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sparks day at the retirement nudiest camp

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  • sparks day at the retirement nudiest camp

    Spark went in to the office of the nudiest camp............and ask many ?s of things to do at the nudiest camp..........and plus on how he could become a member there..........the lady told him it was easy u go to our doctor he will examine u aka lovedoc................after his evaulation we will give u futher notice.......................a few days goes by and Spark gets his phone call back from the nudiest colony..........he falls down with excitement and hurrys up and gets dressed to get futher details.............................he arrives at the office and he is pleased that he pass his examine with no dieases........then the lady says we need a fee up front and a monthlyy fee if u plan on staying Spark is thrilled to death the price was right and this is what he was wanting for yrs.................all papers are signed and Spark is out the door being a free man....................Spark is walking in the beautifull garden and see this fresh young lady ................Spark continues to walk and lets out this big old nasty fart.....................he is embarressed and hopes the lady didnt hear him....................she looks at spark and says did u call me.................spark is red face no maam i didnt...........she says u did call me...........and sparks says again no maam i the lady says to him when u fart that means u r calling me for sex..............spark instantly gets a hard on that reaches the sky.................he and the young lady have sex like they both havent had before.............................spark is worn out from all this excitement and goes to sleep....................he wakes up emails his friends and tells them of this great place and how things were going..............................spark goes out of his den and i walking around and he farts again...................a younger man then him says did u call me sir and spark says no.................not thinking of what happened yesterday.........he said sir u called me...................spark thought for a second and said hell no i didnt............spark went back to the office and said to the lady that signed him up

    spark face is red as the devil.....listen here i get a hardon once a yr and i fart 50 times a day no way in hell can i stay here with all these queers

    rjeremy for my accounts manager/i love how he keeps numbers

  • #2
    Are you on vacation this week. I havent seen this much of you on here in months
    Questions, comments, complaints:
    [email protected]


    • #3
      kids seasons slowing down baseball season u will never see me
      rjeremy for my accounts manager/i love how he keeps numbers


      • #4
        "Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
        is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"


        • #5
          Originally posted by jmarty6969
          kids seasons slowing down baseball season u will never see me

          Oh ok. My sons season just ended in baseball. But now its basketball time for him
          Questions, comments, complaints:
          [email protected]


          • #6

            What a goof!!!


            • #7
              Originally posted by Spark

              What a goof!!!

              dimer has nothening to saydamn
              rjeremy for my accounts manager/i love how he keeps numbers

