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Any mac users at bc???

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  • Any mac users at bc???

    Doing tons of research since I will be switching to MAC very SOON.

    Anyone here recently switched? I've pasted what I just posted at a MAC FORUM...YES I'm 2-TIMING the BC forum!!! I'm thinking those computer nerds know a lot more about capping than you knuckle heads!! LMAO

    I've been researching & reading many many comments regarding MACS & waited for new launch of MBP to see what makes sense...I want to switch since I'm sick & tired of issues on MS/PC side. Everyone I've talked to who has switched or is in IT say SWITCH...DONE, now it's a matter of what do I get?

    Here are some things I do now & what I may do in future & if possible maybe the input helps guide me, even though I think I know what I want, it cannot hurt to see what others think. Thx in advance for your input & questions.

    HP laptops; XP & Vista OS
    Firefox for web but it sure does crash a lot lately for me
    Lots of surfing (internet addiction, yea maybe?)...cable modem ATT
    D/L music via lime
    Copy DVDs using ripit4me; DVDshrink; DVD decrypt; nero
    Use rar to extract compressed files when needed or if d/l from net
    MS OFFICE user: Excel***, Word**, PPT** so important to have this
    Get or send or use MS docs such as the XLS, DOC, PPT so need to be able to open, save, use, amend, create...
    Taking lots of digital photos; family stuff & have lots on ext HD
    Take videos of kids sporting events so transferring to puter, utubing or creating DVDs; scouting or reviewing sports; eventually maybe doing as hobby where I create either DVDs for team or individuals
    Email: MS Outlook...cable modem...
    Have 16G iPhone so have moved into that communication mode
    iTunes...6g of music & updating weekly
    IM friends & family, yahoo msg
    Have ext 500g HD that I backup & store everything too, so that should be compatible w/ MBP correct w/ USB connection.
    NO GAMING so I don't care about that,,,

    Want to be able to tap MAC into Media Room or Plasma not sure if that makes diff or maybe later on having larger ext monitor for MBP &/or using w/ Big Screens in home.

    I believe that's it in a nutshell.

    So the ? becomes, what MAC to I get?? MBP is what I now do I do 15 or 17. What processor, ram, HD capacity, video

    Price is & isn't an issue but if I can get away with saving some $$ but having potential to make upgrades in future on some things, GOOD. Yea having the latest & greatest is 'COOL' like my iPhone but trying to be a bit more practical but I do love tech stuff & pretty quick at learning.

    Appreciate input...I'm sure I'm forgetting something but wanted to get this started...

    Oh, I have Apple store near, have talked w/ online Apple Rep...any recommendations where to buy would be great too...along w/ suggestions on stuff like apple care, good or bad?

    Cannot wait to get MAC!!!

  • #2
    Extremely happy with my new IMAC.....and so will you


    • #3
      You've made a smart choice.....I'm a longtime Mac user and it's by far the best system. It's not even close. My Mac needs to be rebooted about once a month and almost never crashes. I have no viruses and don't use Spyware, Norton or any of that stuff because it's a Mac and it's not really needed. Make sure you get Leopard OS. The best OS out there. I have Tiger but I'm switching soon.

      I think I can answer some of your questions.....

      I would get the Macbook Pro with a 15in monitor. The 17in is cumbersome if you ask me.

      When you get your MBP, and it has Leopard installed, it will come with what's called Bootcamp. Bootcamp allows you to use and switch over to a Windows machine. Because of the dual core processor in the Mac, you can have a Mac OS machine and a Windows machine all in one computer. You will need Windows or Vista to run some of the PC stuff you were talking about. It runs Windows better and faster and more reliable than any PC.

      My suggestion, if you really want to do all the things you are looking to do, is to take you laptop to the Apple store and they have what's called a Genius Bar there. They will be more than happy to show you all the cool stuff you can do with video's, photos, Iphone and all the rest. Macs are incredible at working with those type of things and doing it seamlessly.

      One thing I really like about my laptop is how intuitive it really is. It literally knows when I use bluetooth, an eithernet or cable line, or wireless. It goes directly to it and starts working automatically. I know with most PC's all that crap has to be programmed. Not with the Mac. Plug in a DSL line and your surfing the net without any hassle.

      Ext hard drives run easy and are usually plug and play. No worries....

      As far as buying one. If you are in education, or anyone you know is, they will give you a very nice discount at the Apple store or online. Usually around $200 off a laptop. And you'll get discounts on anything else you purchase.

      The Macs runs the heaviest programs flawlessly, but it never hurts to get more Ram. You machine will slow up after time and you will eventually need more Ram. Might as well get it now. I have 2 gigs on mine and it runs great.

      The Mac does well running Firefox. Just download the latest version off the internet.

      Burning DVD's or video's is easy because it has a fast DVD player installed. Along with a built in mic, and built in webcam right on your monitor screen.

      Playing anything that was created in Windows, like WMV movies, you'll need to switch over to Vista or Windows and it will play it on the Windows side of the processor or hard drive.

      Well, that's about all I can think of. You won't regret having a Mac and that Apple store will be very helpful with anything you want. Good luck. Ask any questions you want of me, or get my email addy from Spark. I'd be more than happy to help you out....

      [email protected]

      I'm just here so I won't get fined....


      • #4

        THX SO MUCH...helps tremendously. I do have an education IN.


        • #5
          Mac is so much better it's ridiculous. Can't believe I ever used a PC.


          • #6
            Bought 15", 2.4, 250GB MBP today!! In process of setting up & pulling everything needed from PC to Mac!!!

            I AM HAPPY
            FUCK YOU, FUCK ME


            • #7
              Great machine Vinny. Just ask if you need help with anything....

              [email protected]

              I'm just here so I won't get fined....


              • #8
                I use microsoft outlook a lot so if I had a mac how would I use it? And how would I use current software that I have on my PC? Like Adobe Photoshop etc?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by BettorsChat View Post
                  I use microsoft outlook a lot so if I had a mac how would I use it? And how would I use current software that I have on my PC? Like Adobe Photoshop etc?
                  Like I posted above Monte.....The new Macs come with bootcamp which allows you to switch back and forth from a Mac environment and a PC environment. It's a dual core processor which is essentially a PC and a Mac in one machine. So ALL of your PC software will run on the windows side and you can switch back to the Mac side and use ALL the cool Macs features. like Iphoto, Imovie, iDVD, itunes...etc.

                  You have to install Windows on your machine and you're a PC just like any other PC, only much more stable and faster processor than any PC machine.

                  The Macs have a version of Microsoft Outlook and it will run a PC version of it as well....It's two computer in one!

                  [email protected]

                  I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by KazDog View Post
                    Like I posted above Monte.....The new Macs come with bootcamp which allows you to switch back and forth from a Mac environment and a PC environment. It's a dual core processor which is essentially a PC and a Mac in one machine. So ALL of your PC software will run on the windows side and you can switch back to the Mac side and use ALL the cool Macs features. like Iphoto, Imovie, iDVD, itunes...etc.

                    You have to install Windows on your machine and you're a PC just like any other PC, only much more stable and faster processor than any PC machine.

                    The Macs have a version of Microsoft Outlook and it will run a PC version of it as well....It's two computer in one!


                    So you click on bootcamp and then select windows to boot into windows? If so is that like completely rebooting the computer?

                    And on the mac can you import your outlook from a regular PC onto the mac version of microsoft outlook?


                    • #11
                      The reason I would think of getting a mac sometime would be that every PC I get at some point starts bogging down and running slow. I have 2MB's of ram and dual processors. And like I said every PC i've had eventually has these problems. I defrag the drives, clean up unused files, spyware, virus scan etc.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by BettorsChat View Post
                        The reason I would think of getting a mac sometime would be that every PC I get at some point starts bogging down and running slow. I have 2MB's of ram and dual processors. And like I said every PC i've had eventually has these problems. I defrag the drives, clean up unused files, spyware, virus scan etc.
                        Originally posted by BettorsChat View Post
                        So you click on bootcamp and then select windows to boot into windows? If so is that like completely rebooting the computer?

                        And on the mac can you import your outlook from a regular PC onto the mac version of microsoft outlook?
                        I don't have bootcamp loaded on my laptop yet, allthough I may soon. But when I saw the Mac run both PC and Mac environments, it will roll over to the windows side with one click. There is no reboot. All you're basically doing is shifting from one hard drive to the other.

                        And seriously, I run photoshop, Word perfect, Photomechanic, Firefox, Safari, and my mail account, all at the same time and it runs them all open and just as fast as the day I bought and as fast as if only one program was open. It's incredibly fast and NEVER bogs down. But you do need ample ram. I have 2 gb's. That's plenty on my laptop.

                        And I'm not sure if what you have on your PC outlook will run on the Mac version. But why run it on the Mac version when you can just transfer it over to the Windows portion of your Mac and use it there?

                        I have not defragged or used any Norton or Spyware software either in the year and a half I've owned this machine. And yet it needs to be rebooted about once a month. And this is a laptop, not a desktop, which is even more faster and stable.

                        Last edited by KazDog; 10-24-2008, 02:35 AM.
                        [email protected]

                        I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                        • #13
                          I have 2GB of ram not 2MB
                          Intel Core 2 CPU 6300 @ 1.86GHZ with 2 hard drives in Raid

                          Seems the longer I own on a PC the more bogged down it gets from adding software on it.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by BettorsChat View Post
                            I have 2GB of ram not 2MB
                            Intel Core 2 CPU 6300 @ 1.86GHZ with 2 hard drives in Raid

                            Seems the longer I own on a PC the more bogged down it gets from adding software on it.
                            Right. Because the PC has never been able to handle large programs like Photoshop. All graphic designers use Macs. So the more software you add and the more files that load on your PC, you are only going to corrupt the computer at some point. Obviously virues are a concern as well. But since Macs never sold their licensing, they really have never had a virus issue. I've owned 3 and none had viruses. Macs just don't have those issues. Not to mention that Macs are so intuitive and much more easy to get in and out of the system preferences to do normal tasks. It's really just a much better design and computer. You wouldn't regret owning one and you'll wonder why you hadn't bought one long ago.

                            [email protected]

                            I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                            • #15
                              Mac sucks!!!

                              I bought a Mac in February and the hard drive crashed in May. I lost everything I had saved. Beware of the people at the Apple Store because they are big liars. This piece of shit computer was supposed to be compatible with anything. They even told me that everything should plug and play. WRONG! My Lexmark printer is not compatible along with my new sony camcorder.

