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U.S. Postal Service wants to deliver mail 5 days a week, not 6

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  • U.S. Postal Service wants to deliver mail 5 days a week, not 6

    Geoff Williams
    Jan 29th 2009 at 12:31PMText
    Filed under: Extra curriculars

    It probably has to be done, but it feels so wrong: on Wednesday, the U.S. Postal Service asked Congress for permission to deliver the mail five days a week instead of six.

    Naturally, this all comes down to money. Americans don't have a lot these days, and making matters worse, we're using the postal service less with the advent of email and online bill paying. And then there's the little matter that a postal service study conducted last year indicates that by skipping a day, the U.S. Postal Service might save $3.5 billion a year.

    U.S. Postal Service wants to deliver mail 5 days a week, not 6 - WalletPop Blog

  • #2
    I dont understand how they will save much money. Aside from saving a few bucks on gas and electric, the employees get paid a set salary, they arent hourly waging workers..Where are they saving the "billions"?


    • #3
      As email puts snail mail out of business, my guess is that taxes on email will be targeted to pay all those retirements for the USPS.
      NBA is a joke

