This part leaves them open for some liability if you where given high marks on your previous evaluations. This seems to be quite glaring. You just don't all of a sudden determine a person is not quite right for the job if you have been performing these duites for years. Stay positive and perform the est you can, but seek outside professional help that you can TRUST!
Thanks Breakers and Checkers!
Just to update I talked to my benefits person Friday and I can get $2040.50 a month which is the paid 50%LTD plan. I went back to HR and forget it I can not live on that. After child support for Bryce and figure 500 in taxes I may be looking at a grand a month. Is there any other programs out there that I may qualify for?? I really don't have bills..I could move to Pittsburgh and live with my girl...If I did that I would only have 180.00 a month I owe out for a cell phone and credit card a month so I would have to give her some cash and have very little to live on. Any advice would be appreciated..
Just to update I talked to my benefits person Friday and I can get $2040.50 a month which is the paid 50%LTD plan. I went back to HR and forget it I can not live on that. After child support for Bryce and figure 500 in taxes I may be looking at a grand a month. Is there any other programs out there that I may qualify for?? I really don't have bills..I could move to Pittsburgh and live with my girl...If I did that I would only have 180.00 a month I owe out for a cell phone and credit card a month so I would have to give her some cash and have very little to live on. Any advice would be appreciated..
You may qualify for SSI, but I'm not sure if that would work with you getting 50% from your company. You would have to ask a Social Security Attorney that question.
You may qualify for SSI, but I'm not sure if that would work with you getting 50% from your company. You would have to ask a Social Security Attorney that question.
Monte---the only thing SSI gets me is medicaid or medicare..They can provide me with health insurance at 90 bucks a month...My benefit is my benefit and my company and them would split once I was approved for it...I did find out that much..thanks I appreciate you trying to help me.
BRYCE, Have you asked them why or told them you came back assuming you had the same job and would be able to do it? If not, you need to just to see what they say. I agree with Monte, it sounds like they are trying to black ball you big time. I know in my dealings, going on disability was a bad thing for just about everyone i've known. It is step 1 of their process to get rid of you.
Wayne--do you know of any other programs I would qualify for since I only will be making 2000+ a month??
I have searched every site possible on the net looking for this type of info with little help.
I wouldn't ask the question without trying to find the answer myself first...
Anyones help would be greatly appreciated.