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Sad Story

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  • Sad Story

    Didnt know if i should post this or not. But if it helps someone I think it is worth it. Last Tuesday a friend of mine commited suicide he hung himself in his basement. He was 32 I didnt even know he was depressed or anything was wrong. The funeral was last Friday I know his Mom and Dad and quiet well and they are devasted as our his brothers and one sister. All the pain he was in I missed but i did not miss all the pain his family was in. Anybody who needs help please seek help it cant be as bad as it seems. I am frustrated as i think WHY he didnt seem to have any cares guess I was wrong. In closing I really dont care to bury another friend or see a parent bury a child. I dont know how to say this but we need to look out for each other to maybe avoid another tragedy...

  • #2

    I went through it a couple of years ago ... I have had family members die of heart-attacks, cancer and what-not ... but a suicide is the worst .. it is in a class of it's own ...

    I wish this family nothing but good ...

    God Bless ....


    • #3
      Originally posted by knowlez
      Didnt know if i should post this or not. But if it helps someone I think it is worth it. Last Tuesday a friend of mine commited suicide he hung himself in his basement. He was 32 I didnt even know he was depressed or anything was wrong. The funeral was last Friday I know his Mom and Dad and quiet well and they are devasted as our his brothers and one sister. All the pain he was in I missed but i did not miss all the pain his family was in. Anybody who needs help please seek help it cant be as bad as it seems. I am frustrated as i think WHY he didnt seem to have any cares guess I was wrong. In closing I really dont care to bury another friend or see a parent bury a child. I dont know how to say this but we need to look out for each other to maybe avoid another tragedy...
      Sorry to hear that

      Did he have any health issues etc?


      • #4
        No it turns out it was over his girlfriend she left him for another dude. I wont comment on what i think of her. But he could have found another women i guess he didnt think he could.

