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Rook Is Going to Be Okay!!!

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  • Rook Is Going to Be Okay!!!

    Join Date: Dec 2004
    Location: Fort Lauderdale
    Posts: 7,416


    Something very similar happened to Rook at the country buffett. He couldn't reach the meatballs and got on a chair which was wobbly. He then fell over and hit his head on the chicken wing warmer. His already bulging Midget forehead swelled to enormous proportions. Everyone was holding their breath waiting to see if he could move one of those 22" legs.....There was a Kentucky doctor there who checked him and no response as his forehead kept swelling. He then said that he heard if he injected a solution into his spine immediately it would lessen the swelling. Problem was the doc from Kentucky thought it was GRavy and pumped poor Rook full of fact ROOK blew clean out of his clothes!!..The poor bastard went from 156 pounds to 300 pounds.....but he was able to walk again. (naked of course) Unfortunately his protruding forehead has not gone down, but the good news is he does not need to wear a ball cap since the protrusion acts like a sun visor. Thank God for backwoods medicine....

    Glad to still have you with us ROOK!!!! I love you
    Last edited by TwoTonTony; 09-11-2007, 10:34 PM.

  • #2
    Originally posted by TwoTonTony
    Join Date: Dec 2004
    Location: Fort Lauderdale
    Posts: 7,416


    Something very similar happened to Rook at the country buffett. He couldn't reach the meatballs and got on a chair which was wobbly. He then fell over and hit his head on the chicken wing warmer. His already bulging Midget forehead swelled to enormous proportions. Everyone was holding their breath waiting to see if he could move one of those 22" legs.....There was a Kentucky doctor there who checked him and no response as his forehead kept swelling. He then said that he heard if he injected a solution into his spine immediately it would lessen the swelling. Problem was the doc from Kentucky thought it was GRavy and pumped poor Rook full of gravy.......The poor bastard went from 156 pounds to 300 pounds.....but he was able to walk again. Unfortunately his protruding forehead has not gone down, but the good news is he does not need to wear a ball cap since the protrusion acts like a sun visor. Thank God for backwoods medicine....

    Glad to still have you with us ROOK!!!! I love you


    • #3
      jc Wishes He Can Get A Goat


      • #4

        SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!


        • #5
          Poor Rook and his protruding forehead
          Questions, comments, complaints:
          [email protected]


          • #6
            i can still curl toes


            • #7
              Originally posted by TheRook
              i can still curl toes
              Rook......i know you can buddy.....i know you can.......

              All i can say is thank goodness that Dr. Jed Klampett was at the country buffett... I am just so happy you are alive.....I know people will point and poke you with sharp objects because of the balloon like forehead......but it is because they do not know any better......

              When i saw those little 22" legs flinch and twitch it brought a tear to my eye.....You are an inspiration to normal people as well as midgets worldwide.....Remember Rook you are not an animal and a sideshow freak.....You are the man!!

              i love you


              • #8
                Originally posted by TwoTonTony
                Rook......i know you can buddy.....i know you can.......

                All i can say is thank goodness that Dr. Jed Klampett was at the country buffett... I am just so happy you are alive.....I know people will point and poke you with sharp objects because of the balloon like forehead......but it is because they do not know any better......

                When i saw those little 22" legs flinch and twitch it brought a tear to my eye.....You are an inspiration to normal people as well as midgets worldwide.....Remember Rook you are not an animal and a sideshow freak.....You are the man!!

                i love you

                I will not lie....this is a burden, but it's a burden that I'm willing to carry for all the little people in the world.

                God bless you Tony for recognizing us and motiviating us lil ones to just be normal.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by TheRook
                  I will not lie....this is a burden, but it's a burden that I'm willing to carry for all the little people in the world.

                  God bless you Tony for recognizing us and motiviating us lil ones to just be normal.
                  What an attitude folks.....unbelieveable....the strength and courage Rook displays day in and day out is inspirational.....

                  I know the pain he is going through. I heard from his doctors this week he keeps falling over forewards. They say the weight from his forehead and stomach keep pulling him over. The police have found him face down in a puddle this week twice alone.

                  The doctors are working on an experimental surgery to intall a counterweight in his back (like a crane) so the poor little guy does not plop over anymore. While he is under they are going to try to take a belt sander to that forehead and knock it down 3 or 4 inches. It should be a nice surprise when he wakes up.

                  Good luck Rook.....and you are "normal".....


                  • #10

                    I know the pain he is going through. I heard from his doctors this week he keeps falling over forewards. They say the weight from his forehead and stomach keep pulling him over. The police have found him face down in a puddle this week twice alone.[QUOTE]



                    • #11

                      I know the pain he is going through. I heard from his doctors this week he keeps falling over forewards. They say the weight from his forehead and stomach keep pulling him over. The police have found him face down in a puddle this week twice alone.

                      Nice sign rook. goodluck to your cubs!The cardinals are rolling over for your guys nicely.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by TwoTonTony

                        I know the pain he is going through. I heard from his doctors this week he keeps falling over forewards. They say the weight from his forehead and stomach keep pulling him over. The police have found him face down in a puddle this week twice alone.

                        Nice sign rook. goodluck to your cubs!The cardinals are rolling over for your guys nicely.

                        it's starting to look positive.....

                        what do you think about Guillens' extention?

