Isabelle Jackson Elementary teacher Crystal Defanti gives sex tape to California students
Friday, July 3rd 2009, 9:17 AM
Isabelle Jackson Elementary teacher Crystal Defanti gives sex tape to California students
California teacher Crystal Defanti sent her students home with a video of class memories, but the DVD contained certain "memories" that were not appropriate for the students to see, Associated Content reports.
The class memories DVD contained six seconds of the teacher having sex on a couch spliced between shots of the children, students at Isabelle Jackson Elementary School in California, sharing their memories in class.
The teacher learned that the sex clip had been included in the DVD when a parent called to let her know. She then called parents to alert them of the sex clip and ask them to get rid of the DVDs, the Associated Press reports.
"Just destroy them," Elk Grove Unified School District spokeswoman Torrey Johnson said of the DVDs.
The students went to Isabelle Jackson Elementary, a school south of Sacramento, California.
CBS News reports that Defanti will probably not lose her job.
Friday, July 3rd 2009, 9:17 AM
Isabelle Jackson Elementary teacher Crystal Defanti gives sex tape to California students
California teacher Crystal Defanti sent her students home with a video of class memories, but the DVD contained certain "memories" that were not appropriate for the students to see, Associated Content reports.
The class memories DVD contained six seconds of the teacher having sex on a couch spliced between shots of the children, students at Isabelle Jackson Elementary School in California, sharing their memories in class.
The teacher learned that the sex clip had been included in the DVD when a parent called to let her know. She then called parents to alert them of the sex clip and ask them to get rid of the DVDs, the Associated Press reports.
"Just destroy them," Elk Grove Unified School District spokeswoman Torrey Johnson said of the DVDs.
The students went to Isabelle Jackson Elementary, a school south of Sacramento, California.
CBS News reports that Defanti will probably not lose her job.