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72 percent of Americans expect $4 gas this summer

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  • 72 percent of Americans expect $4 gas this summer

    Posted Jan 31st 2008 6:16PM by Sebastian Blanco
    Filed under: Etc., Green Daily, USA

    The group 40 MPG (a project of the Civil Society Institute) sends out regular surveys to gauge public perception about the future of gas prices. Last May, for example, 40 MPG and CSI found that 72 percent of Americans were expecting $3.50 gallons of gas on the way (which didn't happen). This week, the group finds a similar percentage (71) are expecting even worse prices - $4 a gallon - in summer 2008 and that 48 percent expect prices over $4 by the middle of this year. Whether or not those prices come, 40 MPG and CSI say that over half of Americans worry more about high gas prices than recession, the mortgage problems and unemployment. You can read about the details and the methodology of the study in the press release after the jump.

    The survey - which asked Americans about all sorts of energy issues - found that most people don't think the federal government is doing enough to reduce oil dependency and that where candidates stand on "gasoline prices, home heating oil prices, global warming and energy independence" will affect how people will vote in this fall's election.

  • #2
    At least

