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Two year old left at Chuck E. Cheese, family doesn't notice for 2 days

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  • Two year old left at Chuck E. Cheese, family doesn't notice for 2 days

    Posted Jan 9th 2008 4:30PM by Angie Felton
    Filed under: Family togetherness, Aunts and Uncles, 2 years, Restaurants, Weird but True, In the News

    As a parent, I've made my share of embarrassing goofs. I've forgotten it was a half-day of school, been late picking up the kids, failed to notify the tooth fairy that we needed to be added to the route.

    However, I'm positive if any of kids were missing, I'd notice within less than forty-eight hours.

    A Texas family accidentally left a two-year-old girl at Chuck E Cheese and police weren't notified she was missing until her father saw her picture in a news report two days later. According to the father, his sisters took the toddler to a birthday party at the pizza place and because the little girl frequently stayed over at her aunts houses, the father had no idea the child wasn't with relatives.

    It is scarily easy to assume someone else is watching a kid and have them assume YOU are. We're always freakishly listy when it comes to the boys, checking and double checking out loud who is picking up this one and dropping off the other and where the rest will be.

    I bet this family is from now on too.

  • #2
    how do you not know ??? even if the child is with relatives, how is it that you don't call just to check on them everyday. my daughter is 22 and married and we talk everyday. when she was a child i knew where she was and who she was with at all times and even at sleepovers, i would call to make sure every thing was ok,
    i just don't get it
    jc Wishes He Can Get A Goat


    • #3
      They must be fruticakes

