Lets see.People are still giving out free winners,there are some good debates going on about sports and none of us have had the urge to bet hockey lately.Seems like things are going pretty good if you ask me.
Here's my problem with Chad.He's not as good of a capper as he thinks he is in football and basketball.When he loses it's because the coach is a "fucking moron" or our team "fucking sucks" or "the game is fucking rigged".Thats the shit that gets on peoples nerves.If you cap a game and you lose blame yourself for not puting enough time into capping it and roll on.Some games your on the right side and lose and others you picked wrong but somehow get a lucky win.For Chad it seems he forgets the games he wins that he should have lost.I like Chado and he is a part of this family/site but he needs to grow up and either stop betting to much money that it ruins his day or stop betting all together.
I think alot of us here look at Chado as our little brother.He's young and imature and some days you want to beat the shit out of him but if someone else tried to kick his ass they would have to go thru us first.I will say that it will be good when he comes back with a better attitude and I hope he returns soon.
Lets see.People are still giving out free winners,there are some good debates going on about sports and none of us have had the urge to bet hockey lately.Seems like things are going pretty good if you ask me.
Here's my problem with Chad.He's not as good of a capper as he thinks he is in football and basketball.When he loses it's because the coach is a "fucking moron" or our team "fucking sucks" or "the game is fucking rigged".Thats the shit that gets on peoples nerves.If you cap a game and you lose blame yourself for not puting enough time into capping it and roll on.Some games your on the right side and lose and others you picked wrong but somehow get a lucky win.For Chad it seems he forgets the games he wins that he should have lost.I like Chado and he is a part of this family/site but he needs to grow up and either stop betting to much money that it ruins his day or stop betting all together.
Amen Vols. I was about to write something similar. This place has felt less dramatic and much more about gambling since he's been gone. We haven't seen the board cluttered with useless, bitching threads about how everyone in every sport sucks because he lost money on them. I think the purpose of this board is to have a community of gamblers support each other's picks and help each other make money and have fun. I feel like when he's around it takes away from that. I can tell you there were times I didn't even like coming here earlier this year when I saw him picking fights and cluttering the board with bitching threads. I'm not trying to pile on him but this is certainly how I feel and I'm sure many others do as well.
thanks spark.. i did say MIGHT.. was not sure that I would be stepping on anyone's toes, it is not what I am here for. people should all get along.
sorry, i never knew that I should post this thread in another section.. that is cool.
But Free Ocho Cinco Chad
I can tell you Spark has stuck by him alot longer and probably went against some of the other mods to keep Chado around.I'm sure Spark will be reminding Chado of that when he returns.
I can tell you Spark has stuck by him alot longer and probably went against some of the other mods to keep Chado around..
vols you could be no more correct ....
I backed him up most of the time .... he swore to me via e-mail he would cool it ... he also told Monte he would just stay in his thread and wish people luck ... well, That did not last very long ...
thanks spark.. i did say MIGHT.. was not sure that I would be stepping on anyone's toes, it is not what I am here for. people should all get along.
sorry, i never knew that I should post this thread in another section.. that is cool.
But Free Ocho Cinco Chad
Saints, I have banned Chado twice before for doing the exact same thing he did the other night ... Those times I lifted his ban early ... Not this time
chado,i miss you buddy,i was wrong the other night snapping at you,owe you an apology,did not see where that guy attacked you in your thread first-anyway be glad when your back !!
Lets see.People are still giving out free winners,there are some good debates going on about sports and none of us have had the urge to bet hockey lately.Seems like things are going pretty good if you ask me.
Here's my problem with Chad.He's not as good of a capper as he thinks he is in football and basketball.When he loses it's because the coach is a "fucking moron" or our team "fucking sucks" or "the game is fucking rigged".Thats the shit that gets on peoples nerves.If you cap a game and you lose blame yourself for not puting enough time into capping it and roll on.Some games your on the right side and lose and others you picked wrong but somehow get a lucky win.For Chad it seems he forgets the games he wins that he should have lost.I like Chado and he is a part of this family/site but he needs to grow up and either stop betting to much money that it ruins his day or stop betting all together.
Well said, Vols.... but you did forget the classic excuse that the NHL is too tough to handicap. He promotes his record in a thread title, gives out a GOY and it loses. So what...everyone has GOY's that lose. Just hit the books and come back strong. But he posts that he is done capping hockey because the NHL is too difficult to cap and gives the following reasons:
1.) How well the goalie well play on just simply that specific night
2.) How well both the penalty kill and power play efficiencies will be in just simply that specific night
3.) How many fortuetest (sp?) bounces of the puck will occur resulting in odd man rushes, quailty scoring chances, or wide open in front of the net LITERALLY HOW THE PUCK BOUNCES
4.) How beneficial off the stick and skate deflections will work in your favor just simply that specific night
Are you kidding me? How the puck bounces? If I followed his GOY and then he throws this garbage out as an excuse, I would be infuriated! Did he just realize all of this?
Isn't this what makes sports great?
I agree with JC that the break will be good for him. I hope he comes back a little wiser as he can be a good guy.
Well said, Vols.... but you did forget the classic excuse that the NHL is too tough to handicap. He promotes his record in a thread title, gives out a GOY and it loses. So what...everyone has GOY's that lose. Just hit the books and come back strong. But he posts that he is done capping hockey because the NHL is too difficult to cap and gives the following reasons:
1.) How well the goalie well play on just simply that specific night
2.) How well both the penalty kill and power play efficiencies will be in just simply that specific night
3.) How many fortuetest (sp?) bounces of the puck will occur resulting in odd man rushes, quailty scoring chances, or wide open in front of the net LITERALLY HOW THE PUCK BOUNCES
4.) How beneficial off the stick and skate deflections will work in your favor just simply that specific night
Are you kidding me? How the puck bounces? If I followed his GOY and then he throws this garbage out as an excuse, I would be infuriated! Did he just realize all of this?
Isn't this what makes sports great?
I agree with JC that the break will be good for him. I hope he comes back a little wiser as he can be a good guy.
I think that was the final straw there.Like I said it's always someone elses fault when he lost.If I'm correct he had like a 12-4 record before that GOY loss.