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Urgent Please Read/respond - Old People Version 2

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  • Urgent Please Read/respond - Old People Version 2

    Sponsored by Spark

    4 IMPORTANT questions I got:

    1. Can anyone tell me where to contact Dogs the Bounty Hunters wife???

    2. Can someone tell me what does Meg do for a job??

    3. Can someone tell me why these young whippersnappers have the time to talk fantasy baseball and nascar all day???

    4. Can someone tell me where I left my teeth and who is going to change my depends??

    2012 - 2013 NCAAF

    21 - 20 - 0

    2012 - 2013 NFL

    14 - 10 - 1

  • #2
    This is great Bill
    Questions, comments, complaints:
    [email protected]


    • #3
      Originally posted by BillMill71
      Sponsored by Spark

      4 IMPORTANT questions I got:

      1. Can anyone tell me where to contact Dogs the Bounty Hunters wife???

      2. Can someone tell me what does Meg do for a job??

      3. Can someone tell me why these young whippersnappers have the time to talk fantasy baseball and nascar all day???

      4. Can someone tell me where I left my teeth and who is going to change my depends??


      1) I do not like that fat bitch

      2) Your joking .. I just saw her there today

      3) Because they are boring farts

      4) I have all 32 of my own teeth thank you ... hahaha


      • #4
        "A" for effort .... hope it flies , whippersnapper !


        • #5
          BUMP cause Dimer hadnt seen this
          Questions, comments, complaints:
          [email protected]


          • #6
            good morning guys


            • #7
              Morning Nex and Spark.

              Spark did you know that there are only two type of medal that take on different color properties. One is copper, the other bronze, and all other medals are just shades of grey. Amazing huh?
              2012 - 2013 NCAAF

              21 - 20 - 0

              2012 - 2013 NFL

              14 - 10 - 1


              • #8
                Shuffleboard history:

                The full history of Shuffleboard as a game is not known. Though we have some knowledge of its development, its actual origins, the place and date where it was first played, remains a mystery. Inevitably, this uncertainty gives rise to some debate, even disagreement, about which country can claim to have invented it. However there is no dispute concerning its age as a form of popular amusement. It is a very old game indeed, and in Europe has a history that goes back at least 500 years.

                The earliest English name given to it is 'shovillaborde'. Played by Henry VIII. who apparently did not always win because the record of royal expenses for 1532 show a payment from the Privy Purse of nine pounds, 'Paied to my lord Wylliam for that he wanne of the kinges grace at shovillaborde'.


                • #9
                  How to play domino's:

                  * STEP 1: Count that there are 28 dominoes, from double blank to double six.
                  * STEP 2: Place them facedown on the table and shuffle them until they're random.
                  * STEP 3: Allow your opponent to take seven dominoes, and take seven for yourself.
                  * STEP 4: Allow the player with the highest double to go first.
                  * STEP 5: Lay a domino with like value next to the first domino (it doesn't matter which end). Make sure like values are always touching.
                  * STEP 6: Pick from the pile if you don't have a domino that corresponds to the ones on the layout. Keep those dominoes concealed from your opponent(s).
                  * STEP 7: Pass if no more dominoes are left in the pile.
                  * STEP 8: Win the session if you're the first person to run out of dominoes.
                  * STEP 9: End the session if everybody passes, in which case the winner is the person with the lowest score.
                  * STEP 10: Count your score by the number of dots on the tiles remaining in your hand.
                  * STEP 11: End the game if someone reaches 50 points in a game with two players or 100 points with three or more players. The lowest score wins.


                  • #10

                    Last edited by Ldawg; 05-10-2007, 11:36 AM.


                    • #11
                      This thread is a complete sham and mockery

