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Tuesdays mortgage payment goy!!!!!!!

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  • Tuesdays mortgage payment goy!!!!!!!

    Overall Record is now 14-9 But we picked up a few units on Monday as well because we went ahead and won 2 out of our 3 10*s

    Here is how we are looking 14-9 Up a Pocket Bulging 54 units. Thats just HOW I DO IT. And to be perfectly honest. This is a cold streak for me. Youll see what im about on Tuesday when my game of the year tips off. This game is EASY AS PIE. EASY AS APPLE FUCKING PIE. 10 POINT COVER AT LEAST. SHIP THE APPLESAUCE PEOPLE. ONCE THIS GAME ENDS IM GOIN TO THE SIZZZZLER AND ALL YOU GUYS ARE INVITED. Peace...MCMONEY

    College Basket Fun

    Memphis -4.5 Game of the year. All The way to the bank 20* Mortgage Payment GOY
    Kansas St +7.5 for 10*
    Kentucky +6 for 8*
    BYU -14 for 7*

    NBA Plays

    Detroit Pistons -7 for 10*
    Minnesota Twolves +1.5 for 8*
    Orlando Magic -8 for 8*

  • #2
    McMoney -

    First of all you're hilarious, one of the funniest I've ever seen. And I wish you nothing but luck.

    Quick story, less than a month ago on a Tuesday West Virginia was playing Davidson in MSG and West Va was looking good until Stephen Curry took over for the cover with 1 min left. I remember cause a guy named CrazySkills posted a 25 unit GOY on West Virginia.

    He was hot so I followed and I would say that's when stuff started going awry for our man Crazy.

    I didn't like West Va that night but i do like Memphis so well see what happens I guess. However, making that wager allowed me to make my biggest CBB wager of the year this past weekend on Marquette against those same Mountaineers.

    Good luck with your play mccash

    Cue GG with the 10* on Tulsa? I'll Tell you what if GG picks Memphis I'll be pretty surprised.


    • #3
      'game of the year' already? that's shocking !
      good luck


      • #4
        So we can save the mortgage crisis by following your pick.And to think Obama and his team think a bailout is the way to go.Vote for mcmoney for mortgage czar



        • #5

          Though I agree with most of what these other guys have said. If you're a good capper your record will show it. No need to hype yourself here.

          No thrills, frills, spills or write-ups. Just givin ya the winners everyday.


          • #6
            What a shocker that the dashes or "-" after the point spread number have suddenly vanished into thin air over this dudes last two posts after I caught him doing a very RARE and similar trait of crazy's posting style. Too funny....

            For anyone that doesnt know what I am talking about crazy is the only and I mean only person I have ever seen post on this forum that added an additional hook or "-" after the 0.5 of the point spread number was walready indicated.

            For example:

            Georgia -7.5-

            Instead of either:

            Georgia -7.5
            Georgie -7-

            He would do both which I always found strange because game where the half point isnt supposed to be you would see that "-" which would cause confusion whether the play was actually -7.0, -7.5 or -7-

            And low and behold this dude does the same thing that nobody else other than crazy has on this forum and once I say something he changes a style of posting that isnt easy for anyone to do overnight if its common for them...
            Last edited by Chado1; 01-13-2009, 08:50 AM.
            SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!


            • #7
              Originally posted by Chado1 View Post
              What a shocker that the dashes or "-" after the point spread number have suddenly vanished into thin air over this dudes last two posts after I caught him doing a very RARE and similar trait of crazy's posting style. Too funny....

              For anyone that doesnt know what I am talking about crazy is the only and I mean only person I have ever seen post on this forum that added an additional hook or "-" after the 0.5 of the point spread number was walready indicated.

              For example:

              Georgia -7.5-

              Instead of either:

              Georgia -7.5
              Georgie -7-

              He would do both which I always found strange because game where the half point isnt supposed to be you would see that "-" which would cause confusion whether the play was actually -7.0, -7.5 or -7-

              And low and behold this dude does the same thing that nobody else other than crazy has on this forum and once I say something he changes a style of posting that isnt easy for anyone to do overnight if its common for them...
              If you want to see for yourself compare mcmoney's Sunday thread for the dashes to all of crazy skills previous posts with the same dashes. Then go an look at any other poster on this forum and let me know if you even find ONE OTHER PERSON that does this. My invetigation is now closed after the evidence speaks for itself your honor


              Chado PI
              Last edited by Chado1; 01-13-2009, 09:01 AM.
              SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!


              • #8
                Chado, just drop it...

                Monte apparently likes these guys here. It's not worth getting worked up over like we have in the past. Many people it seems don't like us looking out for the forum as there seemed to be a lot of backlash this last time we tried it including you getting a nice little ban, remember? Don't even open his threads if you can't handle not responding. I'm not saying this to be a dick, just to save you and I the trouble.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by kbsooner21 View Post
                  Many people it seems don't like us looking out for the forum as there seemed to be a lot of backlash this last time we tried it
                  No kidding I wonder how many people lost their ass big time on crazy's picks with his bogus record luring people on the forum into thinking he actually was better than he was showing. God forbid us for trying to avoid respected members and newbies from losing their ass on these ludicrus posts. Of course its anyones fault if they blindly follow someone but what about the honest principle here????????
                  SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by kbsooner21 View Post
                    Chado, just drop it...

                    Monte apparently likes these guys here. It's not worth getting worked up over like we have in the past. Many people it seems don't like us looking out for the forum as there seemed to be a lot of backlash this last time we tried it including you getting a nice little ban, remember? Don't even open his threads if you can't handle not responding. I'm not saying this to be a dick, just to save you and I the trouble.

                    KB, you guys do a great job looking out for the forum. That is why I will be proposing a new P.I. show to CBS. I just want to know who do you guys want to play you in the show??

                    Coming Soon !!

                    No Sooner & a Chad Later

                    Keep up the good work
                    He who wears diaper knows his shit - Confucius


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by kbsooner21 View Post
                      Chado, just drop it...

                      It's not worth getting worked up over like we have in the past. Don't even open his threads if you can't handle not responding..

                      I could not agree more to what i quoted above ...

                      If everyone would just ignore this guy and do not comment ... He will go away ... he is just feeding on these posts ...


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Chado1 View Post
                        If you want to see for yourself compare mcmoney's Sunday thread for the dashes to all of crazy skills previous posts with the same dashes. Then go an look at any other poster on this forum and let me know if you even find ONE OTHER PERSON that does this. My invetigation is now closed after the evidence speaks for itself your honor


                        Chado PI
                        Having done investigative type work all of my life until my retirement and now doing commentary on sports services which don't always tell it as it is on (gulp) another forum, I commend Chado and others who point out interesting tidbits and inconsistencies
                        Should he dwell on it? No! Let folks draw their own conclusions and most importantly lets see how the picks do;if the guy can show a big profit over time as he claims, then we can all benefit, and his identity is meaningless.
                        Last edited by savage1; 01-13-2009, 09:47 AM.


                        • #13
                          mcmoney, if you do not mind me asking....what do you mcwager on a mcunit??
                          Nothing is as far away as one minute ago.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by kbsooner21 View Post
                            Chado, just drop it...

                            Monte apparently likes these guys here. It's not worth getting worked up over like we have in the past. Many people it seems don't like us looking out for the forum as there seemed to be a lot of backlash this last time we tried it including you getting a nice little ban, remember? Don't even open his threads if you can't handle not responding. I'm not saying this to be a dick, just to save you and I the trouble.
                            I sent you an e-mail regarding Crazy a long time ago and you didn't bother to respond back to me. So don't come in saying that I apparently like these guys here. So far I don't believe this guy has did anything wrong.

                            I like solid posters that are honest, loyal etc.

                            Now on another note if this guy screws up he will hang himself on here as myself and the mods watch the posts.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by PW52 View Post
                              McMoney -

                              First of all you're hilarious, one of the funniest I've ever seen. And I wish you nothing but luck.

                              Quick story, less than a month ago on a Tuesday West Virginia was playing Davidson in MSG and West Va was looking good until Stephen Curry took over for the cover with 1 min left. I remember cause a guy named CrazySkills posted a 25 unit GOY on West Virginia.

                              He was hot so I followed and I would say that's when stuff started going awry for our man Crazy.

                              I didn't like West Va that night but i do like Memphis so well see what happens I guess. However, making that wager allowed me to make my biggest CBB wager of the year this past weekend on Marquette against those same Mountaineers.

                              Good luck with your play mccash

                              Cue GG with the 10* on Tulsa? I'll Tell you what if GG picks Memphis I'll be pretty surprised.
                              Actually it was a 50 unit GOY and it did lose

