I agree with him,it is good to see all the guys come back for football.Jason18(not just because he is a vols fan)gives out some good ones and Big Jim is another.
I agree with him,it is good to see all the guys come back for football.Jason18(not just because he is a vols fan)gives out some good ones and Big Jim is another.
Jason, big jim, ham, Leroy, just a few I can name off the top off my head that I have seen recently...love this time of year...best time to be a sports fan and just welcoming everyone back...I agree the fuck baseball comment may have been a little harsh but I still think people arent here throughout bases season cause it is one of the most hardest sports to cap and win money at consistently...I know Wayne doesnt agree as there are different variables that summer has and I can side with him on that but I also believe in my opinion of the latter aswell...
I am sure I am not the only one that thinks fuck baseball after football arrives...geez....just welcoming old timers back...
It's not like they are walking into your living room chad. Many check in during the summer here and there but thanks for offering coffee and doughnuts at the door.
It's not like they are walking into your living room chad. Many check in during the summer here and there but thanks for offering coffee and doughnuts at the door.
Jason, big jim, ham, Leroy, just a few I can name off the top off my head that I have seen recently...love this time of year...best time to be a sports fan and just welcoming everyone back...I agree the fuck baseball comment may have been a little harsh but I still think people arent here throughout bases season cause it is one of the most hardest sports to cap and win money at consistently...I know Wayne doesnt agree as there are different variables that summer has and I can side with him on that but I also believe in my opinion of the latter aswell...
Chad, Hockey is the LEAST wagered on sport by people here and people in this country by a fucken landslide. Accept it, get over it and move on. You don't hear us saying fuck hockey even when we should.
It's not like they are walking into your living room chad. Many check in during the summer here and there but thanks for offering coffee and doughnuts at the door.
Chad, Hockey is the LEAST wagered on sport by people here and people in this country by a fucken landslide. Accept it, get over it and move on. You don't hear us saying fuck hockey even when we shoul.
I know...but we all can come together and ALL agree that FOOTBALL is widely loved by majority of North Americans so lets hug to that one!!!