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What Sporting Event Do You Look Most Forward To?

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  • #16
    The start of NCAA BB tourney --March Madness.


    • #17
      savage, there is an actual poll for this already in the Polls forum


      • #18
        Originally posted by wayne1218 View Post
        savage, there is an actual poll for this already in the Polls forum
        Wayne-thanks for pointing that out.
        There is a little bit of a difference though in the question I asked as opposed to a poll, because it is an open-ended question and allows for other choices such as rivalry games, a specific game which occurs every year(could be as I stated, anticipating the Texas/Oklahoma game or an upcoming Red Sox/Yankees series, etc).
        Last edited by savage1; 08-24-2009, 05:23 PM.


        • #19
          Did you vote in the poll? That is all i want to know. You seem to ask a lot of poll questions yourself, it would be nice if you also answered a few.


          • #20
            Originally posted by wayne1218 View Post
            Did you vote in the poll? That is all i want to know. You seem to ask a lot of poll questions yourself, it would be nice if you also answered a few.
            It appears that I did not vote in that poll-can't honestly tell you why.
            I am sure I have answered ome of the polls started by you and others in the past;actually if you check, you will see that I was in fact the first one who voted in the poll started by Bryce earlier today.
            Obviously if someone doen't care to participate in the open-ended question I posed(which by definition isn't just a pure poll because it doesn't allow you to simply vote with a simple checkmark), then they obviously have the right not to answer the question asked.
            For example, if you or anyone else asks a poll question about who a draft pick in the NFL should be, I don't answer it. While it may be a great question for some, I simply have no interest and don't follow that particular sport that carefully to begin with, meaning I have no basis for my choice.


            • #21
              savage, I don't need examples but thanks.


              • #22
                Originally posted by wayne1218 View Post
                savage, I don't need examples but thanks.
                Wayne, I know you don't need examples;I was simply trying to clarify why I don't always take part in polls.
                Perhaps you might want to bump up your original poll about their favorite sporting event ,so that folks who didn't see it or vote it in the first time around, can vote this time.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by savage1 View Post
                  Wayne, I know you don't need examples;I was simply trying to clarify why I don't always take part in polls.
                  Perhaps you might want to bump up your original poll about their favorite sporting event ,so that folks who didn't see it or vote it in the first time around, can vote this time.
                  Only certain people even look in that forum savage. I know that and most of them voted.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by wayne1218 View Post
                    Only certain people even look in that forum savage. I know that and most of them voted.
                    Ok-fine. Lets see what folks say here in a similar poll.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by savage1 View Post
                      Monte-read the question asked again;it requires an answer more specific(for example what particular game or event do you anticipate in football?).

                      When I was young it was always MLB first. Now as I've gotten older I don't watch MLB every day like I did back in the good old days. So I put football first since its not played every day.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by wayne1218 View Post
                        savage, there is an actual poll for this already in the Polls forum

                        That's a poll


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by BettorsChat View Post

                          When I was young it was always MLB first. Now as I've gotten older I don't watch MLB every day like I did back in the good old days. So I put football first since its not played every day.
                          Monte-no offense but it still doesn't answer the question as posed;eg if football is your favorites sport, is there any specific matchup you look forward to each year in college or the NFL in a general sense, or id it a certain Bowklgamem Superbowl, etc. that you look forward to with the most anticipation?


                          • #28
                            Not good enough Monte, try again!




                            • #29
                              Originally posted by wayne1218 View Post
                              Not good enough Monte, try again!




                              • #30
                                Originally posted by savage1 View Post
                                Monte-no offense but it still doesn't answer the question as posed;eg if football is your favorites sport, is there any specific matchup you look forward to each year in college or the NFL in a general sense, or id it a certain Bowklgamem Superbowl, etc. that you look forward to with the most anticipation?
                                Hopefully this works, but any game the Patriots are playing and winning.

