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The jason taylor story

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  • #46
    Originally posted by vols fan View Post
    Is it to late to go back and edit that
    Um, Yeah ! Just like it was too late for me to pull out of goat #43, but hey, he is in college now studying Agriculture



    He who wears diaper knows his shit - Confucius


    • #47
      Still crickets


      • #48
        Originally posted by vols fan View Post
        Insidethe8,you are quick and witty and I like it.Even if it's at my expense,I GIVE ENOUGH HEAD TO ENJOY GETTING IT BACK A LITTLE TOO. I REALLY LIKE IT WHEN THEY KEEP CUMMING.
        damn, getting kinda personal there aren't you !!!
        jc Wishes He Can Get A Goat


        • #49
          Originally posted by insidethe8thpol View Post
          Um, Yeah ! Just like it was too late for me to pull out of goat #43, but hey, he is in college now studying Agriculture



          how does one of my buddies get in a thread about jason taylor !!!
          jc Wishes He Can Get A Goat


          • #50
            Originally posted by Chado1 View Post
            hahahaha this is the gayest post I ever read and I just jacked off 3 times and am still hard and horny..
            damn chad, you just got over being banned and now we hear about your sex life !!!
            jc Wishes He Can Get A Goat


            • #51

              i know sea for approx 10 yrs and i know him to be a stand up guy. please stop w/ all the drama, which i see you enjoy, get a life and stick to sporting info as this website was set up for!!


              • #52
                Originally posted by downtime View Post

                i know sea for approx 10 yrs and i know him to be a stand up guy. please stop w/ all the drama, which i see you enjoy, get a life and stick to sporting info as this website was set up for!!
                Everone has skeletons in their closets and everyone makes mistakes.

                He hasnt come in to defend himseld because he cant - LOL

                What I posted is 1000 % true.

                Unless you have proof that Im lying then STFU

                Who are you anyway ? A service he shills for on the other forums ?


                • #53
                  None of your business Downtime. Let Sea speak for himself.


                  • #54
                    DRAMA, DRAMA,DRAMA.....
                    None of your business Downtime. Let Sea speak for himself

                    is it anyone's business?

                    prove this greek and i will apologize


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by downtime View Post
                      drama, drama,drama.....
                      None of your business downtime. Let sea speak for himself

                      is it anyone's business?

                      Prove this greek and i will apologize
                      get my email from spark or wayne and i will forward you all the emails.........

                      As long as u dont give my eail to services who will threaten me ,,,,


                      • #56
                        not looking to argue greek...

                        have a safe new year everyone!!!!!!!!!


                        • #57
                          Still crickets


                          • #58
                            this is going to be my last comment on this subject and then im letting it all go no matter what follows this statement.i have not been on here lately due to the way this has expanded and how this thread about JASON TAYLOR became fucked by one person.what im going to tell you is just how it is and i don't care who you believe,weather it be me or someone else its your choice and how you follow up after this is also your personal feeling.

                            for all the GREEK has said about me and cursed me and condemened me ,its all to get as many people against me as possible.he may and will be able to show you e-mails about the day in question of which he says i ratted him out and so on.well everything he is going to send to you people are the same things that he did that day to minupliate me to make me look bad and get even with me for doing nothing to him.

                            what he did that day was what a lot of people can probably do(and im not one of them) on a computer so here is just how this guy you all like really is,all he did was CUT,SPLICE AND EDIT the e-mails that went on that day,he completely changed the wording and the writing of all parties involved in order to try and get me in trouble with this so called service.i could have this guy that runs the service tell you exactly what happened that day,but he is too busy of a man and i also don't think he should be subjected to this situation over a geek called the GOLDENGREEK.this guy also has some family problems going on right now and in respect to him i would not bother him right now,so as you can see im still friends with this guy and always have been so if things did happen the way this goof will say it did then why is this guy still my friend,exactly cause it didn't happen the way the GREEK says it did.

                            so to all that think that GG is their friend,i urge you to proceed with caution with this kid as he is all for himself and thats it.tell me how many peoples threads does he come into and wish you luck on your picks,NONE,he thinks that all of you should cater to him and that he is too high and mighty to come into your thread and lower himself to you.he dosen't even bet on these so called picks he posts,all he does is fade the public and play bookie or casino and we all know who always wins in sports gambling don't we,yes its the casinos and bookies so anyone of us can look and see who everyone is on and go the other way but most of us cap our games and make our own plays.just look at all the games he posts,no one in their right mind plays all those games and puts that much money on a play.

                            he says he has a real job so if he is so rich and can wager on all those games then why in gods name would he have to have a real job,he wouldn't he is just a posting junkie and thats beware people and watch your step with this guy and as i told you he will send you all of his phony e-mails concering this issue to show me up and its just not the way he portrays it, i would like at least all that claim to be my buddy to let me really know if you are after you think about this as i just want to know who is on my side,so those of you that have my e-mail you can send one to me if you like or just let me know some other way,i know some of you will still be negative towards me such as THREE JACK who in my opinion is on the same level as GG but thats another story,but really i don't care what you say cause i know what really happened that day

                            I AM A NITWIT


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by seaofred View Post
                              this is going to be my last comment on this subject and then im letting it all go no matter what follows this statement.i have not been on here lately due to the way this has expanded and how this thread about jason taylor became fucked by one person.what im going to tell you is just how it is and i don't care who you believe,weather it be me or someone else its your choice and how you follow up after this is also your personal feeling.

                              For all the greek has said about me and cursed me and condemened me ,its all to get as many people against me as possible.he may and will be able to show you e-mails about the day in question of which he says i ratted him out and so on.well everything he is going to send to you people are the same things that he did that day to minupliate me to make me look bad and get even with me for doing nothing to him.

                              What he did that day was what a lot of people can probably do(and im not one of them) on a computer so here is just how this guy you all like really is,all he did was cut,splice and edit the e-mails that went on that day,he completely changed the wording and the writing of all parties involved in order to try and get me in trouble with this so called service.i could have this guy that runs the service tell you exactly what happened that day,but he is too busy of a man and i also don't think he should be subjected to this situation over a geek called the goldengreek.this guy also has some family problems going on right now and in respect to him i would not bother him right now,so as you can see im still friends with this guy and always have been so if things did happen the way this goof will say it did then why is this guy still my friend,exactly cause it didn't happen the way the greek says it did.

                              So to all that think that gg is their friend,i urge you to proceed with caution with this kid as he is all for himself and thats it.tell me how many peoples threads does he come into and wish you luck on your picks,none,he thinks that all of you should cater to him and that he is too high and mighty to come into your thread and lower himself to you.he dosen't even bet on these so called picks he posts,all he does is fade the public and play bookie or casino and we all know who always wins in sports gambling don't we,yes its the casinos and bookies so anyone of us can look and see who everyone is on and go the other way but most of us cap our games and make our own plays.just look at all the games he posts,no one in their right mind plays all those games and puts that much money on a play.

                              He says he has a real job so if he is so rich and can wager on all those games then why in gods name would he have to have a real job,he wouldn't he is just a posting junkie and thats beware people and watch your step with this guy and as i told you he will send you all of his phony e-mails concering this issue to show me up and its just not the way he portrays it, i would like at least all that claim to be my buddy to let me really know if you are after you think about this as i just want to know who is on my side,so those of you that have my e-mail you can send one to me if you like or just let me know some other way,i know some of you will still be negative towards me such as three jack who in my opinion is on the same level as gg but thats another story,but really i don't care what you say cause i know what really happened that day

                              you fucking lying piece of shit !!!!

                              How can you look at yourself in the mirror you rat fuking bastard

                              what a lying cunt

                              it took you 4-5 days to come up this this bogus ass lie ??

                              Lmmfao !!!

                              You are a sick fuk degenerate who was shilling for services in at least 4 diffrent forums in exchange of getting the services plays for free in return

                              this service you just spoke so kindly off i saw you bash him and rip him an asshole a few days ago at the "percription"

                              dont worry

                              spark knows gary green and what he is all about- he has threatened spark also - so i dont need to change any emails - u dumb fuck

                              be a fucking man and say you made a mistake -- just say it was a long time ago and you used poor judgement

                              you coming in this thread and bold face lying will earn you a bitch slap if we ever cross paths - i owe you a beating for giving my email to all your tout buddys so they can threaten me anyway.

                              nice try pinnoccio - your on here every fuking day -- it took you all this time to reply ?

                              You are a pathetic liar

                              for christ sake - admit it and apologize

                              you had no problem apologizing and basically blowing me in those emails sounding like you were in tears

                              tell the truth or i will only make it worse for you
                              Last edited by GOLDENGREEK; 01-04-2009, 02:47 PM.


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by seaofred View Post
                                this is going to be my last comment on this subject and then im letting it all go no matter what follows this statement.i have not been on here lately due to the way this has expanded and how this thread about JASON TAYLOR became fucked by one person.what im going to tell you is just how it is and i don't care who you believe,weather it be me or someone else its your choice and how you follow up after this is also your personal feeling.

                                for all the GREEK has said about me and cursed me and condemened me ,its all to get as many people against me as possible WHY THE FUK WOULD I WANT PEOPLE AGAINST YOU ?? I HAVE HID THIS FACT FROM THE FORUM FOR A YEAR AND A HALF AND ONLY OPENED MY MOUTH WHEN YOU STARTED CURSING ME OUT FOR NO REASON .he may and will be able to show you e-mails about the day in question of which he says i ratted him out and so on. BECAUSE ITS TRUE AND I SAVED THEM -- ILL EVEN GET YOUR BUDDY GARY GREEN TO COME ON THE FORUM AND VERIFY MY STORY well everything he is going to send to you people are the same things that he did that day to minupliate me to make me look bad and get even with me for doing nothing to him.

                                what he did that day was what a lot of people can probably do(and im not one of them) on a computer so here is just how this guy you all like really is,all he did was CUT,SPLICE AND EDIT the e-mails that went on that day,he completely changed the wording and the writing of all parties involved in order to try and get me in trouble with this so called service. AGAIN SPARK HAS HAD DEALINGS WITH THIS GUY AND HAS BEEN THREATENED ALSO -- NO NEED FOR ME TO CHANGE A DAMN THING i could have this guy that runs the service tell you exactly what happened that day,but he is too busy of a man and i also don't think he should be subjected to this situation over a geek called the GOLDENGREEK.this guy also has some family problems going on right now and in respect to him i would not bother him right now ( GUYS - SEAFRUAD POSTS AS 21KID AT "THE PERCRIPTION" GO LOOK AT THE SERVICE THREAD ABOUT 4 DAYS AGO AND SEE WHAT HE SAID ABOUT THIS GUY HE IS SPEAKING NICELY ABOUT",so as you can see im still friends with this guy and always have been so if things did happen the way this goof will say it did then why is this guy still my friend,exactly cause it didn't happen the way the GREEK says it did.

                                so to all that think that GG is their friend,i urge you to proceed with caution with this kid as he is all for himself and thats it.tell me how many peoples threads does he come into and wish you luck on your picks,NONE,he thinks that all of you should cater to him and that he is too high and mighty to come into your thread and lower himself to you.( IM BUSY .. I HAVE A LIFE AND BASED ON MY 10,000 POSTS I DO MY FUKING PART he dosen't even bet on these so called picks he posts,all he does is fade the public and play bookie or casino and we all know who always wins in sports gambling don't we,yes its the casinos and bookies so anyone of us can look and see who everyone is on and go the other way but most of us cap our games and make our own plays.just look at all the games he posts,no one in their right mind plays all those games and puts that much money on a play. YOU DONT KNOW WHO I AM - HOW RICH OR POOR I AM AND HOW MUCH I WAGER ON MY GAMES -- AND YOU KNOW WHAT ?? ITS NONE OF YOUR FUKING BUSINESS

                                he says he has a real job so if he is so rich NEVER HAVE I SAID THAT I AM RICH YOU STUPID TWAT and can wager on all those games then why in gods name would he have to have a real job BECAUSE THERE ARE LAYERS , DOCTORS AND CEO's THAT DONT GAMBLE .. RIGHT ??? - LMAO ,he wouldn't he is just a posting junkie and thats beware people and watch your step with this guy and as i told you he will send you all of his phony e-mails concering this issue to show me up and its just not the way he portrays it, i would like at least all that claim to be my buddy to let me really know if you are after you think about this as i just want to know who is on my side,so those of you that have my e-mail you can send one to me if you like or just let me know some other way,i know some of you will still be negative towards me such as THREE JACK who in my opinion is on the same level as GG but thats another story,but really i don't care what you say cause i know what really happened that day WE KNOW WHAT HAPPENED FUKER- YOU ARE A PICE OF SHIT SHILL RAT FUK



