensitively. I wasn't going to post in this thread, but when it went on and on about Al and Jessie, and NEVER is it brought up about whites making asses of themselves. It gets old. Just like I pointed out about the white Congressman who interrupted the President of this country. Perfect example. Where was the outrage?

    It's always some black QB, black tennis player, black entertainer, black president that draws his posts.

    Jordan's issues with blacks are very obvious. He is relentless and always has been. No one says two shits to him. It got old tonight.....


    I hear ya,

    Hey, the reason there is no outrage about the congressman is because 90% of America knows Obama was lying

    It was bad form though and he knows it.
    NBA is a joke


    • #47
      Originally posted by KazDog View Post
      I agree with what you're saying, but I don't think I take his posts too sensitively. I wasn't going to post in this thread, but when it went on and on about Al and Jessie, and NEVER is it brought up about whites making asses of themselves. It gets old. Just like I pointed out about the white Congressman who interrupted the President of this country. Perfect example. Where was the outrage?

      It's always some black QB, black tennis player, black entertainer, black president that draws his posts.

      Jordan's issues with blacks are very obvious. He is relentless and always has been. No one says two shits to him. It got old tonight.....

      Kaz, I happen to agree that there's often a double standard in this country. That being said in many cases it's not even a race issue. It's a media issue. The media loves to jam a story down our throats. They can be relentless. It's all about the ratings. No one cares if a black makes a racist comment. It's not news. However, they attract both sides when Imus opens his big mouth. They attract white viewers where opinion is probably split. They also attract the black viewer. They then run with the story.

      Sorry to say this, I don't think he's been that good from the get-go," Limbaugh said. "I think what we've had here is a little social concern in the NFL. The media has been very desirous that a black quarterback do well. There is a little hope invested in McNabb, and he got a lot of credit for the performance of this team that he didn't deserve. The defense carried this team."
      I know you're not a fan of Limbaugh but he didn't deserve the uproar from the above comment. It's often the media that leads the feeding frenzy.


      • #48
        Originally posted by frankb03 View Post
        Kaz, I happen to agree that there's often a double standard in this country. That being said in many cases it's not even a race issue. It's a media issue. The media loves to jam a story down our throats. They can be relentless. It's all about the ratings. No one cares if a black makes a racist comment. It's not news. However, they attract both sides when Imus opens his big mouth. They attract white viewers where opinion is probably split. They also attract the black viewer. They then run with the story.

        I know you're not a fan of Limbaugh but he didn't deserve the uproar from the above comment. It's often the media that leads the feeding frenzy.
        I get where you're coming from. But it's the job of the media to sell papers and when something is wrong or needs to be questioned, more often than not, they will write about it. And, unless it's an Op Ed piece, they will get both sides of the story. I don't know what to say to you if you don't think that when a black person in position of power or in the public's eye, make racist statements or blatant mistakes that it's not reported on. It's ALWAYS reported on. Many, many times. I know full well you aren't a fan of the media. That's fine, I definitely disagree with you on that.

        The difference is, Rush Limbaugh slams ONE SIDE down the public's throat. Day in and day out. Whereas the media, unless it's on the opinion page, will 99 times out of 100, give both sides to the story. They've been critical of Obama in many instances.

        Last edited by KazDog; 09-15-2009, 12:45 AM.
        [email protected]

        I'm just here so I won't get fined....


        • #49
          Originally posted by jordanrules23 View Post
          wow, a lost day you will take the blindfold off......i hate black ppl??? u dont even know me to assume that? look at my name and avatar?? Al and Jessie are for equal rights.....wheres the outrage for equal rights for white people....if i ever have a daughter im going to put her in miss black America ....and u watch what happens.....good day Kaz


          • #50
            Originally posted by buddyluv1968 View Post

            I'm laughing because people like you, Joe Wilson and other racist will soon be as extinct as dinosaurs. Jordan please don't change because each time I read one or you dumb ass Glen Beck, Fox and Friends rants. I love the responses that the great people of this site give you. It just let me know that things are changing for the better....


            • #51
              He must be related to ODB. Remember when he went on stage I think in the mid 90's talking about wootang or whatever? The funnest one ever was Soy Bomb or Soy Boy when Dylan was playing. I remember Dylan looking at him like, what is this? I don't remember this from the rehearsal.


              • #52
                Originally posted by buddyluv1968 View Post

                I'm laughing because people like you, Joe Wilson and other racist will soon be as extinct as dinosaurs. Jordan please don't change because each time I read one or you dumb ass Glen Beck, Fox and Friends rants. I love the responses that the great people of this site give you. It just let me know that things are changing for the better....
                ok Mr Acorn......another crook organization that NoBama is apart of
                open ur eyes u tool


                • #53
                  Originally posted by KazDog View Post
                  I get where you're coming from. But it's the job of the media to sell papers and when something is wrong or needs to be questioned, more often than not, they will write about it. And, unless it's an Op Ed piece, they will get both sides of the story. I don't know what to say to you if you don't think that when a black person in position of power or in the public's eye, make racist statements or blatant mistakes that it's not reported on. It's ALWAYS reported on. Many, many times. I know full well you aren't a fan of the media. That's fine, I definitely disagree with you on that.

                  The difference is, Rush Limbaugh slams ONE SIDE down the public's throat. Day in and day out. Whereas the media, unless it's on the opinion page, will 99 times out of 100, give both sides to the story. They've been critical of Obama in many instances.
                  Holy crap, man, what planet are you living on? 99 times out of 100 the media gives both sides of the story???? No offense, but that might be the most naive statement I've seen on BC in the years that I've been here. Limbaugh doesn't cram anything down the public's throat that doesn't wnat to hear it. The only way to hear Rush is to tune into his station. If you don't want to hear it you just don't tune in.

                  Damn, I'm absolutely baffled that someone actually wrote that the media gives both sides of the story 99 times out of 100. Shocking.
                  Last edited by harold_bush; 09-15-2009, 02:18 PM.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by harold_bush View Post
                    Holy crap, man, what planet are you living on? 99 times out of 100 the media gives both sides of the story???? No offense, but that might be the most naive statement I've seen on BC in the years that I've been here. Limbaugh doesn't cram anything down the public's throat that doesn't wnat to hear it. The only way to hear Rush is to tune into his station. If you don't want to hear it you just don't tune in.

                    Damn, I'm absolutely baffled that someone actually wrote that the media gives both sides of the story 99 times out of 100. Shocking.
                    he lives in a fishbowl...............these ppl are blind to the world


                    • #55
                      Let me add one more thing, there is only one show that I've seen that gives both sides of the story 99 times out of 100, and that is Bill O'Reilly........not CNN, not Rush Limabaugh, not NBC, not Hannity, not ABC, not CBS, but O'Reilly. If you don't believe it, you have simply never watched his show and you just listen to what that "99 times out of 100" media tells you. O'Reilly invites both sides of the issue on to debate.......w/out exception. You may not like or agree with his personal views, but he always does his best to get both sides to come on. THere is a reason he has double viewers Hannity does, and triple the ratings jokes like Olberman have.
                      Last edited by harold_bush; 09-15-2009, 02:27 PM.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by harold_bush View Post
                        Let me add one more thing, there is only one show that I've seen that gives both sides of the story 99 times out of 100, and that is Bill O'Reilly........not CNN, not Rush Limabaugh, not NBC, not Hannity, not ABC, not CBS, but O'Reilly. If you don't believe it, you have simply never watched his show and you just listen to what that "99 times out of 100" media tells you. O'Reilly invites both sides of the issue on to debate.......w/out exception. You may not like or agree with his personal views, but he always does his best to get both sides to come on. THere is a reason he has double viewers Hannity does, and triple the ratings jokes like Olberman have.
                        Olberman and Maher if they were conservatives the media would be all over them but since they are Libs the media leaves them alone....Those two are buffoons


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by flarendep1 View Post
                          Kaz, I really think you take Jordans post too sensitively. I think he is mainly trying to point out the double standards today. I am sure he has black friends and does not "hate all black people".

                          I have some black friends and coworkers and most of them are tired of blacks like Kyane West, Sharpton, Jackson etc,, and the rap culture representing them and not stand up guys like Bill Cosby, Clarence Thomas or Colin Powell for instance.

                          I know you think all conservatives hate blacks and that blacks can not possibly be conservative......but that kind of thnking is just wrong.

                          I hate what the rap culture is doing to the black communities, dont you?
                          I would disagree on Bill Cosby in that list just, because I've read many times about him and sexual assaults. Don't think he's ever been found guilty, but when something like that keeps popping up it makes you wonder about the truth of the person.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by harold_bush View Post
                            Let me add one more thing, there is only one show that I've seen that gives both sides of the story 99 times out of 100, and that is Bill O'Reilly........not CNN, not Rush Limabaugh, not NBC, not Hannity, not ABC, not CBS, but O'Reilly. If you don't believe it, you have simply never watched his show and you just listen to what that "99 times out of 100" media tells you. O'Reilly invites both sides of the issue on to debate.......w/out exception. You may not like or agree with his personal views, but he always does his best to get both sides to come on. THere is a reason he has double viewers Hannity does, and triple the ratings jokes like Olberman have.
                            First off...The media I'm referring to is the print media. Not shock jocks and idiots like O'Reilly. Limbaugh and O'reilly are not even close to being equal to both sides. People like you have selective hearing and reading. Because only your side isn't what's written about, you think it's a biased story. You're obviously VERY ignorant of how it works and what they do. Believe all you want, listen to Rush and O'Reilly all you like, and think that you are well informed. You're are the perfect sheep for morons like that to cram their garbage down.

                            I fully stand by my statement of unbiased reporting on stories in newspapers, except for Op Ed pieces. But I'm sure you read those and believe that because it's one person's opinion, it must be the opinion of everyone in the media. I'll take my 25 years in teaching, schooling and as a professional member as my pillar to stand on.

                            One of the tenants of Journalism is equal sides to every story that journalists write. And EVERY editor at EVERY newspaper knows that both sides must be represented. I challenge you to find me a story in print, that is biased and where the opposing side was completely ignored that is NOT an Op Ed article. FIND IT AND POST IT HERE!

                            Last edited by KazDog; 09-15-2009, 03:19 PM.
                            [email protected]

                            I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by harold_bush View Post
                              Let me add one more thing, there is only one show that I've seen that gives both sides of the story 99 times out of 100, and that is Bill O'Reilly........not CNN, not Rush Limabaugh, not NBC, not Hannity, not ABC, not CBS, but O'Reilly. If you don't believe it, you have simply never watched his show and you just listen to what that "99 times out of 100" media tells you. O'Reilly invites both sides of the issue on to debate.......w/out exception. You may not like or agree with his personal views, but he always does his best to get both sides to come on. THere is a reason he has double viewers Hannity does, and triple the ratings jokes like Olberman have.
                              The reason he has triple ratings is because unintelligent idiots like to tune that crap in, just like they tune in Rush. They enjoy being fed right wing propaganda.

                              Anyone who has half a brain isn't watching crap on TV or listening to shock jocks on the radio. Rush and O'Reilly are entertainers, not journalists. People with a brain, read and get their news from reliable print sources.

                              Yeah, I'm the naive one.

                              [email protected]

                              I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                              • #60
                                Kaz is riled up!!
                                Questions, comments, complaints:
                                [email protected]

