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Suggestion to Owner, Mods and Board

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  • Suggestion to Owner, Mods and Board

    Some on the board watch American Idol, and tonight's show, along with last years, is American Idol gives Back. For those that don't watch, it is a fundraiser of sorts for different charities in both the US and in Africa.

    We are all blessed, one way or another, and I am sure many on the board contribute to charity in their own way. Church, charities close to their hearts, volunteering of time, etc. Most of us also wager discretionary funds, suggesting we can all afford to make this idea work. So here goes:

    There are nearly 10,000 users registered to this site. Now I also realize many are no longer active or banned, but if there is a way to get 10% (1000) to donate $10, as a group we could contribute $10,000+ to this wonderful charity. The site owner can send out emails to everyone, and I would suggest getting an extremely trustworthy mod, or site vet (Kapt?), to collect the funds and make sure they are donated. A paypal account can be set up to receive the funds, and then donated as a whole.

    It's a win for everyone. I have read many a post that talks about the board being a "family", and I think this is a cause that is worthwhile and could work. The site owner can even do it with his other site/s, and use the event as some positive press. Surely with the amounts wagered every night, $10 is a reasonable request.

    Obviously some bugs would have to be worked out, but I think it can be done. White/black, Dem/rep, Left/right, Hendrick/gibbs, Sox/Yanks, who the f@#* cares.

    Any thoughts or feedback is appreciated. Obviously the mods can move this. I just wanted to post in a section that had the most eyes.

    Can Barack tell me what a "typical" white person is please?

  • #2
    I personally donated $100. Thats not much but its still something. We are VERY fortunate to live in this Country and take for granted the basics in life that are luxarys everywhere else. I challenge all of us "Gamblers" to help out with any amount. God Bless all of you guys and BOL.
    Good,Honest Handicapping. Florida Tebow 24-Oklahoma Bradford 14, Jan 09'


    • #3
      I dont know about the Kaptian he might buy a new ship to set sail with lol!!!!!!!!!!!! jk Kapt...


      • #4
        Bump for daytime
        Can Barack tell me what a "typical" white person is please?


        • #5
          Bump for disappointment.

          Can Barack tell me what a "typical" white person is please?


          • #6
            Originally posted by dakingisdead
            Bump for disappointment.

            Life is full of em buddy, get use to it
            Questions, comments, complaints:
            [email protected]


            • #7
              Bump for Paula Abdul

