About a year and a half ago i had a problem with my computer and frank listed a site and when i went to it it fixed my computer.this was not the 2 he listed in waynes i need computer help thread.when i clicked on the site he gave i remember the entire screen turning blue then for about an hour i could not search online at all but it fixed my issues and changed alot of things for instance i had a baseball as my cursor and it changed it back to its normal setting.not sure what site it was but if anyone could help me out on this it would be greatly appreciated.i keep getting a ringing sound like i am trying to get on dialup like ever 15 minutes even if i am not online at the time.also everytime i start my computer i have things that i have downloaded in the past pop up and i have to delete it.at times i will be doing fine on line and all of the sudden at the bottom where it keeps track of all the places i am in will say like internet explorer 35.at times it keeps clicking on the same website over and over again without me doing anything.
Thanks everyone for your help
Thanks everyone for your help